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Am I balding? Very confused


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Ok heres my genetic background:


I just turned 21.


Mothers father has hair, her grandfather had full head of hair till 90.


My dad has a full head of hair and his dad did as far as i know until he died.


My uncle on my moms side has a full head of hair but SLIGHTLY receding, he is 40.




Now on to what I am noticing.


I took a mirror to the top of my head and noticed that it seems like its thinning. I will try to post pics later. Basically starting at the hair whorl and going forward in sort of a half moon shape it seems like the hair is thinning, most noticable under direct light. It is most noticeable when I wake up in the morning as their is pain in the follicles seeming to be from how I slept and a cowlick seems to form.


It seems like the hair is thinner up there but after I take a shower and look in the mirror all the hair on my head seems to be of equal thinness (i got my hair cut pretty short almost a month ago). So the "thinning" area on the top of my head only seems visible under direct light, but unless wet, seems slightly thinner than the rest of my hair.


I have not noticed any hairs on my pillow or in the shower and the front doesnt really seem to be receding (though hard to tell since I have blonde highlights).


I will try to post pics later but any suggestions? Could this just be the way my hair is cut or cowlicks up since I started noticing in just this last month? Could it be the shampoo I am using or something other than MPB? The main reason I am confused is I dont notice any hair on my pillows or elsewhere.


PS I get my hair cut in a "ceaser" pattern with higlights on top (basically hair on top is cut to different lengths to add texture, is it possible she just went too scissor happy in the back?



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Ok heres my genetic background:


I just turned 21.


Mothers father has hair, her grandfather had full head of hair till 90.


My dad has a full head of hair and his dad did as far as i know until he died.


My uncle on my moms side has a full head of hair but SLIGHTLY receding, he is 40.




Now on to what I am noticing.


I took a mirror to the top of my head and noticed that it seems like its thinning. I will try to post pics later. Basically starting at the hair whorl and going forward in sort of a half moon shape it seems like the hair is thinning, most noticable under direct light. It is most noticeable when I wake up in the morning as their is pain in the follicles seeming to be from how I slept and a cowlick seems to form.


It seems like the hair is thinner up there but after I take a shower and look in the mirror all the hair on my head seems to be of equal thinness (i got my hair cut pretty short almost a month ago). So the "thinning" area on the top of my head only seems visible under direct light, but unless wet, seems slightly thinner than the rest of my hair.


I have not noticed any hairs on my pillow or in the shower and the front doesnt really seem to be receding (though hard to tell since I have blonde highlights).


I will try to post pics later but any suggestions? Could this just be the way my hair is cut or cowlicks up since I started noticing in just this last month? Could it be the shampoo I am using or something other than MPB? The main reason I am confused is I dont notice any hair on my pillows or elsewhere.


PS I get my hair cut in a "ceaser" pattern with higlights on top (basically hair on top is cut to different lengths to add texture, is it possible she just went too scissor happy in the back?



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  • Senior Member

If you are thinning, you should be seeing some hairs in the bottom of your shower that have fallen out. At least that was my experience.


Mine started with a "diffuse" thinning pattern, where it basically thinned all over at the same time. It started around 21 yrs. but wasn't noticeable to most other people around age 24. Sure, I had the occasional person comment on it but a lot of people didn't notice until then. Once in college, I went on a fraternity trip to a place with an indoor pool and everyone noticed how thin it was while wet.


Keep an eye on that, and if you see that evidence I'd get on Rogaine and Proscar immeidiately to start fighting it.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member

Yeah, I second looking into the meds once you have confirmed that you're dealing with MPB.


Based on those photos, I think you may be experiencing some early crown loss.


It looks kind of diffuse in the wet pic. But, photos of wet hair can be confusing; they can expose thinner areas but can also make you overreact. Everyone has cowlicks/parts/naturally less dense areas on the head, so just because you see some scalp doesn't neccesarily (sp) mean that you're going to lose all of the hair there. So, you could be thinning in one area, but wetting your hair might exacerbate the experience of looking in the mirror.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

If not stress effects, then start on the meds then evaluate about 4 months after starting. You should start to see a slowdown of HL.




Propeica/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Zinc/Saw Palmetto

Nioxin Shampoo line

Zrii 3 oz daily

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