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I've just had a 2100 graft (approx 3,500 hairs) transplant on my frontal scalp at the National Hair Institute Australia and used an ice pack for the first 3 days to minimise the swelling in the fore head region. I may have accidentally had the ice pack very close to the newly inserted hairs (definately not directly on them) and fear freezing them. Is there any cause for concern? What are the risks of 'freezing' the new hairs?


Many thanks for a repsonse?

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  • Senior Member

As long as you arent on them you should be fine. Most in here have used ice as well



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Preserve the Follicle,


Welcome to our discussion forum community.


The transplanted hair will start to grow between 3-5 months. The hair will grow intermittently and typically start as thin, fine, colorless hairs and will slowly mature over time. Be sure to chart your progress with monthly pictures.


I am not familiar with the clinic you have chosen in Australlian. I encourage you to post your experience and pictures by creating a hair transplant patient photo album in the "hair transplant patient photo albums" section. You can do this by selecting the appropriate forum, selecting "new" and then "photo album".


I encourage you also to create a hair loss weblog to share your journey with us.


Best wishes,



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Guest josh - b



Congratulations on your ht.

As a sydneysider i'm always interested to hear from aussie patients.

The nhi is dr barry whites clinic isn't it?

Did he perform your surgery or was it another doctor?

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I have an appointment to see NHI Dr Barry White in a couple of weeks, and am looking forward to it. I think I understand from what I have read online that (a) you can't graft long hairs; and (b) even if you did, the hair just falls out anyway.


I want to bring my hairline forward, but it seems this is impossible without introducing a line of stubbly hair in front of my existing hair line. This would be very visible, it seems, and that just isn't compatible with my line of work and social circumstances.


How can you overcome such visible transplanting of hairs to the front?



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  • 6 months later...
  • Regular Member

Hey man,


You'd be surprised what you could get away with when you do a hairline transplant. It might be a little red for awhile, but i bet you could get away with it. I've seen a lot of people on here fill in area infront of their existing hairline, and they all turned out great (depending on the doc of course).


The only thing I personally would be concerned with is enough donor hair for the long term. Keep a realistic hairline.

Anything worth doing is never easy

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