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I just had a procedure done three weeks ago. I had it done at MHR by Dr Anthony Mollura. The grafts are now in ther falling out stage. Onw of my main concerns though is that the skin on the grafted area is still red. Has anyone else had this experience? Is this a bad sign? Will the redness go away?


P.S. I checked the BBB about MHR before hand and the website stated that they had no more complaints than any other HR places. I checked again afterward and the site said they were collecting info on them.

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  • Regular Member

I just had a procedure done three weeks ago. I had it done at MHR by Dr Anthony Mollura. The grafts are now in ther falling out stage. Onw of my main concerns though is that the skin on the grafted area is still red. Has anyone else had this experience? Is this a bad sign? Will the redness go away?


P.S. I checked the BBB about MHR before hand and the website stated that they had no more complaints than any other HR places. I checked again afterward and the site said they were collecting info on them.

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  • Regular Member


The redness you describe is normal with every HT...the duration of the redness varies from patient to patient, but, I would guess that it will be obvious for 3-4 weeks...after the grafts shed many patients liken the redness to a sunburn...rest assured it will pass...if you look around the site you'll find many pictures where you'll see patients with the red scalps...good healing!!

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  • Regular Member



I'm a little irked by what I am finding out about MHR here. I lokked into it it as best as I can and I even tried to get a consultation with True and Doran but the woman spoke terrible english and she must have taken my number down wrong because I never got a call back. I did recieve a DVD from them about two weeks after.

Like I said I checked out MHR on the BBB website. You can read my original post.

I couldn't believe no info on them was there the second time I went on. (really tee'd me off)


Any info on DR Anthony Mollura?


Give it to me straight. I can take it.

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Guest wanthairs



this reputation of MHR and other chain clinics is pretty awfull......however, every doc is different and there are success stories too.


We always advise people to stay away from chain clinics like the fucking plague for many reasons you can find on this site.


BTW Your symptoms seem totally normal and I really dont feel you have anythign to worry about. Why dont you give us a graft count wiht a hair count and some pics and lets go from there.......

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  • Senior Member

I have heard that name before on this website but I cannot remember what it was about. Have you tried searching it on here? The company itself has a bad rep as do many of its docs (for good reason) BUT that doesn't mean you didn't get a quality transplant! I'm sure there are some good HMR doctors out there. Hopefully Mollura is one of them.

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  • Senior Member



What everyone says is true. MHR hashad some poor reviews on this site but again, there are some decent doctors who work for them. I 'm surprised about T & D because I have had 3 HT's with them and havent bumped into someone with poor English? Regardless, it is important you deal with the situation at hand.. Redness is natural and so are the grafts falling out.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

Hey Johann I had a procedure done by Mhr in 2002 900 grafts in my crown by Grant Koher. The hair did grow in but they are not follicular units they are micro mini grafts, and there is a big difference, I hope they have changed there ways and you might want to call MHR up and ask to speak with the doctor and ask him personally. My work was done in the crown so it doesnt bother me that much, it looks okay. I mean there is nothing you can do about it now but live and learn, do your research, so if you want another HT you choose a doctor from ths forum, Goodluck

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Welcome to our community.


Many of our community members have given you some good advice. Wanthairs makes an excellent point. Though MHR as a whole might not have the best reputation, each doctor and individual clinic should be evaluated individually. Perhaps you will make out ok. Time will certainly tell!


Feel free to post your pictures by creating a photo album in the pictures section or sharing your pictures and experience with us by creating a Hair Loss Weblog.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hiya all,


I'm glad to hear that. I had 2,200 grafts done in the front. The original plan was to do my whole head but The doctor said My density was half that of the average person so he did the front.


There was some misleading stuff goin on. The operation was very uncomfortable for me. It was my back mainly. laying there all day really strained it.


I remember MHR when it was just them and Nu Hart. They seemed at the time to be more professional.


personally, I think he may have put the hair line a little bit too low, but time will tell.

The redness kind of concerned me a little more.

The transplants not growin' in is bad, but having a permanent red scalp would be much worse.


Can you tell me more about your experience with Tru and Doran?


What's there pricing? Do they split up sessions?


MHR wanted to do everything at once. It was an $8,000 job. I was hoping I could do it more "little by little because of cost".


I'll try to send you guys a pic to get your thoughts.

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