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"Touching" plugs makes them fall out


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I once or twice "rubbed" a plug just because I "had to make sure they were up there" and after that I looked in the sink and I saw a plug (3 set ,i.e. 3 hairs in once plug) laying in the sink. Attached to the bottom of it was a "dry scab" type of "skin" colored residue covering its entire base. Can it be the full plug or just the shaft? What does it sound to you?

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I once or twice "rubbed" a plug just because I "had to make sure they were up there" and after that I looked in the sink and I saw a plug (3 set ,i.e. 3 hairs in once plug) laying in the sink. Attached to the bottom of it was a "dry scab" type of "skin" colored residue covering its entire base. Can it be the full plug or just the shaft? What does it sound to you?

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WHen was your HT? They are Not called plugs, they are Folicule units. Plugs are 4-10 hair units which you should not have.


to answer your question is simply no. After 24hours thjose new hairs are not going anywere. If you simply rub, what will happen is that the crust or scab with OR without that hair will fall out. The folicule is alive underneith and will not come out. This is what is suppose to happen. in two weeks you will notice all of them doing this. The folicule is fine, but the new hair is dead and will be shed preparing the folicule for a new one in about four months or so. In the mean time the folucile will be in the sleep mode.


those scab/crust all will be shed with or without the hair attached. It really does not matter if there is hair there or not. That hair will fall out with in weeks to br replaced by the new plus later. It all will be shed.Those that have had a messag sessions will notice this crusts rain down about two weeks later. ALso the skin around might also shed off...





my results



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If it seems like a "grain of rice" it's possible taht those grafts didn't take. Supposedly 2 out of every thousand grafts might be lost, according to one doctor who uses FUs (Bernstein). It's possible the grafts never really "took", but they remained in your head until now, even though they had dried out (sorry for that image).


If it is smaller than a grain of rice and just seems like a thick hair, it may be the typical shedding that happens post surgery... the hair going into dormant phase.


If you think it wa the first case, tell your doctor. He should know some of his grafts are not surviving, which is not the end of the world if it is only two grafts, but tell him anyway. Ideally you want all the grafts to grow.


Let him know you had a problem... what the doctor does with that info is up to him. If he's smart, he'll spend a little more time double-checking graft placement.

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