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Restoring your hair God's way


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You don't know how close I came to putting the whole 5 page article on here. I guess I got a little pissed off myself and almost did what I said I wouldn't do. If anyone wants it they can ask for it.


I'm just trying to help. Trust me when I say this is FREE. It's not about selling any products. All those who already emailed me for it can attest to that.


I don't care if you get it or not. Do what you've got to do. A friend of mine spent 12 grand on hair transplants. His hair looks great. I'm happy for him. But I just believe there is a better way for those who will.


Peace. Seriously.

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You should have posted the article. Now you are simply stalling!


You are doing exactly what promoters and solicitors do: attempting to provoke interest in general terms so people will contact you.


Perhaps you are not asking for money but instead, trying to start some kind of cult. Or perhaps you are just looking for attention!


I suspect most people will read this thread and realize how ridiculous this is - however, there are still people in the world who will buy into ridiculous claims because they WANT to believe.


So I'll handle this like I handle any other obsurd claim...by asking for proof!


Let's cut to the chase and stop wasting our time! No more games, no more spectacular claims, and no more trying to convince by stating how sincere you are!


Let's hear your personal experience and SEE some of your personal before/after and progressive pictures from month to month and what you did to regrow your hair.


Oh and by the way...I have removed your email address from your initial post because to me it is the same thing as a solicitor posting a link to their website. So provide the proof publicly, or find somewhere else to go.



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Guest wanthairs



Firstly sorry if I offended you or misinterpeted your offer of assistance as a cruel marketing gimmick..


As your article is free then post your entire article here and I will try the methods. If it works I will shed my cloak of anti-theism and become a devout christian, and therefore you will have saved a soul from an eternity of the bowels of Hades earning a few more points with your creator....After all, if this works it must be proof of some sort of divinly inspired intelligence ......However if it doesnt work.....Im afraid, I may be tempted to switch to the dark side and start worshipping Satan....

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Hello everyone,


So I am posting this purely for fun at this point.


So I received this article by mistake actually. Out of a general respect for this member since he has asked for it not to be published, I will not publish it.


Let's just say the bottom line is:


If you accept Christ as Savior, live a righteous life, and ask God for your hair back in Jesus' name, you MIGHT get it back.


A disclaimer at the bottom states that there is no guarantee and that many believers of God have been bald through the ages.


No kidding!


The content below states my religious views. Feel free to read or disregard. I don't expect everyone to agree with me.




As a Christian, I believe that God can do anything that is true to His character. I believe if He wanted to restore our hair, he could. But I believe that God is not interested in restoring our hair, but restoring our hearts - which is much more critical anyway.


Is hair loss a result of imputed sin from Adam when he chose to sin? I would suggest that this is most likely true. Why do I think this? Because hair loss is about death, the dying of the hair follicle. Those who believe in biblical creation will confirm that all death is a result of sin. They will also confirm that death is NOT a result of PERSONAL sin (the sins an individual commits), but imputed sin from Adam (this means that when Adam fell, sin was directed passed from His fall to all of makind directly).


This is why "aging" after a certain point is decaying. First we grow, then we decay, and we eventually die.


Salvation through Jesus Christ does not free us from the curse of imputed sin. If it did, believers would not die and no longer decay. The effects of sin still exist even for those who accept Christ as Savior.


Salvation therefore does not free us from the effects of imputed sin, but frees our souls and gives us a promise of newness of life. The Bible talks that one day, believers will be given a new "perfect" body when Christ returns. These new bodies will most likely contain a full head of hair, but this is only a guess as it is not mentioned in the Bible one way or another.


Many people make the mistake that God's purpose is to give His children whatever they ask for. People will use verses like Matthew 7:7-8 as a backing for such a claim which starts out "Ask and you will receive". This is taken highly out of context. God created us so we would worship Him. Surely He gives good and wonderful gifts to us but he does not promise us everything we ask for. How many people do you know who have prayed to win the lottery and have actually won?


God isn't concerned about our eternity and wants us all to be saved. He is not concerned about whether or not we restore our hair and there is no proof that living a rigteous life will free us from the effects of imputed sin passed down from Adam.


Sorry for this religious rant! As a Christian, it just bothers me when anyone attempts to teach false doctrine that is unbiblical!



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Guest wanthairs

this is truly unbelievable....


I was thinking Godsway's magical holy hair formula would at least contain something like miracle healing water from the dead sea, mixed with some Herbs from the mount of olives, anointed and blessed by 100 Rabbis standing at the gates of Jersalem chanting holy mystical words lost in the depths of history......


Ok...godsway, explain why all the popes have been bald, aswell as most monks, and that MOST PAGANS from many cultures never lose their hair, such as native americans for example???? Anyway I dont want to offend anyones religious senseibilities, especially the guys on this site that have been so helpful in me changing my life around (through HT's) thanks to their thousands of posts and constant attention to everyones questions.

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Isn't it interesting that when Christ was crucified - he was disrobed and scourged while naked. I know that most of us feel naked with out hair - at least I admit I did. I do not in any way want to equate what Christ went thru and what we go thru is an any way close. But, I wonder if this is one of life's tests we must go thru. We all have our little crosses to bear in life.


Another note, I have noticed a great deal of preists are bald, (and old!). I have one on my wifes side of the family and he is slick bald. Even the holiest are not safe from the follicle devil!





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I know what you mean. I felt the same way....without hair, I felt a bit naked and ashamed (even though there was nothing to be ashamed about). I often compared my wearing a hat to cover my baldness with the Phantom of the Opera wearing a mask to cover his face.




I never heard back from you so I guess we aren't going to get to meet up this time around. I hope your consultation goes well.



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Wow, this is cracking me up. I love so many of you guys I've gotten to know over the last few years and DO NOT want to offend you personally. I've met a few believers over the years and have sometimes admired that special "peace of mind" they seem to garner from their belief in the whole "God thing". But from the time I was about 12 yrs old or so, it just wasn't an acceptable premise for me. And I have to admit, for a few years after I spent some very miserable time in Somalia I was vehemently, and obtrusively, abrasive to anything and anyone having to do with religion. That faded with time I guess but still I find the whole premise to be rather comical and sad at the same time. To each his own I guess. Just my opinion, so no hate mail please.

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I'm sorry Bill, didn't mean to snub you. I actually wasn't on the forums for a little while, but yes, I'd definitely love to buy you dinner and pick your brain if you'd still let me.


I own my own company and as such am super busy. I do web design, and I'm a Christian who also thinks this thread is nuts, so we probably already have some common ground there. =)


Anyway, again, sorry for the delay.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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When are you going to be up this way? We can certainly get together if you are and our schedules work out that way.


Always nice to meet a fellow Christian (and technical guy for that matter), not to mention, a hair geek like me icon_biggrin.gif.


I can certainly understand being busy...so no worries!







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Guest wanthairs

oh Bill...youve been stood up by emu steve too? haha LOL!!!


Just kidding, Steve, do fill us in the consult, Im really curious as to what you think......

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