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Experience with Dr. Kiely (Cork/Dublin, Ireland)


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Hey Kojak,

Right back at ya! icon_biggrin.gif




I don't think there's any harm in being cautious. Especially when someone was so taken and they've been pretty much traumatized. - just my opinion. - you sure you don't know everything?

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hi Bill

if you read the following from my earlier post you will see its not only his grammer and language i picked up on .


i saw recommendations on here (where)

its his first post and he attacks dr kiely .

he is quoting price comparisons(marketing ploy)

i`m not gonna say the name of the CLINIC so you think i`m someone working for them,why make that statement if you are just an ordinary first time poster.

without naming clinics he quotes i`m going to do a no scar procedure which is dhi plop.

dhi is not mentioned as that will create negative comments

also if he reads posts how can he say strip is outdated.


one other point is when i started my thread about norton you said dont trash talk them without reason,is this not what ultra zone is doing re dr kiely after meeting him for 3 minutes.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Chucky: Judging me by my "grammer" (as you said)?? Man, that shows ignorance (I'm sorry, it shows...) I'm a portuguese guy living in Dublin, working for Hewlett Packard, Leixlip and doing a post graduation at D.I.T. (Dublin Institute of Technology). And thanks, but I will not give you my number.. maybe if you had had a different attitude. You just made yourself look bad, or maybe ridiculous, as you wish. If I do the procedure, and if goes wrong: YES, I will come here and share my negative experience. I'm humble enough admit my mistakes.


Why, I said strip is "from last century" ? First, because I'm far for being an expert on this issue, so maybe that showed my ignorance as well. But I said it based on MY OPINION, based on the scar that Dr. Kiely showed me... I thought to myself: "fuck, I don?‚??t want to have that".... and because I still have quite a bit hair. And if you REALLY would open your eyes, you?‚??d see that I asked YOUR OPINION (all of you - "...FUE procedure on dhi....... was this a bad choice? :S"! --> would a marketer ever EVER question his brand?? Tell me? Maybe you should have read my text more carefully. As I said, I'm glad you're not a detective. Sorry if I'm being sarcastic to you Chucky, ?‚??cause I know I'm being, but your comments really annoyed me.


And another thing straight: I'm no millionaire. I said that because I felt that that detail would change the attitude of Dr. Kiely towards me. It was sarcasm.


And you Chucky have to understand that there?‚??s impulsive people (like me), that maybe, just maybe don't have the enough information about what they're saying, and say things that maybe are ridiculous... and of course I hadn?‚??t see the bad reviews about DHI...like I said... impulsive!


Thanks for all the information guys. This forum is really REALLY great. Lots of knowledge around here. Bill, you?‚??re a GREAT moderator. Really, I appreciate the dedication.

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Ok gentlemen (chucky and Ultra Zone), you've now both had your say. Now let's get back on topic without accusation or insult.


I am going to assume that Ultra Zone wants help so let's get back to helping him the best way we can, with knowledge and facts!


Ultra Zone,


In my opinion, FUE certainly has a place in hair transplantation but has not been proven to be consistent in the online community to date. Hopefully as the field advances over time, this will change. But be careful in the meantime not to buy into marketing hype. DHI is great with marketing. Calling a procedure "scarless" is at best, stretching the truth. Though in best case scenerios, FUE scars will be minimal and not obvious, they will certainly not be invisible or nonexistant.


It is also important when selecting a physician to look for evidence of a proven online positive track record. Unfortunately, DHI has a negative online reputation for producing dissatisfied patients. Using the "find" feature of our community by searching for "DHI" will lead you to this information.


I encourage you to continue your research.



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hi ultra zone

i appreciate your reply and if you are genuine as i`ve said before i apologise .


i truly hope you are genuine but i still have my suspicions and you have every right to question my motives as this is a public forum for open discussion whether it be for or against what you believe to be true.


2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Thinair

As by my signature i have had three very poor HTs.At least you have found the forums before going for another so just take your time and do plenty of research.Have a look at all the patient photos and experiences on here.

If you can post photos people will be in a better position to offer help and advice.

Take care


2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Have you taken a look at our recommended physicians?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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