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Guest Landen

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On another hairloss site, posters are removed/banned if they disagree with the agenda of other posters that promote one of the advertisers. How corrupt.

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On another hairloss site, posters are removed/banned if they disagree with the agenda of other posters that promote one of the advertisers. How corrupt.

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  • Regular Member

I know what u r talking about man.

U sing hallelujhas for the advertisers or u r shmuck and need being kicked off.

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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It is getting ridiculous to the point that there are a gang of patients from one of the advertisers that "run" the site, in my opinion. The moderator backs this group and appears to be so paranoid about his advertising dollars that he chooses sides and bans people, also in my opinion. If you say one thing remotely negative about a particular clinic, you are banned and labeled a trouble maker for "starting fights." How ridiculous!


I thought these forums were supposed to be for the patients and open discussion with different views and opinions.

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Just a quick note,


We have become more leniant in the forum rules concerning posting links. As long as the link is not promotional in intent (meaning you can't link to your own website trying to sell something or link to one of those "sign up for an offer and recieve an Ipod" deals).


As for other forums, there is no reason to be "hush-hush." We all know that they exist and some prefer some forums over others. I think that there is some good points on all of them and some things on others that I would change if I had the chance.


That brings me to my next point: I am always open to suggestions, comments, and questions about the Hair Restoration Network forums. These can be PM'ed to me, written in a post (please keep it in an appropriate forum), or emailed to me directly.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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When the moderator of a forum has a strong bias it does not benefit the readers of the forum. That is why I enjoy reading this one. This forum is not quite as busy but the information is better. Techinical questions are handled without all of the arguments, bias and cheering for a particular doctor. Other sites are consumed with pushing a particular clinic. These patients receive one transplant from their clinic and think that they are experts in the field of hair restoration. Then bad information is passed along to newbies on the forum. Forum posters should not be quoting graft counts to newbie posters based on a few photos. A hair transplant is serious surgery and bad information leads to bad decision making.


Robert, you do a fantastic job as moderator. You are mature, fair, and actually add balance to this site. Posters on this site can properly express their views without the worry of not going along with the moderator and being kicked off. These guys are seen as a trouble maker just because they do not agree with the methods of an advertiser. A moderator that chooses sides in an argument creates a volatile, paranoid forum that is no longer enjoyable to read. To moderate is to not choose sides and have bias. Continue your good work here and I will continue to read like I have been for the last 3 years.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Landen:

A moderator that chooses sides in an argument creates a volatile, paranoid forum that is no longer enjoyable to read. To moderate is to not choose sides and have bias.

I second that.

I think some moderators forget that they are moderator and end up creating and supporting a hoodlum force of posters with a particular agenda.


There are some good things in all forums and some bad ones.

I hope this forum retains and magnifies its good qualities.


Since its alright, the other forums are

hairlosshelp (the one I find too agenda filled and dictatorial),

hairsite, hairlosstalk and (if u know german) alopezie.de

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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  • Senior Member

I agree. Robert does excellent work here and this site is a valuable forum for individuals looking for help on issues that are very troubling to them.


Honest, forthright, generous and concerned individuals like Robert are exceedingly rare in this world.This site is very fortunate to have someone of his caliber and character managing things.

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  • Senior Member

I feel that this board is by far and away the most civilized board on the internet. Nobody calls anybody names or attacks anybody on here. Everybody seems to help everybody on this board, instead of trying to show each other up.


This board also has the most variety in terms of the doctors that are talked about. One of the other boards mentioned above seems to only talk about the same three clinics, whom are advertisers on that board. The moderator on that board is even taking steps now to profile other doctors becuase of this.

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I feel this board offers more of a "peace" about it than the other boards. I'm not in opposition of the other boards, and feel that there is some valuable information there as well, as well as some very educated and kind regular posters there...however, it does seem like there is much more insulting, attacking, defending, and corruption over on some of the other boards, with certain biases toward certain docs. It's hard to tell who's real anywhere really, as one has to decide for one self...but at least here, there is an attempt to moderate those who are pushing a clinic for financial gain, whereas that is not true of other forums. I think the best thing we can do as readers of any forums, is beware, and do our own research. Don't take anyone's word for it...double check them with known sources. That being said, I definately enjoy posting on this board, though I do wish there was a little more traffic and replies to some of the posts here. I think there are a number of regular responders, but not as many here as other sites. Maybe that's because all the promoters know they are not allowed here. Don't know. But yes, Robert and Pat do a good job here. I'll drink to that icon_wink.gif



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