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I think its time!

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  • Senior Member

Hello all, its been a while since I have posted on the forum. Mainly because (like we all say to try our best and do) Ive tried my best to not think about my hairloss all the time and constantly let it beat me down. Which in turn has somewhat drawn me away from the forum, although Ive been lurking here and there quite a bit reading up : )

-Ive last had a HT with Dr. True in November of 2007. Which 1600 grafts were transfered the front 1/4 of my head and temporal areas on both sides. Everything went great in all aspects as some of you may already know if you had read my write up post op.

-About 4.5 months ago my hairline to about a 1/4 inch back give or take (which is the most important to me) really took a hit. Behind that could use some density due to mpb and some premature loss due to the HT. The propecia and rogaine combo has been holding the rest strong (atleast to my liking, especially with a little dermatch!) and slowed my loss down drastically. I only use ROgaine once a day for about 3months now so no sign of regrowth and most of the shedding (due to the Rogaine, not the proscar, that Ive been on for 1.5yrs no) has stopped.

-So now for the last several months Ive been coloring most of my hairline with the Dermatch applicator like its a crayon. It looks very unnatural, spaced hairs and a much noticeable colored scalp (which draws even more questions) surrounding the hair. This by no means is fault by the Doctors work but only a result of further loss. The good side of things, any exsisting hairs are mostly all transplanted icon_smile.gif These past few months have been a real test determining the timeline of my next transplant. After sitting down and thinking long and hard about my financial status, timeline vs income, future hairloss, donor supply etc...Ive closed it down to only being able to feel like this for a few more months! But will my income allow for this? As if things couldnt get worse at times you feel almost like giving up, curl up in a corner and continue to live a life that wasnt meant for you! Like most of us here I could talk about this forever and Im sorry if I sound like Im looking for pitty but I most definately am not. Just would like some feedback and others thoughts on my position and what they would maybe do? Have Doctors knowing times are rough for all done anything in good faith? Cheapers grafts etc? Anything to instill a little hope in my eyes hehe icon_wink.gif

Sorry for making this a little lengthy and jumpy, I guess thats just me letting out something thats bottled up and "only" opened on this forum. Its tough for some people <shrugs>

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Diamond light,


I suppose Im in a somewhat similar situation to yourself (and everybody else on here), but specifically in the fact that I too use thickener, to a point where I feel that it looks unnatural, and the whole income V transplant arguement going on in my head constantly. I have not had the experience of a previous transplant but am planning one for August time and just need to ride the inbetween months and keep a low profile as my bank balance steadily rises.


Plus, it seems like yourself that I have had a particularly rough few days also. The answer, I have no idea. Im wrestling in my head to figure out the exacts in my own case.


We must pick ourselves up and remember that at least we are in turmoil about exacts of our possible SOLUTION. Instead of many individuals in various scenarios (both hair related and not), where there is no apparent solution. Its definately a tough tough situation where there is no immediate answer, but remember the whole point of a HT is for long term benefit. If you can get through the next few months or so, I know its tough short term but the long term solutions could be beautiful.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

One thought that keeps me optimistic is this - We are the first generation of humans EVER to have a decent option in getting our real hair back in a reasonably acceptable fashion (IMHO). Sure, 50 years from now it should be great, but 20 years ago and before, we had nothing (well, nothing good anyway..)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hang in there I'll give you my advice since youre asking for it. I know that losing hair is absolutely stressful enough as it is--when you throw in financial issues on top of it, it can feel like the Titanic has landed on your life and there's a temptation to slightly over react.


1. The best advice I can ever give is that when you concentrate on SOLVING the problem then most of the anxiety goes away. So decide that youre eventually going to solve and improve your situation no matter what.


2. Ive heard people say that a HT should never be financed and i could not disagree more. I would ask your doc for a payment plan that is reasonable in order to move your results along. This is important to your professional and personal life


3. If the dermatch is looking heavy switch over to toppik or a spray. Go easy. You dont have to look perfect. When you find yourself obsessing, take some deep breaths and get some perspective. You probably look just fine


4. Keep reminding yourself that youre one of the guys who is DOING something about this problem. Youre in the minority and throughout history very few people were actually able to improve their situations like youre doing


5. Your HT is working- remeber that. Its just taking more time and money than you thought. Keep in mind that a lot of us here, me included, started out with awful grafts most of which never grew and had to deal with a depleted donor situation. Talk about STRESS. Youre going to be fine, Concentrate on solutions and think of the present as the gateway to a great future

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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