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Is there an alternative to propecia?


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  • Regular Member

I have been thinking about stopping propecia as I have been unfortunate to suffer from some side effects.


Are there any topical dht inhibitors that I could use without systemic absorption that people have reported to be successful and which one is best?


Also are there many people who have HT without taking propecia?




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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There are some who may list a number of "natural" alternatives to Propecia, but none of them have the proof of efficacy that Propecia does.


There are some supposed topical DHT inhibitors out there but none that have really been tested for both safety and efficacy for treatment of hair loss. You may want to consider trying Nizoral shampoo or Revita shampoo which contains Ketoconazol which has been said to have some anti-DHT effects.


You may also consider consulting with a doctor about staying on Propecia but lowering the dosage.


I hope this helps.


Best wishes,



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  • 5 years later...
  • Senior Member

I just was speaking with someone else about side effects....


May I ask what side effects you are experiencing, and have you eliminated possible other causes for these side effects? Have you consulted with your primary care physician about these side effects?

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  • Regular Member

There is definitely an alternative! I quit propecia and have hair than ever. I started experimenting with minoxidil and trichogen and had such great results, I have never looked back to finasteride since. No more messing with my hormones and more hair then I had 15 years ago. It's a matter of being constant and patient and being able to take a few minutes three times a day to apply the stuff.

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  • Senior Member

You could consider taking 1mg every other day and see if your symptoms abate without affecting the efficacy of the result on your hair. Perhaps you should consult your prescriber on this.

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