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Best HT Dr in India


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Hi all,

I am new on this site....This is my first post.

I want to Get hair restoration in india as i live in india.

I want to know which is the best techique or method FUE, FUT or any other. I want to get 3500 to 4000 grafts.

I searched this site for good indian Dr and the review of patients..some are good and some are worse.


I heard a lot abt Dr Mahadevia ...how is he ?


any others good Dr's in delhi or near by..


jagdish, kg007, gorpy..and Mr Pat .and all other old members please help me out.


If I consult with any Dr what questions should I

ask him? to have a good idea abt the Dr.


I will be going for hair restoration very soon

so please reply me back soon.


thanks in advance to all the members

Best regards..


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From the tone of your language, you seemed to be in quiet a hurry. You know it takes normally form few months to several months to even an year or more for one to narrow down to a good Dr, so i would first advice you to slow down your pace and do not rush in to things. Getting HT is not like hurriedly walking into a supermarket and buying your favorite candy and walking away with a smile on your face, confident of its content. It takes time and effort to find one and you can always buy candies whenever you want, which is not the case with HT...



If you have made up your mind to get your HT in India then this forum, as if now, will not come to be a great help to you for finding a good surgeon because of the fact that up till date, no Indian hair transplant surgeon is recommended on this forum but that doesn't mean that there are no good surgeon in India. They are there, they just need to be located and sooner or later, this forum will have an Indian surgeon in its recommendation list. So even if you might have hear positive about some and negative about other Indian surgeons, the information you might get here can not be verified for its accuracy unless and until that doc is also on the recommendation list.



About FUE and FUT, well it is hard to explain as i am no expert. Although i will give you the brief of both but i will definitely suggest you to actively follow threads especially that of Bill. FUE is follicular unit extraction and is a method of extracting hair follicles from your scalp. FUT is follicular unit transplantation and is used to transplant hair unit in your scalp. FUT is still in its nascent stage and the results obtained through FUT are not certain to deliver results, that is to say that only fraction of the amount of the hairs grafted through FUT actually grows up. There is other more popular and more common method that is more certain and that is used by most surgeons around the globe to extract hair follicles called STRIP method, in which a strip of hairs is removed form the back of your hair [donor area] and is then broken in to hair follicles [Follicular Units] which are then transplanted to the recipient area using FUT method of transplanting. I hope this help...


This forum is for discussing your hair problems and surgery so one should not worry about taking any doc's name in the discussion even if they are from Delhi or from any other place for that matter...Just one question !! How did you came up with an estimation that you require 3500 to 4000 grafts ??..

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Sonu, Do yourself a favour and do NOT get a hair transplant done in India. Most of the surgeons in India are not capable of sucessful hair transplantation, they are just looking to rip off people. Wait for a few years and start saving up money. Once you have enough, you can fly either to the US or Canada and have a hair transplant done with some of the top doctors in the world like Feller,H&W, Rahal, Shapiro. Do not let any Indian doctor touch your head or you will regret it later.

As for Dr Mahadevia, he is no better than others, look at his before and after pictures and compare it with the doctors mentioned above. So wait a while and do your research. This is a life changing decision , do not rush into it.

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I don't completely agree with hair_care's point of view. Painting all the Indian hair transplant surgeon in the color of incapability is like looking at only violet color of the entire spectrum. I think that Indian surgeons could be as good as their western counterparts. just that we don't have any surgeon form India on the recommendation list of this forum means that all surgeon are incapable is not a broad view of seeing things...


I think two of the surgeons namely Dr. Mohamed Hamayun of Pakistan and Dr Pathomvanich of Thailand has proved that excellence is not bound by geographical boundaries....

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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You are correct. There may very well be quality physicians in India that we haven't found yet. I'm still working on learning more about a couple of them and still waiting for a few to send me photos for review.


Those recommended on this site are not necessarily a definitive list of all excellent hair transplant doctors. However, we believe all surgeons recommended by this community are doing excellent high quality follicular unit hair transplantation based on our selection standards.


As always, we encourage you to do your due diligence in evaluating these and all hair loss physicians.


Best wishes,



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Hi all,

thanks for your advice, I will keep that in mind and wont hurry into anything without proper investigation.

Thanks javy for your information and suggestion.


I contacted Dr Mahadevia... send him some of my picture to analyze. and requested some post-op pics of patients.

I will attach these pics in here ...

the hair line seems good ...but the graft seems too far... what do you all think...


mysnaps before HT



Dr Mahadevia's patients


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I already created two album one of my self and the other of dr mahadevia patent.


this is what dr mahadevia replied to me


Dear mr.*******


Thanks for your interest.

The Pattern Hair Loss affects only front & central area of your scalp. Genetically your hair in this area is Hormones sensitive. These hairs become thin in diameter and can not grow long and eventually the hormone kills this hair in a particular pattern (Shape). The hair on the back and the side are genetically strong hair and live permanently as you might have observed by now. We use the roots (Follicles/ follicular units) of this permanent hair and graft them in the front where you have lost your hair.

As long as your hair root is alive medicines like Minoxidil (Rogaine/ Mintop) and Finasteride (Propecia/ Finpecia) can help to improve the quality of thinned out hair and prevent the progress of the Baldness. But in the place where your hair roots are dead no medicine can not grow new hair. The only answer to grow hair in that area is to have Hair Transplant.


The Follicular Hair Transplant that I offer can help you change your look. It grows natural looking, permanently growing maintenance free hair that grow long and does not grow thin under the effect of Hormones. You can cut, colour and style the hair that does not require special care.

Hair Transplant is a day procedure and it is done under Local Anaesthesia (Only Numb the skin) while you are conscious and communicating through out the procedure. Not only that there is no hassle of Hospitalization or bandages etc. It is done as an outdoor procedure, in very comfortable setting. In a usual ???strip method??? follicles are separated after strip is harvested from your donor site (from the back of your head). The donor area is closed by an absorbable stitch and the follicles are individually transplanted in the area of hair loss. It takes a week to 10 days for the stitch and the scabs to get clear. Except for some tightness in the donor site & swelling and scabs for first few days procedure is very safe. You may avoid tobacco in any form and exercise for a week but there are no dietary restrictions. Hair wash is possible from next day. The Transplanted hairs start growing usually by 3-6 months. The hair become combable by 8-10 months and the full blown result should be expected by about one to one and a half year.

There are basically 2 methods of Hair Transplant: (1. Strip Method and 2. FUE- stitch less method) both are surgeries:

In a usual "strip method" follicles are separated after strip is harvested from your donor site (from the back of your head). The donor area is closed by an absorbable stitch and the follicles are individually transplanted in the area of hair loss. It takes a week to 10 days for the stitch and the scabs to get clear. Except for some tightness or discomfort (>95 % patients do not complain of pain) in the donor site & swelling and scabs for first few days procedure is very safe. This will leave a linear scar in the donor area. If you keep your hair in the donor area of more than 1/2 inch the mark of the stitch is not visible (especially if you have Trichophytic closure). But if you go for buzz cut or full head shaving the mark of the stitch will be visible.

Trichophytic Closure of Donor site where you can grow hairs though your donor scars. This method is by far the most efficient method of hair transplant because it can deliver better quality grafts, dissected under magnified vision in a shorter time at a lesser cost. The regrowth rate is over 95%. The cost is Rs. ******per graft.


2nd method which is more modern is "the stitch less procedure" (FUE- Follicular Unit Extraction). This does not involve removal of strip or stitches. The Grafts are individually extracted from the scalp. This although a lengthy procedure has faster healing in only 4-5 days usually and is practically discomfort free postoperatively. This being stitch less does not leave any linear scar in the donor area and therefore allows more modern short hair style. These are its advantages over the conventional strip method. It a complete myth that FUE does not leave scar or is a scar less procedure. It only leaves no linear scar. But on complete shaving of head there are multiple punctuate scars are visible and the overall scarring is more than that of strip method. The strip method has better quality of grafts compared to FUE and therefore survival rate of the grafts will be 95% whereas that of FUE is 80 to 90%. FUE due to its nature and advantages cost more. The cost is Rs. ******per graft.

As commonly believed FUE is stitch less method but it is certainly not a scar less method. Well for your information the accumulated scarring of the FUE is more than the linear scar of strip method (FUT). Scars are visible in both methods if the head is completely shaved.

The strip method is the method where grafts are cut under magnified vision therefore graft quality is much superior to the blind extraction for the grafts in FUE.

The regrowth rate therefore in Strip method is 95% + where as in case of FUE it may be 80% +

Although the donor healing in FUE is 3-5 days earlier than that of strip method in case of the recipient healing is the same period.

For large number of grafts (say over 1500 grafts); in Strip method you need anaesthetic pain only once where as in FUE you have to have that of 2 -3 consecutive days. In FUE you have to sleep in uncomfortable position for long hours for some times 6-8 hours daily for 2-3 days.

The cost of the procedure depends on the number of hair roots (grafts/ Follicles / Follicular Unit) required for you it costs Rs.*********. per graft for the Strip Method and Rs********per graft for the FUE method. I have viewed your photos. You need at least 1800 grafts for the front correction. The thinning midscalp and crown can be improved by medications only.

The above cost of surgery includes surgeon's fee, assistant's fee, operation theatre charges, operation theatre anaesthetic medicine and disposables. There are no taxes charged on the above cost. You have to spend about ****more rupees towards the routine preoperative blood tests (they include CBC< Blood Sugar Urea, Habs Ag, HIV, PT and APTT) and **** rupees for the Postprocedure care kit that we provide.

Payment options: Cash/credit card( +2.5% service charge)// western union/paypal.com( +3% service charge)//bank to bank transfer

I now also offer something that is latest what is called "Trichophytic Closure" of Donor site. The usual method of donor area stitches leave a linear scar that does not grow hair but the "Trichophytic method" grows the hair through that scar. This has the advantage that the scar remains invisible even with short donor area hair ( even by about half inch length). This procedure additionally costs INR ******* this is only if you chose to go for it. It is not the part of the routine procedure.

Do not hesitate to ask further if you have any more questions.


Dr. Bishan Mahadevia



i think he knows what he is talking about .

he says i need 1800 grafts please view album posted by me & what do you think i need 1800 grafts or more.

he was talking about to have Trichophytic closure, what do all think is it fine.



thanks all of you for your help

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In my first post i said FUT is in nascent stage which is incorrect. I misplaced FUT for FUE...




I don't want to be cynical but knowing and doing are two different things. I would suggest you to talk to at least 4-5 patients of his before even considering him as one of your possible option...

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Hey Sonu69,

like Javy pointed out you will not get any help here about docs in India. I think their are a couple good docs in India though and if you check hairsite.com and look around you can judge for yourself. Hope it works out.

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