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2700 FU on Nov 10th,2004 Dr. True and Dr. Dorin


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2700 FU on Nov 10th,2004 Dr. True and Dr. Dorin


The following link shows the procedure that Dr. True and Dr. Dorin performed on Nov 10th, 2004. Even though I was a 'Win a Free Transplant' winner I was treated with VIP status during the entire day. As soon as I walked into the office I knew I was in very capable hands. I have follow up pictures that will be posted shortly. I felt comfortable through the entire procedure. Please make note of the 'Wand' mentioned in the article. There was no discomfort at all during the freezing portion of the surgery. If you have any questions concerning any part of the procedure please let me know. The forum moderator Robert flew into New York to capture the entire procedure.


Surgery Day


Dr True's Background


The True and Dorin Website

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2700 FU on Nov 10th,2004 Dr. True and Dr. Dorin


The following link shows the procedure that Dr. True and Dr. Dorin performed on Nov 10th, 2004. Even though I was a 'Win a Free Transplant' winner I was treated with VIP status during the entire day. As soon as I walked into the office I knew I was in very capable hands. I have follow up pictures that will be posted shortly. I felt comfortable through the entire procedure. Please make note of the 'Wand' mentioned in the article. There was no discomfort at all during the freezing portion of the surgery. If you have any questions concerning any part of the procedure please let me know. The forum moderator Robert flew into New York to capture the entire procedure.


Surgery Day


Dr True's Background


The True and Dorin Website

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  • 1 month later...
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Here are some pictures before and after my sutures were removed from my donor area. It will be two months on Jan 10th, 2005 since my restoration procedure with Dr. True and Dorin. I am seeing some hair growth already. I have been using Propecia now for three months and just started extra strength Rogaine last week. I also shampoo with Nioxin daily and I have been very happy with the results so far. The picture directly below is my scalp 13 days after the procedure.


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I am pleased to hear of your progress!


I had my HT done by Dr. Cooley 111 days ago.


Our cases are very similar. The extent of my baldness was just about the same as yours (except I didn't have the benefit of your forelock). I had 2,600 grafts transplanted, and my regimen has been Propecia twice a week and washing my hair with Nioxin every other day.


I was one of the lucky ones to see early growth--at about six weeks following the transplant--but as Smoothy points out, new growth in the crown always lags behind, roughly as much as three months, the growth on the top and the front.


At HT + 50 days, you have a long, long way to go, friend, and I sympathise. At nearly four months, I see the growth of the transplanted hair beginning to burgeon, but it is barely cosmetically significant at this point. (The growth in my crown now looks like my top and hairline did at six weeks.)


In a way, the wait is almost more difficult now than it was in the first few weeks when there was nothing but skin. Seeing the hair grow in confirms that the operation actually took place, but seeing how sparse it is now does tend to be daunting. Intellectually, I know that it will grow in thicker and more prolific in the coming months, especially in months six through nine. But emotionally, one can't help expecting it to grow in like one's beard does--all of it there at once.


It's that dissonance between knowing how it will grow in and how your mind wants to fool you that can be discouraging. Don't let it get to you.


You're right where you are supposed to be at this stage. Actually, a little ahead of the game, I think. You've got lots of growth ahead.


Best of luck!

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Hair Apparent,


Thanks for sharing your experience with me. It's great to have the support of people who have gone through the same experience. I did notice alot of shedding before and after the operation so I did have alot more hair two months prior to the operation. I think this had alot to do with starting my Propecia regimen. I noticed that you said you use Propecia twice a week. Is that correct or is that just a typo ? I was aware that the crown area would lag behind the top and the front. I was hoping with using both Propecia and Rogaine I would get the best overall results. Your absolutely right though the wait is the hardest part of the procedure. However there is an upside to this is that I know now when I look in the mirror I won't be going how much more hair did I lose this week. Instead it will be how much hair did I gain this week. All the best to you!



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I noticed that you said you use Propecia twice a week. Is that correct or is that just a typo?


No, that's correct--twice a week. It is Doctor Cooley's opinion that there is little-to-no added benefit by using it more often. He stated that I could certainly take it more often if I felt like doing so. Since he hasn't steered me wrong yet and I've enjoyed better-than-average results so far, I didn't see any reason to increase the doseage.


Patience is the key, to be sure. A year from now all these worries about how much our hair has grown out and how much more will there be will be replaced by the headache of trying to find a good barber. I can live with that.



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I believe it is important that you take the Propecia daily during the first year and probably beyond. Dr. cooley may be right that a lower dose may suffice, but there and no scientifically conducted clinical trials to support efficacy of a reduced dose. The smaller dos may rob you of achiving optimal regrowth of your native hair.

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I agree I haven't changed any recommendations that were given to me by Dr. True. In using his recommendations I think I am making excellent progress already. However it is good to hear what other members are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I was going over some of my old posts and I discovered that I did have a brain fart when I indicated how often I take propecia.


I actually take it every other day. I don't know what I was thinking when I not only said, but reiterated that I was taking it only twice a week. (Except that probably I got it confused with my hypertension meds and toss in some wooziness from working all night before I posted.) Sorry if I added to the confusion about taking meds.


I know it's not a major point, but I wanted to square the matter.


Hope everything is going great guns for you. You're past the two-month mark now; you should be seeing some sprouts pop up any week, now.

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It has been approx. 9 weeks since my transplant. Is it common to have itching on the scalp ? My scalp isn't dry at all. It doesn't do it all the time but once in a while it just starts to itch like crazy then stops. Has anyone else had this experience ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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It has been just over three months since my surgery. As you can see I have had alot of growth in my front and mid section already. You can even see some difference in the crown area as well. So far I am extremely happy with the results.


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Outstanding results so far, Northern. You are certainly sprouting like mad for only three months post-op. I cannot believe the difference that is already present!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Just to let you know my daily regimen just in case it helps. I take Propecia daily along with 5% Minodoxil twice a day in the crown area only. In the mornings when I shampoo I alternate between Nizoral and Nioxin Cleanser and Scalp treatment. I also take 4 capsules of MSM daily. Along with that I take a good multivitamin and Greens Plus from GNC mixed with Whey protein. This combination seems to work well for me. I took the multivitamin and Greens Plus prior to my surgery anyway. I believe the key to my outstanding results so far is the excellent work that Dr. True and his team have done.

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