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US immigrations/security

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Hi Guys,


I am a frequent flyer and spend much time at airports. I love the US and Canada and enjoy travelling out there. But getting through the security is always dreaded, both going in and coming out. Now I'm planning to visit to either Feller or H and Wong for a hardcore procedure. Both shave and I'm worried about the abuse I'm going to get when leaving American soil. I wanted to ask people that have been through this experience - How bad is it with a half shaved head and are there any tips to save your dignity? And how long does it take before you look vaguely human without a cap?

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I was just as worried about this as you are. I'm from Pennsylvania and I flew to Vancouver in mid January and surprisingly security and customs wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. On the way back home, I was honest with security and customs, I showed them the letter H&W sent me to provide proof of my surgery and they didn't give me any problems. I wore a loose fitting bandana on the way back home and surprisingly I didn't need to take it off one time. I was worried because I remember being in US customs in Vancouver and I was just waiting in this long line (there was about 8 long lines) and I saw the customs officer ask this older gentleman to remove his hat so he can take his photo. I started to freak out but once I approached the immigration officer, I was honest with him and showed him the letter and he seemed pretty understanding. He didn't ask me to remove my bandana and after that hour long security check / immigration questioning I could relax. My advice is just be honest with them and they'll be understanding.


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First time to Vaucouver, I was "detained" by Canada immigration for 3-4 hours. THey kept me in a special side room in a queue full of other people waiting for deeper questioning.


Second time to Vancouver, I walked through customs without a problem. Showed them the customs letter from H&W and answered their questions.


Going back into USA, I was never asked to remove the cap on either trip. Dont remember being asked the purpose of my trip. THe were more interested in contraband.

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Surprisingly my experience was quite smooth going into Canada and out. Walked up to customs in Canada and was asked only one question. "What was the reason for my travels?" I said, cosmetic surgery. That was it.


Coming back to the US, I too wore a loose fitting bandanna. As I approach security I kindly asked the guards if it was okay to not take off my bandanna as I recent had surgery. They told me it was no problem and walked right through. Didn't even have a letter with me from H & W. Experience of course, may differ.

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Canada and other countries are usually very nice. Its the American customs agents who seem to be very ridiculous. Always have a hard time with them, and telling them the reason for your visit was just 'Cosmetic Surgery' isnt enough to some of them.


Honestly, the American customs have a certain cockiness which has spread like disease and while it sometimes works to catch drug runners, it is very upsetting and they make INNOCENT people feel like they did something wrong.


Thats my opinion.

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My experience of going to Canada was fine. On the way in I was asked why I'm visiting and I just said 'leisure'.


When departing I managed to wear my hat at all times so it was easy. Of course, security may have gotten a bit stricter since last year so I'm not sure it would be so easy now.


One thing that helped on the way out of Ottawa was the fact that the airport was very quiet - no queues at all, so it is good to try and arrange a midweek flight when things are less busy.

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In my experience (and also from what I heard from a friend), surprisingly, Canadian security was more rigid, and the US officials showed more leniency.


One Canadian official took me aside and searched my bag for almost 15 minutes apparently as part of a "random" search.


In contrast, when I approached the US officials, I told them that I was wearing a bandana because I had a surgery... and I can take off the bandana if they wanted me to. The officer was nice and told me that I do NOT need to take off my bandana. He just asked me what type of surgery.


So to answer your question, if you're visiting Dr Feller, I don't think you'll have any trouble flying in or out of the US as long as you don't have anything metal on you that can trigger the metal detectors.

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I eventually went with SMG and flew from London. The people in the clinic were fantastic and the experience was all that I imagined it would be. Thank you guys. The Hotel staff could not have been more helpful. Generally, what Minnesota lacks in architecture, it more than makes up for in hospitality (they call this 'Minnesota Nice').


The same cannot be said for the customs people who gave me a crap time both getting in (2 hour wait and interview). and coming out (practically strip searched in public without cap). This is despite my high tech biometric passport. I guess I should expect this shoddy treatment with my non-Anglo Saxon name (their excuse - honest!).


Although, this sort of treatment has effected my holiday destinations and general business dealings. It has had zero impact on my recommendation of SMG and would go back every time.

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