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Am I going bald?


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Hi i'm 16 turning 17 this year and I don't know whats going on but recenly my hair has been shedding. I never used to see any hair fall out in the shower and just when I rub my hands through my hair. In the shower when I wash my hair each time I rub my hands through my hair I could get up to 5 hairs on my fingers. Now my family history is that I have one uncle on my mothers side who went bald very young, but everyone else in my family has hair. My dad is 51 and still has hair. I've noticed that at the crown area if I position a mirror behind a mirror i'm facing I can see more of my scalp than I used to, but the hair shedding has been all over. Back, front, sides, top etc... I've been going through some stress but nothing that could probably cause my hair to shed, and I do have a poor diet. I recently just bought multi vitamin and iron tablets and have been taking them for the past day to see if it was my nutrition. It hasn't done anything yet but it's probably to early to tell right? Could this just be the hair regrowth cycle, where the hair goes into the phase where it pushes the current hair out to make way for new growth. I suspect the hair started shedding around March/April of 2007. Anyway I hope I get replies, cheers!


Edit: When I said that when I hold a mirror so I can see the crown area and can see more of my scalp it seems like its more of like a line or path leading to the crown area kind of. You can only really see it when my hair is soaking wet though.

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  • Regular Member

Hi i'm 16 turning 17 this year and I don't know whats going on but recenly my hair has been shedding. I never used to see any hair fall out in the shower and just when I rub my hands through my hair. In the shower when I wash my hair each time I rub my hands through my hair I could get up to 5 hairs on my fingers. Now my family history is that I have one uncle on my mothers side who went bald very young, but everyone else in my family has hair. My dad is 51 and still has hair. I've noticed that at the crown area if I position a mirror behind a mirror i'm facing I can see more of my scalp than I used to, but the hair shedding has been all over. Back, front, sides, top etc... I've been going through some stress but nothing that could probably cause my hair to shed, and I do have a poor diet. I recently just bought multi vitamin and iron tablets and have been taking them for the past day to see if it was my nutrition. It hasn't done anything yet but it's probably to early to tell right? Could this just be the hair regrowth cycle, where the hair goes into the phase where it pushes the current hair out to make way for new growth. I suspect the hair started shedding around March/April of 2007. Anyway I hope I get replies, cheers!


Edit: When I said that when I hold a mirror so I can see the crown area and can see more of my scalp it seems like its more of like a line or path leading to the crown area kind of. You can only really see it when my hair is soaking wet though.

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It could be Male pattern baldness. My suggestion would to see a dermatologist. It really does not meatter when you father lost his hair etc. etc..


good luck



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It's strange to see that its starting come out so quickly. With male pattern baldness it generally comes over a longer period of time. Think hard, has anything changed in your life thats pretty major in the last few months? Have you started taking other medications? I would go with Mrjb on this and go and see a dermatologist. With regards to your diet, I would recommend going on a good diet making sure you get all the essential nutrients, b-vitamins etc. You will not know whether the vitaimins are doing you good yet, give it at least 3 weeks or so. Its no good just having vitamins while you carry on having a poor diet, get some good quality natural food down you. You can also try exercising more as this can't hurt.


Hope that helps


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hi rem,i hate to be the bearer of bad news but as i turned 17 i noticed my hair coming out.i was in denial but at the back of my mind i knew i was balding.then the comments started.went to the doctors as my dad had (and still has)a full head of hair and was told it was probably mpb and to get over it. icon_frown.gifmy life was over as far as i was concerned.by 21 i was almost totally bald,fuck it i shaved it all off and stayed this way untill 2 years ago when i had a transplant.the long and short of it is ive had a very fulfilling life so far,girlfriends,wife,kids,decent paying jobs,nice motors etc.if you are indeed balding its not the end of the world.we are 20 years on from when i was 17 things have changed and while you are too young to consider a ht there are meds you can get on to combat this evil.do your research on here ask questions and remember you are not alone.good luck icon_smile.gif

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Hello Rembrandt and welcome to our community.


It certainly could be MPB. After all, my great grandfather was completely bald by the time he was 18. I don't intend to scare you...but everyone loses hair at different rates and it can start early. Getting checked out by a dermatologist, however, is never a bad idea.


I know what you are going through...it's not fun. Try to be strong and see what the dermatologist recommends.


In a couple years, you can consider getting on finasteride and minoxodil. You are NOT a candidate for an HT at this point.



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As many hairloss sites state, you will lose about 40% or so of your density before you appear to be thinning. When I started to lose mine ( or noticing it) , my hair was falling pretty fast..After, it took about 4 months before it seemed "thin"



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Guest wanthairs



I feel your pain. I lost my frontal forelock at 14 years old, was slick bald at 25. I had a terrible diet and took no precautions for hair loss. If i were you I would go and see a dermatologist to see about getting on Propecia and 5% minoxidil. Also use Nizoral shampoo. Try to eat very healthy and do excersise. Dont even think of getting a hair transplant for many years to come. You may be able to stabilise your hairloss for many years and if it does go bad, dont worry, hair transplants look so good nowadays and will only get better when the need arises for you......

By the way, despite my obvious irregular hairloss pattern, I had many many beautiful women and did very well in life for a while.....so its not going to stop anything for you. after my transplant I shaved my head completely, a look I still maintain even though have growth occuring now, and it is amazing how many women love the look. Maybe you ought to try it out.....good luck !!!!!!

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You guys all are telling me its MPB, but i'm asking if it could be part of the hair regrowth cycle. I haven't noticed it being "thinner" and when I rub my hands through my hair in the shower and get a few hairs this has been happening since March / April this year...

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We are going by our experience as we had the same thought process.I looked for every reason:






Unfortunately, it was MPB. Again, in the beginning, you will not notice the thin look as it requires you to lose 40% of density for this to "show".


MPB is the regrowth cycle. As the hair thins, hairs fall out and grow back thinner over and over. This is a gradual process. Of course we could be wrong but a doctor would be able to tell you for sure.


I hope it isnt and wish you the best



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Isnt this the hair growth cycle.. I thought I could have been in the phase where it can shed for up to 6 months... http://www.ishrs.org/hair-loss/hair-loss-cycle.htm


Also my hair comes out even at the very back on the sides top everywhere. I have read many times on baldingblog.com that if its all over the Dr. said it usually isn't MPB. I have actually been under a lot of stress for the past year and at some stages felt like I didn't want to live anymore. I had a crash diet with hardly any meat, nutrients and all that. I'm trying to change this now, but if I have MPB I will go crazy. I know many of you have had transplants, but once you have a hair transplant is the hair the same as it was before it fell out, does it feel and look the same?

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it seems like you are very eager with your responses and you should calm down.


first and foremost,


the members of the board are not doctors so we can not diagnose you if you have MPB or something else that caused you to lose your hair, if we had pics we can say that it probobly the cause of MPB.


some visual signs of MPB is widows peak.


one of the first steps you should do is visit a dermatologist.


weather or not you have MPB or not you should back to your ordinary diet, and eat normal.


i think mal-nutritient can be a cause of losing hair but will be gained back if you get back to your diet

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See a doc and find out the answer.


No sense in stressing.



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Yes, it could be shedding, however, you are obviously concerned about it which is why you are here.


I think you have to be ready for the POSSIBILITY that you might be losing your hair.


BUT, like I said...it might be shedding.


Only you can answer this...but have you experienced a shed like this before? How long has this been going on? Is it STILL going on?


I'd suggest that if the rapid shedding continues long enough, it's that you are losing your hair.


MPB can occur in different patterns, however, it doesn't necessarily have to start from the crown or front. Diffuse thinners lose hair all over the top of their scalp leaving an overall thinning appearance.


I guess only time will tell what is happening. But let's hope for the best.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

ok dude. I started losing my hair when I was 16. I am now 17. It sucks its tough. Im not going to say learn to deal with it, becasue it sounds like both you and I refuse to let ourselves go bald. I currently take rogaine foam twice a day and 320 mg of saw palmetto( which can be bought over the counter). Dont get too down because you must understand that as we speek the delopement of the hair indursty is excelling. Take it easy kid.

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  • 1 month later...
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Well i'm still losing hair, I don't think i'm going to see a doctor because i dont want to take drugs. It pretty much comes out at the back, sides near my ears and on top. Its suh an annoyance with hair everywhere. Never had this problem my whole life. Anyways here is a pic, I never looked at my crown before but this is what it looks like. Is that a bald spot or is that normal?.. Can you tell if I have MPB by looking at that? Are they signs? Man its just so freaking annoying because everytime i rub my head all these white/grey flakes come off this never used to happen before my hair was coming out. This whole thing was so suden. One day in the shower and I was washing my hair and it was coming out... I didn't worry too much but it still is happening!! My head is also very itchy!



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The crown looks normal. Maybe you should see a doc, maybe it is dandruff or some type of fungus? If it bothers you, see a doc so you can get closure.





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You need to get a hold Rem on your self,your not dying or anything of the sort.But what you are doing is allowing your imagination to run riot.The picture you supplied ,although out of focus,looks fine in my opinion.If you see your doctor tell him or her your concerns regarding your shedding,it can only provide answers and put your mind at rest.Try to chill my friend.

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Look at this intelligently. You have 2 choices


1- Continue to do nothing and continue to stress out letting your imagination get the best of you.


2- Go to a doc and get some tests done and find out what is going on?? Nobody says you need to take drugs rather find out what is causing your problem so you can correct it ..


Personally, I like number 2 which is what I did when I started thinning.



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I just wanted to ask. Do I have sudden or gradual hair loss? Is sudden hair loss where it just starts coming out and you notice hair falling everywhere, and gradual hair loss is what happens over time where you notice a receeded hairline or something? I think my hair loss is sudden because as I said my hair just started falling out one day and has been ever since. So can MPB be sudden or gradual hair loss? Or only gradual? I read an article that was saying that sudden hair loss usually indicates an underlying medical problem. Like someone could be highly stressed, a thyroid problem, anemia, poor nutrition, diabetes etc... And gradual hair loss is usually MPB. That's what I read in an article? Do you guys agree with that?


Man its getting annoying, I don't want to touch my head anymore. If I rub my head I have hair on my keyboard with heaps of white flakey things. It's quite an annoyance having to clean my keyboard all the time.

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