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Rogaine and HT.. When to start...

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I will most likely be getting an HT in the near Future. Should I start using Rogaine now or after? How long b4 or how long after the HT should I start?


If a person isn't sure how dedicated they can be to using roagine 5% twice a day should they not even use it or at least use it once a day?

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I will most likely be getting an HT in the near Future. Should I start using Rogaine now or after? How long b4 or how long after the HT should I start?


If a person isn't sure how dedicated they can be to using roagine 5% twice a day should they not even use it or at least use it once a day?

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Guest Cousin_It



I recommend starting the Rogaine, preferably the foam, as soon as possible. This and Propecia can reinforce your native hairs and better let them withstand the trauma of surgery, with the subsequent possibility of "shock loss". Even if you cannot use the Rogaine twice a day, use it once, it was shown to be almost as effective as twice daily.

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It's rare that I disagree with Cousin_It, but I would actually recommend starting minoxodil after the surgery as opposed to before. The reason for this is:


1. You will have to stop using rogaine a few weeks prior to surgery and won't be able to start again for a few weeks after surgery.


2. Since Rogaine can cause shedding in the beginning of use, it might make it more difficult for your HT doctor to see them and graft over hair that would have returned normally.


However, if you are still 4+ months away, I would recommend trying it if you like. Keep in mind though, once you start it, you will be dependent on it for life if you want to keep any of the hair you regrew. Once you stop, the hair will miniaturize and die.



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Originally posted by Bill:

Keep in mind though, once you start it, you will be dependent on it for life if you want to keep any of the hair you regrew. Once you stop, the hair will miniaturize and die.




I second Bill's comments above NYCguy. I've committed to taking Propecia (Finasteride) for life and am seeing some definite results. The Rogaine (Minoxidil) regimen is very messy so make sure you can commit to it because you will lose what you've gained if you stop.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Guest Cousin_It




Ideally you would want as much hair to be present during the transplant so the surgeon does not implant into existing follicles causing problems. But in truth that would be very tough to do.


First, we always have 10% of hair in a dormant stage, perhaps even more in thinning areas. Second we do not know when and if we will shed when starting any of these drugs. I personally have no shedding when using Rogaine, but I did with Propecia. Also even if you start it a year in advance, many people have periodic sheds, you never know when that can happen. So it seems it would be nearly impossible to predict when the most amount of hair will be present in order to schedule a transplant to coincide.


Bill, since you made this recommendation based on Rogaine, would you also give the same advice to someone contemplating Propecia within the same time frame? In other words, not begin it a month of two before a transplant for fear of a shed happening at the time of surgery?

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I would NOT use rogaine/minoxidil b4 a hair transplant. From a purly medical standpoint, minoxidil is one of the most potent vasodilators out there and if used before a HT can cause prolonged bleeding. It is recommended to stop minoxidil at least 2-3 months before getting a transplant so you don't have increased risk of bleeding during the procedure. You can start back up once the procedure is over.


I personally can't stand the stuff, I was on it 2 years and hated it. I don't doubt the efficacy of it. I know it works, I just hate the hassle of applying it twice a day.


The thought of not having to put rogaine on my head anymore was one of the reasons that pushed me over to have a HT.


Anyways, don't use it B4 the transplant.

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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Originally posted by Bill:

Good to see you back Hairbank!!!!! icon_biggrin.gif




Thanks, Bill! Away from the PC briefly over the holidays! Sheesh, I was going through withdrawl from lack of posting.........I'll probably be online 24hrs straight catching up! icon_wink.gif


Bill, since you made this recommendation based on Rogaine, would you also give the same advice to someone contemplating Propecia within the same time frame? In other words, not begin it a month of two before a transplant for fear of a shed happening at the time of surgery?





GrowPlease sums the reason for stopping Minox immedately before and after surgery very nicely in his post above. I don't believe you have these issues with Propecia as it is merely blocking DHT and has nothing to do with increasing blood flow.


Others please chime in if I'm off on this but I believe staying on Propecia before/after is fine and actually will help stave off shock loss by strengthening any follicles which have become minaturized from DHT attacks.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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As far as I know bank, the use of propecia/dudasteride is completely safe before a HT and actually was recommended to me by Dr. Hasson if I was not already on the DHT blocking regimen. He said that it could only help....ie with growth, preservation of already miniturizing hairs, shedding


I don't think anyone knows for sure since these would all be purely observational studies, but I wouldn't risk it. Anyone male with the slightest bit of hair loss should get on some DHT inhibitor before its too late!

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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Guest Cousin_It



I think the time frame you mentioned of 2-3 months for Rogaine is WAY OFF base. By that time one can begin to lose the hairs dependent on Rogaine. Ten days is more like it. Even aspirin which is one of the most blood thinning drugs should be stopped 10 days before surgery.


Rogaine, as is Propecia, is highly recommended as a way of reinforcing the follicles prior to a transplant. I know some people prefer not to use it due to the messy application, but with the advent of the new foam, it really should be included if you are serious in obtaining regrowth. If on the otherhand maintenance is your only objective, Propecia would be fine as the sole stimulant.

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I would recommend starting finasteride 2-3 months outside of the surgery. I recognize that seems a little ambiguous, however starting and stopping minoxodil during the "shedding" phase (I understand not everyone has this) just seems like a waste since they will have to basically start over. I'd rather take my chances with Finasteride since I can use it throughout the surgery process and take my chances with the shedding. To me the issue is consistency. Additionally, a lot of doctors vary on opinions on when minoxodil should be stopped prior to surgery and started again after surgery. But I think even the minimum stoppage time is at least 3 weeks to a month, where the max could be around 4 months or so.


But whether he does or does not start minox before the surgery...I don't believe either will be detrimental...it was just how I would handle it personally for the above listed reasons.



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Not that I feel my opinion is influenced by this, but I don't personally use minoxodil anymore because it didn't do anything except irritate my scalp. I recognize with the new foam, it seems to contain less irritant and may be easier to apply. Perhaps I may try it again 1 year after my transplant to give it a chance to mature, so I don't mistake new growth from my transplant with minoxodil growth. I might even wait 2 years to let my hair go through a few cycles to thicken more fully.



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Originally posted by Cousin_It:



I think the time frame you mentioned of 2-3 months for Rogaine is WAY OFF base. By that time one can begin to lose the hairs dependent on Rogaine. Ten days is more like it. Even aspirin which is one of the most blood thinning drugs should be stopped 10 days before surgery.


Rogaine, as is Propecia, is highly recommended as a way of reinforcing the follicles prior to a transplant. I know some people prefer not to use it due to the messy application, but with the advent of the new foam, it really should be included if you are serious in obtaining regrowth. If on the otherhand maintenance is your only objective, Propecia would be fine as the sole stimulant.


Actually this is true. I don't really have any valid evidence to stop minoxidil 2-3 months before a transplant besides that Dr. Hasson and their associates told me I should stop it for that length of time.


In the hospital, when patients go for open surgery whether it be in the belly or elsewhere (regardless a much more invasive procedure than a HT), they only ask a patient who is taking warfarin to reverse or stop the effects of this drug several days if not the night before the procedure is done. I guess this is because the coumadin is used to prevent a co-morbidity the patient is at risk for ie..heart and vascular problems.


Aspirin a platelet inhibitor is stopped 7-10 days before surgery because the life of a platelet is only 7 days old.


I'm really not sure for why minoxidil should be stopped so early (months) before a HT. I don't believe that its half life in the blood is longer than a few hours. So in this respect cousin-it makes an excellent point.

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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Guest Cousin_It



To be honest, I don't think many of the doctors (very few exceptions) really knows what is and isn't right. Don't get me wrong, its not that I think they are ignorant on the subject, but mainly because it is not their area of expertise. They concentrate on the surgical aspect of hair restoration, and in this they excel, but there are so many variables concerning drug usage that they just make blanket statements keeping only safety in mind, without considering efficacy.


Frankly I believe, guys such as us who have been through this and done the research have a much better grasp of the subject. This reminds me of a question I asked of Dr.Feller concerning the use of copper peptides after the surgery, at the time he was really not too familiar with their use, something we all have common knowledge about.






Hard to believe H&W made that kind of statement, considering it pales in relation to coumadin or aspirin. Dr.Feller told me to stop it 10 before surgery, being the hard head I am I waited until 3 days before surgery. No problems with bleeding during the surgery and minimal scabbing too.

Half life on topical minoxidil is supposed to be 22 hrs according to Dr.Bernstein, so a few days should be more than ample for it to clear the system.






Thanks for giving me your take on the subject, to each his own. I doubt you will be in need of Rogaine down the line, seems like you are pretty well set for a nice head of hair for a long time. BTW, hows things shaping up since your last post?

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