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Should I Try to Get My Money Back?

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My HT (female) was a little over 1 yr ago and my hair looks almost exactly the same, maybe even worse. My hair loss has always been gradual, so it's not due to my own hair loss. I've posted about this dr. before and even went to Hasson & Wong and talked to their consult. I was never promised a great head of hair like when I was younger, but never did I anticipate that I would waste $6k for nothing. The dr. had me sign an agreement, which I never got a copy of, that said I may not have any results. I believe the problem was his lack of knowledge and experience that caused me to have no results (used goggles instead of microscopes, the hair tech showed up late and her ride to leave showed up early, they took 1c x 15-18"c strip when he only wanted to transplant 800-1000 grafts. He "claims" to have transplanted 1100 grafts, but where did the rest of my hair go? I believe several hundred hairs ended up in the garbage. Not a day goes by where the back of my scalp isn't tight and feels very uncomfortable, a reminder of what he did to me. My regular dr said the scar looks good, but why does it feel so tight other than he took too much? Instead of a HT, I feel he did a hair removal.

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  • Senior Member

You have no case. That insignificant piece of paper was a consent form. Also that amount of money is chump change compared to what you would spend to get even a portion of it back. Nice business eh. I wish I could sleep at night with that onus of responsibility. Consider yourself lucky and good day.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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  • Senior Member

Pikmin - Those are yours. Request them NOW. Otherwise demand them. If all else fails I will help the you with the absent minded profester. PM if you need.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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  • Senior Member

You should request a refund, yes. Even if you dont get it, you sound like you deserve it. I dont need to tell you the offer of another surgery in an attempt to repair anything is a no-go, but sometimes it needs repeated, just in case

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