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A little frustrated....

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I'm now at 5 1/2 months. I know it's still very early but I am seeing very little going on up there and am getting a bit impatient...I am taking 1/4 Proscar and 4000 MSM everyday...I was thinking of adding Rogain to kick start my progress. I really don't have any intention on using it longer then three months as I find it a hassle and messy...my concern is will the negatives out-way the positives as far as shedding goes...will I lose hair when I start using Rogain and when I start growing hair and stop again in a few months will I have shedding again and have to wait for my hair to grow back anyways...Make sense? any advice would be appreciated...thanks..

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  • Regular Member

I'm now at 5 1/2 months. I know it's still very early but I am seeing very little going on up there and am getting a bit impatient...I am taking 1/4 Proscar and 4000 MSM everyday...I was thinking of adding Rogain to kick start my progress. I really don't have any intention on using it longer then three months as I find it a hassle and messy...my concern is will the negatives out-way the positives as far as shedding goes...will I lose hair when I start using Rogain and when I start growing hair and stop again in a few months will I have shedding again and have to wait for my hair to grow back anyways...Make sense? any advice would be appreciated...thanks..

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Remind me...who was your doctor?


Though 5.5 months is early, I would expect that you'd see SOME growth at this point. Do you have any before and 5.5 month pictures you can post?


It is typical for people to go through a shedding phase when one starts rogaine...as to whether or not transplanted hair will shed, I'm not really sure. I imagine it could, however, from what I understand, only the weaker hairs will tend to shed and then grow back in stronger.


But using rogaine will not harm any transplanted hair...even hair that sheds from its use will grow back.



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  • Senior Member

You ought to be seeing *something* by 5.5 months; heck, a lot of people have lots of growth by then. If you don't see a significant difference in another 2 months then chances are something went wrong.

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  • Regular Member


Here is a pre-op and a 5.5 month shot I will be 6 month in july. I had 2080 grafts by Dr. Pathomvanich in Bangkok.. I do see some "New" hair, I just thought I would be a bit further along at this point. I have more photos posted as well. Thanks


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Guest bro66

it takes time man. im just seeing full results from my first HT 19 months ago, so im not expecting to see the results from my 2nd HT 6 months ago anytime soon. i now have total of about 3200 graphs.

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Way too early .. Be patient.. Many times the changes are so gradual we don't even notice.

Give yourself about 8 months to see some decent results if you are a slow grower



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Guest bro66

guess we're all late bloomers. are any of you taking any hair vitamins? im just taking a mens multi vitamin, shampooing and conditioning everyday with nioxin 2.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Creepingback


Rogaine may actually slow things down as it may cause additional shedding in the beginning.. Also keep in mind if you start it , you have to keep using it for life or else you will lose what you have.


I would wait especially if you are impatient



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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