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Hi guys took propecia for 6 months but then quit, after i shaved my head when i got off it for a bout a month it was considerably worse. So now guys since im only 19 and propecia statisically works for the young guys such as myself, im taking pictures of day 1 on propecia and then following them up with 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month photos. This way you all can honestly see from a NON-merchant, non-biased, completely and utterly true pictures from a 19 year old pothead who is trying to keep his hair lol. take it easy i thought itd be intresting becasue all the propecia pics that i see that are succesful come straight out of Mercks asshole.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Are you saying that Propecia seemed to stabilize your hair loss for 6 months but after a month of nonuse your hair is considerably worse?


You do realize that Propecia should be given at least 1 year in order to determine whether it is working for you?


Additionally, Propecia is a commitment. If you stop the medication you will lose all benefit. Losing a lot of hair in one month after stopping Propecia would be expected if it was working for you for those 6 months to at least stabilize your hair loss.


Maybe I misunderstood you.


Best wishes,



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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Bill:



Are you saying that Propecia seemed to stabilize your hair loss for 6 months but after a month of nonuse your hair is considerably worse?



yes that is what i am saying Bill. I will be updating with pre-med pictures, on the 13th i will have been on propecia 2 months, and rogaine foam 1month. will update with all pics on march 13th and every month

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Quick question, as I get prepared to post my 2month-propecia

1month-minox results how do I go about setting up one of those slideshow pictures things?

ps first update coming on March 12th

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by its752:

Jupiter, Now that's a big help to everyone that your making the effort on your own to document your progress and helping the rest of us!!!!! Very admirable!!!!!!


And yeah thats the entire purpose of what im doing...well...that and the fact I want to see if these meds even work at all.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • 3 months later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Dwayne95:

I went through a few of your photos, I'm not noticing much of a difference... and I can't really see thinning hair. It all looks pretty normal and similar to me.


LOL look at my first picture, you don't see any thinning in that?

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • 3 months later...
  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Jupiter:

Hi guys took propecia for 6 months but then quit, after i shaved my head when i got off it for a bout a month it was considerably worse. So now guys since im only 19 and propecia statisically works for the young guys such as myself, im taking pictures of day 1 on propecia and then following them up with 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month photos. This way you all can honestly see from a NON-merchant, non-biased, completely and utterly true pictures from a 19 year old pothead who is trying to keep his hair lol. take it easy i thought itd be intresting becasue all the propecia pics that i see that are succesful come straight out of Mercks asshole.


Jupiter: Can you please tell us exactly where you apply the minoxidil and what kind you use? I understand the crown has thickened up nicely but has the minox caused the front to thicken up? Are you only applying the minox on the temples and crown. Thanks!-Tim

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  • 5 months later...
  • Senior Member


what happened man?

it just stopped working for you all of a sudden?

in the pictures you had some nice improvements!


if you don't mind will you let us know how the journey ended and what led up to it.



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  • Senior Member
Propecia does have a 12 month money back guarantee if you see no results.


I don't think that makes Jupiter feel any better Dr. Mejia.




Get back on finasteride. It's the only advice I can give you. At the very least, it is slowing down the MPB process.

take care...



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  • 1 month later...

What about hyperandrogenicity? In this case wouldnt getting on fin make it so your hair fell out at a more rapid pace? Jupiter... I believe I had the same problem, my hair was looking great for awhile and then at about 7-10 months out of nowhere my hair turned to crap. Do people here think this is a "shed" and it will grow back? My crown has never been thin, and now it is thin, I was using propecia for a receding hairline and to maintain and make my hair thicker all around. What does everyone think?

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