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My wife has been getting Botox for the past couple of years, she's 45. It's great stuff while it lasts; which for her is only about 4 months. She pays $600 for her forehead, around and between the eye area. She is addicted now.

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  • 1 year later...
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I have a VERY expressive face, which people like, and it's funny, and blah blah blah but DAMN I'm going to be one wrinkled old man! I've been thinking about it for right between my brows.


Can you still MOVE afterward? lol Do you look stiff and weird or are you very comfortable with the FEELING, not just the look.


I'd love to know. 'Coz I kinda think I might be headed that way, but I'm SO SHY about mentioning it to anyone. Ya know?

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  • 6 months later...
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We offer botox to our patients, and find that men particularly benefit from relaxing the frown wrinkles between the eyebrows. We generally charge $350.00 for this and have a tremendous satisfaction rate. I personally have been treating my own frown with botox for 13 years.


William Lindsey www.lindseymedical.com

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Does anybody know HOW the Botox injections should be done (how many units/where on head)? I am interested in trying this, but my local derm is a little baffled. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have a copy of the patent, but personal experiences would be much more valuable. My scalp muscles have become hyper-sensitive to stress and I believe that this has led to loss. The chance of any regrowth aside, I would kill to have the tension in my scalp relieved. Thank you

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never heard of it.. apart from the botox and restylene making the skin appear younger is it better for the skin.. ie in 6 months when the effects wear off will my skin be a bit worse off than if id never used it?

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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There are different techniques to inject the forehead which depend on how big a forehead you have, how active the muscles are, how much extension laterally and vertically you have. The units will also depend on whether you are looking for total resolution or subtle improvement. Everything is customized to the patient. The number of units can range anywhere from 4 to 2o units. The more units, the longer the result and more likely to get rid of more of the lines. Cost per unit ranges anywhere from 10-20 per unit. We charge $15 per unit. You can also check the website at www.allergen.com for the docs that do alot of injections. Good luck

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Dr. Mejia is there any long term side effects? will my skin suffer in the long run if i start botox and then decide to stop a year or 2 down the line??

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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Botox, when used properly, is extremely safe. Pregnant women and people with neurological conditions should not be treated. There is a learning curve in using it, so the key is to pick an experienced practioner.


William Lindsey MD Reston Va

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks for the input. I went to the most well-known dermatologist in the area. His practice is quite large and he does Botox regularly. He gave me 100 units which treated a large area of my scalp and forehead. He had never done or heard of Botox for hair loss, but was willing to give it a shot.

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