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Finasteride and loss of sleep????


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Hi guys,


I am probably a Norwood 2 - 2.5 and just realized the state of my MPB about a month ago.... I just started on Finasteride 3.5 weeks ago.


I have not had any ED side-effects or problems with libido so far. However the one problem I do have:


For about two weeks now I am having significant problems with insomnia. I am having a VERY difficult time falling asleep at night, and what little sleep I can manage to get is not good quality either. I found this link which states that insomnia can be a side-effect of Propecia/Finasteride: http://www.yoursleepdisorders.com/finasteride-and-insom...s-of-finasteride-22/


My question I guess is: have any of you guys had similar problems with insomnia?? I am not sure whether the lack of sleep could be an exact side-effect of Finasteride.... I have read somewhere the levels of DHT are highest when you are sleeping, so if Finasteride blocks DHT, could this affect your sleep cycle??

Would you suggest switching to a lower-dose (every other day??) of finasteride, or any sleep meds?? I hate the idea of having to take sleep medications because don't want to get dependent on them. Any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate any help!!



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I have been of propecia for about 6 years; I have also had insomnia; however, I do not feel it was caused by propecia; I worked differant shifts in my job, stress etc...


First, try make sure you are sleeping on a regular schedule; try to go to bed and get up at about the same time each day; I do take ambien, a prescription sleep aid occassionally, but you can't take too often or your body gets used to to it and its effectiveness is less; also, no caffeine up to 8 hours before bedtime; caffeine has a half life of 4 hours, so it can stay in your system and prevent a good sleep; I would not change your dosage of propecia; I do not feel it is related to insomnia.

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Thanks Dhoose!! BTW, you said you have 'been of' Propecia, is that typo meaning you have been 'on' it or did you decide to quite because of the side-effects??


I don't take any caffeine at all. Normally I eat VERY healthy and avoid intaking any unncessary foods/liquids (soda, etc.) and Finasteride is so far the only thing I have taken (reluctantly I must admit....)


I think you are right, most likely I don't think my insomnia is due to propecia.... I have kept a realllly bad sleeping habit/cycle the last few years, sleeping/waking at odd hours. All this might just be anxiety....


I was looking online and saw reviews on some good hypno-sleep aid audio cd's and new age music cd's for sleep and relaxation. I have ordered a few of these and will try them out, but I am really hoping they help to solve the problem. I really wouldn't like to have to get off Finasteride as I don't want to lose my freakin hair!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! icon_smile.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Exactly the same thoughts as skysurf brought me to this forum (via a google search). I have been taking propecia for about 9 days now and the quality of my sleep has been terrible - it's as if I have been taking gobs of coffee before going to bed. I am inclined to get off it completely.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,


just thought to update on this post since I started it.


I've been on Finasteride (Propecia) for a little over four months now. I am sleeping better and don't think my loss of sleep was due to finasteride at all.... Looking at it now I am sure it was just anxiety (especially anxiety about losing my hair!!!! icon_smile.gif......) and poor sleeping habits.


I am thankful to say there are no side-effects I've had either, and my sex drive and libido seem to the same, if not a little higher.... I was REALLLLLY worried about this before I started Propecia, but think this could very well be simply psychological as well.... I normally take the 5mg finasteride split into quarters. The pill split into quarters is so small I don't know how it manages to do anything at all???? But I hope it does and prevents my hairloss....


So I will continue my use of Propecia and hopefully have good results. icon_smile.gif



Best regards,

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Hiya notgoing,


no, I take the 5mg Finastaride pill (PROSCAR). I use a pill-cutter and split it into a quarter and take each quarter every night. So I take 1.25 mg finasteride every night, and skip the fifth night, as advised by my doctor who prescribed it.


Actually, what I usually do is even out the time between the day I take the last quarter of the old pill and the first quarter of the new pill. So that means I take 1.25 mg each night for three nights. Then I skip the fourth night, but on the fifth morning I will take the last 1.25 mg. Then on the night of the sixth I take the first 1.25 mg of the next pill. If that makes sense.... I dunno if it's actually gonna work, but I just figured it to be better than just waiting two entire days with the DHT-blocker. icon_smile.gif


So far I haven't noticed any of the sexual side-effects. I had thought I was noticing them at the beginning, but now thing that was also just psychological as Mr. Happy seems to be quite happy and content most of the time. I hope it stays like!!!! icon_smile.gif


Best regards,

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that sounds like a healthy and disciplined diet of fin!

Im glad your "mr. happy" is still in full-function and that you can describe him in such endearing terms...

I have a rather vengeful and vindictive prick, which I will in no way shower him w/such praises and blessings.... icon_mad.gificon_redface.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've experienced insomnia for apx. 5 years since I've been on propecia. However, I've never definitively determined that propecia was/is the cause. What I generally experienced was a sort of "anxiety" attack (rapid heart rate/adrenaline)while lying in bed that would wake me up out of bed. I would be interested in finding out if anyone has had a similiar experience.


I don't know if even the folks suffering from MPB realize how consuming a thing it is. Going bald/losing hair/shedding is constantly on the surface of my mind, which in turn produces stress, and suppossedly stress perpetuates shedding. It's a vicious cycle indeed.


Again, I don't know if propecia alone causes insomnia, but I have a feeling it might exacerbate an existing condition. I cannot drink caffiene anymore as I'm ultra-sensitive to it. I always have a box of non-habit forming sleeping pills for those restless nights. However, I would like to say that I've kicked caffiene recently (diet sodas) and I've been sleeping pretty well recently FWIW.


Hope this helps

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