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1cm scar


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I'm 11 weeks post op and I just measured my scar. Its a 5mm scar with two areas that are 1cm in width!! Is 11 weeks too soon to predict if this will stay or if most of it is shock loss? how do you tell the difference if its a scar or shock loss. This is wwaaaay to wide!! This was a popular Massachussets Dr. did my 2nd HT surgery. I don't want to say his name because I'm afraid I would be sued. My first HT was fine.

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I'm 11 weeks post op and I just measured my scar. Its a 5mm scar with two areas that are 1cm in width!! Is 11 weeks too soon to predict if this will stay or if most of it is shock loss? how do you tell the difference if its a scar or shock loss. This is wwaaaay to wide!! This was a popular Massachussets Dr. did my 2nd HT surgery. I don't want to say his name because I'm afraid I would be sued. My first HT was fine.

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Hey Eric... was your scar this wide at first? Like at the 6 - 8 week mark? Or has there been some stretching? But from what I have heard, that scar is way too wide. My scar is 2mm or just under in most areas even 1mm in some. There is one area that is about a half an inch that is about 2.5 mm though. And I'd say my scar is about average. I wouldn't know what to do if I was in your situation, but be really pissed off. All you can do now is probably have gratfs placed into the scar to make it less noticeable. Some posters here have done that with success. I feel for you though.



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It has been that wide since 2 weeks post op. I guess I have no choice but to go for a scar revision. I wish I had known about that Ultra fine FU process. I wish all doctors would stay up to date with the best technology, since I had it done in Jan 05 and it had already been in use. Its funny how as soon as your off the chair they don't care about you anymore and don't pay as much attention. This is far from over, trust me. They lost my pre-op pictures from my 1st HT and they will pay for that.

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In order for us all to assist in this forum it would be very helpful to post pictures as I have suggested several times in the past. It is very difficult to evaluate the scar without seeing it and comparing to others that have had experiences.


This post has been resonated several times without pics, I feel for your situation. I had my HT with your doc and can hardly find the scar, please see my pics here. I find it very disturbing to see all these posts without pics. Have you talked with the doc, what does he say? He has always been very receptive to me and other posters herenwhenever I have had questions.

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On the same note on my last visit to the clinic the doc asked me if I would be interested in doing some part time consulting for him as my HT has turned out so well for me. In fact I was impressed that most of the consultants for Distefano are patients also, I have a full time career in the technology sector but am seriously considering doing this, thoughts from the forum would be welcome.




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Would you please email me privately about the particulars of this surgery and your physician? My email address is pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com


I'm concerned and I would like to look into this. I'd like to find out what technique your surgeon is using to close the donor area.


Idealy the surgeon should be excising a long narrow strip no wider than 1 cm and then closing this area under minimal tension using both internal and external sutures.

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Telephone Man,

I would like to post my pics but I'm the only one who knows about them so its difficult to take the pics. Believe me I've tried myself but can't get a good photo of what it really looks like. But trust me when I say it is not a good scar, the doc already stated I need a revision! plus I've see others pics here and my scar doesn't look nearly as good. Also don't forget, this is my 2nd HT, my first scar was pratically invisible, however it was with another doc who worked for that facility who left town (by the way who put a couple 3 hair grafts right in the front of my hairline, is that normal? also lost my before pics) so I got my 2nd procedure with this doc. Pat I will email you my story.

By the way T-Man, if you work with the doc will you be honest to tell people who come in that he uses minigrafts and not FU's? will you tell them that this facility doesn't use microscopes? will you tell them that FU's are the gold standard and give the most natural look? if you do than you wont get much commission because they'll go elswhere (which I should have done!)

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