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bio fiber hair transplant

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  • Senior Member

Two words - complete crap. Stay well away.



the keratin layer surrounding Biofibre?® protects the newly-formed follicle from external contamination



Maybe by definition this is correct but how misleading is that? It's shocking that companies still get away with this.
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  • Senior Member

Totally agree with the earlier comments. Any foreign body is rejected by your body and will create not only nasty infections, but scarring and possible worsening of baldness due to the infections.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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  • Senior Member

Any sort of fiber hair transplantation is outlawed in most of the world but is currently still legal in Japan, Iran and perhaps still in Italy. I know because we occasionally get patients from these countries that have had the procedure in the past few years.


The reason that it is outlawed is because of the brutality of the results. When these fibers are implanted the body goes into rejection mode, recognizing the fibers as foreign bodies and the process of rejection begins. The areas of implantation become inflamed, red, puffy and eventually infected. Eventually scar tissue forms and then the process begins all over again thus becoming perpetually infected causing the patient to need anti-biotics for as long as the fiber grafts are still in the scalp, sometimes for many years.


I have personally seen some patients come to us with a "helmet" of scar tissue after years of having these fibers in their scalp. It is quite disconcerting to see these eventual results after the body continuously tries to reject the fibers. Below is a video of one such case where the entire front half of the recipient scalp was covered in scars. You can see this by how white the tissue is...


Dr. Wong/Hair Fiber Repair/HD Video

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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