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I am based in Bangalore. I fall under the level 2 hair loss category ( receding M shaped hair loss at the front and thinning hair at the crown). My father is bald, he has hair only on the sides and the back of the head, so I knew that it would not be long before I also started losing hair. I am only 23 years old, so its getting on my psyche seeing this. I used to have long hair in college which friends used to say that really looked good on me. The hair loss started as soon as I passed out and got into a job( maybe it was the stress which quickened the process)


On September 19th 2009, I booked an appointment at Dr. Venkat Charmalaya Hospital at Cunningham Road, Bangalore. I was charged a consultation fee of Rs 350. I went to meet the doctor and I am not really sure of what the doctor's name is. I was not sure if the doctor was Mr. Venkatraman Mysore.


The doctor took a look at me and told me what kind of hair loss treatment I was looking for. He said


Doctor: Are you looking for a hair transplant or just retaining your current hair. You have what is described generally as the male pattern baldness.


Me: I am looking at a hair transplant, but after transplant, will the non-transplanted hair fall off?


Doctor: Ok, we charge about Rs 35 per graft and it seems you need around 1300 grafts, so it would cost you around 45000 Rs. After treatment, you would need to keep on taking medication to retain your hair.


Me: hmm..how much will the medication cost me?


Doctor: The medication will cost you around Rs 350-400 per month. I quickly calculated it to be around 4000 - 4500 per month.

Me: Will I need to take the medication for a life time?


Doctor: You would need to take it as long as you wish to retain your hair. Most people take the medication until they get married at which point they stop caring if they have hair or not. ( we both share a laugh, the reply was almost as if many people have asked him, so he had an answer prepared.)


Me: If I choose to go for the operation, when will the operation take place and for how long?


Doctor: We have a waiting period of one month, so if you schedule it now, you can be operated after a month.


Me ( after a few seconds): I will think about it and get back to you.


Doctor: Sure...speak to the receptionist about your decision. Meanwhile, the doctor took my name and gave me a prescription which consisted of Finpecia, Folliperm and a shampoo called Scalpe.


I thought it was a bit of a exaggeration by the doctor to make it seem as if getting operated at that place would have a long waiting period, indirectly meaning to say many people are going for it at their place.


Whole throughout, the doctor had an attitude of "Take It or Leave It, it dont really matter to me". I think I like that attitude because it really conveys a message of being not money-minded. This might even be the doctor's persona itself, I am not really sure.


I have been using the tablets regularly for a month and I cant really say about their results. One thing is sure that I am going for a transplant, I am expecting a price range of around 40-60k, if I am frugal for a couple of months, I think I should have enough money.


Anyway, today 31st October 2009, I am going to meet Dr. Sridhara Reddy at Pioneer Hair Clinic for his opinion as well.

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  • Senior Member

Definitely definitely DO NOT GO THERE.


Do not be a fool and choose a substandard clinic that may either give you terrible scars, lost donor or horrible plugs.


We have so many doctors in the coalition by now, that you are bound to find one if not in your country, your part of the world.


Do not let distance be the deciding factor (been there, done that)


You should probably research on Dr. Mohmand Humayun and Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich which are based in Pakistan and Thailand respectively.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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  • Senior Member

I don't know who this doctor is or whether he's any good, but there's nothing contained in your summary of the conversation which raises any red flags. It's good that you're shopping around though. It's vital that you choose a doctor based on reputation rather than convenience.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member

Sleepingphantom, it is perfectly normal for a decent doctor to have a month's (or several months') waiting period. Also, there's nothing wrong with the doctor having an attitude of "Take It or Leave It, it dont really matter to me." Believe me, you should prefer a doctor with this kind of an attitude rather than a desperate "sales-pressure" one.


IMO, you should focus more on the results achieved by the doctor. Ask for detailed pictures of his patients' before/after pictures. Also, ask him if you can meet any of his patients in person.


It is also a good idea to shop around and compare doctors. So it's good you're talking to this other doctor. Do a thorough research, and then decide as to which doctor is most likely to help you reach your goals.


Good luck!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by mattj:

I don't know who this doctor is or whether he's any good, but there's nothing contained in your summary of the conversation which raises any red flags. It's good that you're shopping around though. It's vital that you choose a doctor based on reputation rather than convenience.


I don't see a red flag either, i might have misread parts of it the first time, but in all honesty we have so many coalition doctors - why gamble?


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

Not sure what this group of doctors and coalation meant !!


Indian doctors are 100 times better than the other doctors. This is the reason why USA / UK and Saudi has the top known doctors only from India. Its in Indian Blood that they excel in their field and truely skillfull and has humanity to mankind.


If a team of 10 people form a group and make a team all over the world, then it does'nt mean that this group of institutions provide better service and others are substandard.


If a doctor really got a good standard then he can easily handle his own work and excel world over. He would not need a coalation to push him forward by a brand name and do marketting.


In this world of cosmetic surgery and Hair Transplantation, it does'nt a brand name. Brands are used when individuals cannot deliver.


Mr. Manoj Khanna has any Brand ? Dr. Aravind from Hyderabad has no big brand name and doctors from delhi does 10 times good work than USA / Pakistan and Dubai without any brand name. It takes 3 months to get an appointment with those doctors. All these without any brand names


Please do not call the Indian doctors as substandard doctors. May be Dr. Venkat Raman was busy when our friend went there. And moreover Dr. Venkat Raman was doing very good work when he was young. His work was far better than other US doctors in those days.


Dr. Sreedhar Reddy Pothula (Pioneer hair Care) Bangalore - India is like god to some of my friends (including myself). He is a gem and he does toooo good work. He never compromises on the work even though if you offer him 30% extra money. And he too dont have dates now. All his Fridays/Sat and Sundays are booked till Febraury. His classic guest house for HT seekers and the hospital ambience and the imported equipment are truely world class. British / Australian and US citizens wait for HT dates with him. I have seen this personally. Dubai cases are common for him.


Dr. Manoj from Calcutta, its very hard to get an appointment. He does world class work. His dates are totally booked.


One doctor from South India called Aravind is also doing very very good work. He also dont have dates now.


So now tell me. Will the coalations work or the real work of the doctor will speak ( at the end of the day )

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  • Regular Member


What you are saying is all bull!!.You are entitled to the way you think but i dont want anybody from india to get influenced by your talks.No doctor in india except for Dr MAdhu who has been recently recommended on this site is capable enough to carry off a good HT.Dr manoj is a breast implant specialist who does part time hair restoration surgeries.

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If you are a patient of a particular doctor and happy with your results, great. But what do you have to gain by insulting this community and the physicians we recommend?


Whereas I can't speak on every physician in India, the physicians carefully reviewed and selected by this community to recommend have proven to meet our high standards and have an outstanding history of producing excellent results.


If you have an experience and photos to share, by all means, do so. But unless you have a legitimate concern or complaint about a particular physician recommended by our community, I advise you to shut your pie hole on things you know nothing about.





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I felt compelled to reply to you again, because after researching your name, I see that you're promoting Dr. Sreedhar all over the forum. I've asked you on this thread whether or not you're just a patient or if you work for him. Since you still appear to be promoting him and now are badmouthing excellent physicians in the process, unless you prove your one of his patients, I'm going to assume you're an employee of his and not a genuine patient.


If you have a legtimate question about how we recommend physicians, feel free to ask. But we don't support posts designed strictly to unfairly malign quality physicians.


Your response is expected.



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  • 2 months later...

Respected Mr Bill


"Definitely definitely DO NOT GO THERE.

Do not be a fool and choose a substandard clinic that may either give you terrible scars, lost donor or horrible plugs."


--- by MikeTheDane


The above guy was promoting some Pakistani clinic as a agent and maligning other clinics/doctors. May be they dont like Indian doctors. But we do respect Pakistani doctors as we Indians respect good work ( who-ever does it ). Please share the snaps before promoting anyone.



"Sleepingphantom" made derogatory remarks on Dr. Mysore Venkat which are not good. Every doctor has his attitude but we cannot decide their work by judging their attitude.



"No doctor in india except for Dr MAdhu who has been recently recommended on this site is capable enough to carry off a good HT.Dr manoj is a breast implant specialist who does part time hair restoration surgeries."


--- by HaiRisWhere


This guy is promoting only Dr. Madhu and says that all other doctors are not good at all.


Please do not malign the good works done by Manoj Khanna. For the people who dont know him, let me tell you that he is the main surgeon who implanted hair for most of the indian cricket fraternity. If he does breast implant then it DOESNT MEAN that he should not perform HTs. Bill : Correct me if I am wrong.



All these comments are like agents speaking out. Why you react only "Prasad1980". I have seen some of the very informative literature hosted by him on your site.


I expect a person like you who runs this site so nicely, to be impartial and start looking at the work done by each of the doctor. If you react with such language, we get a feel that this site is also a business portal. Please take your words back and we do respect your dignity.


I have also seen that you are promoting the work from Dr. Madhu. Can you please share the work done by Dr. Madhu so that we also beleive your words and appreciate his work ( if genuine ).


For your information:

I am not an agent. So please reply to my email devraajtheindian@gmail.com , i will reply you back.


I visited Dr Mysore Venkat Raman and am impressed by his work. He has multiple specialities and a good dermitologist.

I visited Dr. Sreedhar clinic and impressed by his work. And he gave few references of his old cases and I met them and I am comfortable.

I also visited Manoj Khanna in January and am very much impressed with his work. I saw his work. Its world class.

My friend is getting his HT with Dr. Aravind from this month. I am yet to check his results

Am particularly impressed by Shewag case. Shewag got good hair. Seems like he got his HT done in Delhi. Can someone give the name of his doctor ?

I have not seen the work of Dr. Madhu yet. Mr Bill , can you provide the snaps of his work as you are promoting him ?.


My company sends me to work onsite in all client locations in India, so I can reach all the good doctors in the next 3 months and make a decision finally. In this way, I am a bit fortunate than you all.


I need a honest feedback from this site so that I can make a decision.



Please guys, we beleive you and take a decision. So please send snaps so that we can beleive you.



Mr. Bill : Thank you very much for bringing up all of us together and share the information. Really appreciate your work. Please dont take my suggestions personally. I hope you will respond to us honestly.





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Mr Bill


I just took 2 mins and used my brain to check if the below blog is genuine or not. We cannot blame the site operators for this. They cannot control 100s of such blogs. So use your brains and decide which is correct and which is fake / agent blog.


See below cust/paste and decide by yourself.

This guy "HaiRisWhere" was registered on Nov 14th and could post 45 posts just in 20+ days. And he promotes only ONE DOCTOR mostly. He is intentionally maligning the work of other good doctors like Dr. Manoj Khanna and Dr. Sreedhar who are doing good work (honestly).


This gives us the beleif that no genuine blogger will spend 45 blogs to promote any doctor after a hair transplant in just 20+ days without any benefit. We do social service and blog but never to this extent unless its a business favor.





Veteran Real Hair Club Member

Posted December 12, 2009 10:11 AM Hide Post




What you are saying is all bull!!.You are entitled to the way you think but i dont want anybody from india to get influenced by your talks.No doctor in india except for Dr MAdhu who has been recently recommended on this site is capable enough to carry off a good HT.Dr manoj is a breast implant specialist who does part time hair restoration surgeries.


Posts: 45 | Registered: November 14, 2009






Bloggers !!! Do we still believe him ?





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Devraj and/or Prasad1980 - whatever you want to call yourself,


I would have taken your post more seriously if you weren't sharing the same IP address as Prasad1980 and referring to him as if he is a different person than you.


Your posts are nonsensical and have been negative since the beginning. Saying Indian doctors are 100 times better than other doctors is blatantly untrue and if anything, evidence would suggest the oppositie (minus a select few physicians in India such as Dr. Madhu, who is performing state of the art hair transplants).


Examples of Dr. Madhu's quality results can be found on this forum and on his recommendation profile. He's been prescreened by our community and approved for recommendation. If you take the time to search this community, you will find the discussion topic where members can provide their input prior to him being approved for recommendation.


I don't pretend to know every doctor in India or their work. But there's no evidence suggesting that any of them are better than those recommended by this community regularly producing excellent results.


I've challenged your "Prasad1980's" statements above (back in December mind you) because some of them were nonsensical and blatantly untrue.


Coming to this community, badmouthing a group of reputable physicians and promoting your own reaks of agenda. Now you created another alias pretending to be someone else. Thus, you are no longer welcome to post here.





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No offense to 3rd world countries, especially the doctors that are part of this coalition


but doctors, especially 3rd world country doctors (I am sure the coalitions doctors also agree) understand that the technology and advancements here in the US is usually far superior to those in 3rd world countries.


Why is this the case? Mostly $$$, and many big named pharmaceutical companies are based in the US (many are also european based)


There are many doctors from outside the US that immigrate to the US to realize how difficult it is to pass the boards.


I've also been to many clinics outside the US especially in Asia, I get VERY concerned about their skills and abilities.


I personally would not go outsider the US for a cosmetic surgery, I think the cons outweigh the pros.


Now if there is a hospital in china for example that is sponsored by an affiliation or group, then I may consider it (eg: mayo clinic) because they are putting their names on the line


just thought to get my 2 cents on the scenario.

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There is nothing wrong in a Doctor having ATTITUDE. see his work man


Atlast its your hair that matters right ? have patience.






Originally posted by Forrest Gump:

Sleepingphantom, it is perfectly normal for a decent doctor to have a month's (or several months') waiting period. Also, there's nothing wrong with the doctor having an attitude of "Take It or Leave It, it dont really matter to me." Believe me, you should prefer a doctor with this kind of an attitude rather than a desperate "sales-pressure" one.


IMO, you should focus more on the results achieved by the doctor. Ask for detailed pictures of his patients' before/after pictures. Also, ask him if you can meet any of his patients in person.


It is also a good idea to shop around and compare doctors. So it's good you're talking to this other doctor. Do a thorough research, and then decide as to which doctor is most likely to help you reach your goals.


Good luck

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Have some patience.

Dr Venkat might be busy at that time. If you want hair then see the doctors work and not his attitude.


Good Luck



Originally posted by sleepingphantom:



I am based in Bangalore. I fall under the level 2 hair loss category ( receding M shaped hair loss at the front and thinning hair at the crown). My father is bald, he has hair only on the sides and the back of the head, so I knew that it would not be long before I also started losing hair. I am only 23 years old, so its getting on my psyche seeing this. I used to have long hair in college which friends used to say that really looked good on me. The hair loss started as soon as I passed out and got into a job( maybe it was the stress which quickened the process)


On September 19th 2009, I booked an appointment at Dr. Venkat Charmalaya Hospital at Cunningham Road, Bangalore. I was charged a consultation fee of Rs 350. I went to meet the doctor and I am not really sure of what the doctor's name is. I was not sure if the doctor was Mr. Venkatraman Mysore.


The doctor took a look at me and told me what kind of hair loss treatment I was looking for. He said


Doctor: Are you looking for a hair transplant or just retaining your current hair. You have what is described generally as the male pattern baldness.


Me: I am looking at a hair transplant, but after transplant, will the non-transplanted hair fall off?


Doctor: Ok, we charge about Rs 35 per graft and it seems you need around 1300 grafts, so it would cost you around 45000 Rs. After treatment, you would need to keep on taking medication to retain your hair.


Me: hmm..how much will the medication cost me?


Doctor: The medication will cost you around Rs 350-400 per month. I quickly calculated it to be around 4000 - 4500 per month.

Me: Will I need to take the medication for a life time?


Doctor: You would need to take it as long as you wish to retain your hair. Most people take the medication until they get married at which point they stop caring if they have hair or not. ( we both share a laugh, the reply was almost as if many people have asked him, so he had an answer prepared.)


Me: If I choose to go for the operation, when will the operation take place and for how long?


Doctor: We have a waiting period of one month, so if you schedule it now, you can be operated after a month.


Me ( after a few seconds): I will think about it and get back to you.


Doctor: Sure...speak to the receptionist about your decision. Meanwhile, the doctor took my name and gave me a prescription which consisted of Finpecia, Folliperm and a shampoo called Scalpe.


I thought it was a bit of a exaggeration by the doctor to make it seem as if getting operated at that place would have a long waiting period, indirectly meaning to say many people are going for it at their place.


Whole throughout, the doctor had an attitude of "Take It or Leave It, it dont really matter to me". I think I like that attitude because it really conveys a message of being not money-minded. This might even be the doctor's persona itself, I am not really sure.


I have been using the tablets regularly for a month and I cant really say about their results. One thing is sure that I am going for a transplant, I am expecting a price range of around 40-60k, if I am frugal for a couple of months, I think I should have enough money.


Anyway, today 31st October 2009, I am going to meet Dr. Sridhara Reddy at Pioneer Hair Clinic for his opinion as well.

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I totally agree with you


Originally posted by Forrest Gump:

Sleepingphantom, it is perfectly normal for a decent doctor to have a month's (or several months') waiting period. Also, there's nothing wrong with the doctor having an attitude of "Take It or Leave It, it dont really matter to me." Believe me, you should prefer a doctor with this kind of an attitude rather than a desperate "sales-pressure" one.


IMO, you should focus more on the results achieved by the doctor. Ask for detailed pictures of his patients' before/after pictures. Also, ask him if you can meet any of his patients in person.


It is also a good idea to shop around and compare doctors. So it's good you're talking to this other doctor. Do a thorough research, and then decide as to which doctor is most likely to help you reach your goals.


Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I Checked both the sides

Both (Dr Madhu & Dr. Sreedhar) are doing seriously good job. Results are similar

I have personally seen the patients of both doctors. 1 & 2 yr old HT cases respectively


I am searching for blogs/contacts which can give me a an idea on how the transplanted hair will behave after 5 to 10 yrs. Can anyone give me the links here




Originally posted by HaiRisWhere:


What you are saying is all bull!!.You are entitled to the way you think but i dont want anybody from india to get influenced by your talks.No doctor in india except for Dr MAdhu who has been recently recommended on this site is capable enough to carry off a good HT.Dr manoj is a breast implant specialist who does part time hair restoration surgeries

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  • Senior Member

This thread is sooooo stupid, that Bill you should delete it. I am of Indian origin yet I will say that most if not all doctors in India are HACKS ( with the exception of maybe Dr Madhu ). I could have easily gone to India and got a HT from any of the "so called" great Indian docs, but I did not. I went to a top notch American surgeon because I wanted the best. If Indian doctors are so damn good, why does'nt this moron Prasad1980 , post some of their work. I have seen the work done by Indian docs, It is old mini/micro grafting and plug work. This Idiot is giving all Indians on the forum a bad name!

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