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Live Chat Transcript from 9/25/2007

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Hello everyone,


As many of you know, our community has recently started providing live chat every Tuesday evening at 10:00pm.


I have had a number of requested both publicly and privately to post this past Tuesday's chat transcript. Not only did we have many forum members (veteran and new), but we were joined by two of our coalition physicians, Dr. Hasson and Dr. Epstein. What an amazing experience to have professional input at our immediate disposal.


Below is the live chat transcript from Tuesday evening 9/25/2007. It is long and possibly confusing to follow. But since many have requested it, I have posted it.


The Live Chat Transcript is Below:




2007-09-25 18:11:14.0

melina: hi

2007-09-25 18:40:56.0

giants: if its not mr crouse

2007-09-25 18:41:30.0

giants: just as i suspected

2007-09-25 18:44:33.0

giants: Bill my man

2007-09-25 18:44:56.0

Bill: Hey Giants

2007-09-25 18:45:04.0

Bill: I see there are a few early arrivers like myself

2007-09-25 18:45:11.0

giants: i was cutting my hair yesterday and accidently shaved it bald!

2007-09-25 18:45:18.0

giants: absurd

2007-09-25 18:45:32.0

Bill: wasn't it already shaved down to a 1 clip?

2007-09-25 18:45:34.0

giants: i left kinda a mohalk down the middle

2007-09-25 18:45:39.0

Bill: it doesn't get much shorter than that

2007-09-25 18:45:40.0

Bill: oh!

2007-09-25 18:45:41.0

giants: yea hbut this was a 0

2007-09-25 18:45:45.0

Bill: my friend John shaves his head bald

2007-09-25 18:45:51.0

giants: 0 gets practically bald

2007-09-25 18:45:59.0

Bill: yeah...zero is quite short

2007-09-25 18:46:00.0

giants: you can barly see hair

2007-09-25 18:46:17.0

Bill: yeah I know...I've done that before

2007-09-25 18:46:45.0

giants: the look inst the end of the world but i look alot better with hiar

2007-09-25 18:47:08.0

Bill: well I always thought I looked better with hair too which is why I had 3 transplants

2007-09-25 18:47:11.0

giants: wouldnt it have been great if people said i looked better bald

2007-09-25 18:47:31.0

giants: that just doesnt jhappen

2007-09-25 18:47:35.0

Bill: well the shaved head does look good on you from what I've seen

2007-09-25 18:47:54.0

giants: yeah its cool but have had alot of recen recesstion

2007-09-25 18:48:10.0

giants: id keep the 1 shave over anything else even if i had all my hair

2007-09-25 18:48:20.0

Bill: I did notice that from your picture...but then again, that was the first time I saw it at that angle

2007-09-25 18:48:54.0

giants: it diddnt decive you its gotten worst im on the foam twice a day and nizoral 7 times a week

2007-09-25 18:49:12.0

Bill: well I hope crouse comes back when we start

2007-09-25 18:49:18.0

giants: hell be back

2007-09-25 18:49:26.0

giants: if i know crouse which i dont hell come back

2007-09-25 18:49:40.0

Bill: yeah, I hope so

2007-09-25 18:49:46.0

Bill: well...perhaps you are experiencing a shed

2007-09-25 18:50:01.0

giants: naw recession is never a shed

2007-09-25 18:50:12.0

Bill: not the recession...

2007-09-25 18:50:19.0

Bill: I'm referring to the thinning on top

2007-09-25 18:50:20.0

giants: have you heard of follicas new product dermenodex

2007-09-25 18:50:24.0

Bill: behind where it has receeded

2007-09-25 18:50:49.0

giants: does it look thin behind where it has recceded?

2007-09-25 18:51:08.0

Bill: from what I saw in the one picture I thought it did. Perhaps it was the lighting or angle

2007-09-25 18:51:15.0

Bill: but I guess I'll have to look again

2007-09-25 18:51:34.0

giants: ill show you again

2007-09-25 18:51:42.0

giants: later

2007-09-25 18:52:04.0

Bill: yeah...I have it somewhere....I'll find it

2007-09-25 18:52:49.0

Bill: doesn't look like you have a problem with the ladies though

2007-09-25 18:53:01.0

giants: not as of now

2007-09-25 18:53:15.0

giants: but i can predict a probem in the futer

2007-09-25 18:53:24.0

giants: its also just knowing your not the man you once were

2007-09-25 18:53:36.0

Bill: hair does not make the man

2007-09-25 18:53:45.0

giants: i know

2007-09-25 18:53:51.0

Bill: I know plenty of bald men (NW6) who shave their head and still get beautiful women

2007-09-25 18:53:53.0

Bill: welcome barley!

2007-09-25 18:54:04.0

giants: its not just about hooking up with girls as it was about getting complimented

2007-09-25 18:54:12.0

giants: hows it going barly

2007-09-25 18:54:21.0

Bill: well sure...and it's how you feel about yourself

2007-09-25 18:54:24.0

giants: it just gives you confidence

2007-09-25 18:54:25.0

Bill: trust me bro...I've been there

2007-09-25 18:54:28.0


2007-09-25 18:54:30.0

Bill: I felt sorry for myself for years

2007-09-25 18:54:35.0

Bill: glad you could join us barley

2007-09-25 18:54:38.0

giants: yeah i feel you on that one

2007-09-25 18:54:46.0

Bill: only 3 of us right now, but I trust that this room will get busy soon

2007-09-25 18:54:59.0

Bill: we are currently talking about how hair loss has impacted us

2007-09-25 18:55:11.0

giants: Bill have you heard anything about follicas new product dermendex

2007-09-25 18:55:27.0

Bill: no I have not

2007-09-25 18:55:33.0

Bill: is it out on the market?

2007-09-25 18:55:39.0

giants: yeah

2007-09-25 18:55:40.0

Bill: or a projected product

2007-09-25 18:56:10.0

Bill: Barley...feel free to jump in bro

2007-09-25 18:56:30.0

giants: you can order it, its active ingrediant is adenosine

2007-09-25 18:57:11.0

Bill: what is adenosine supposed to do? Is it a DHT inhibitor?

2007-09-25 18:57:22.0

Bill: and it hasn't been FDA approved for haiir loss

2007-09-25 18:57:29.0

Bill: was it something I said?

2007-09-25 18:57:38.0

giants: no to be honist im still doing research on it

2007-09-25 18:57:49.0

Bill: yeah...feel free to post anything you find on the forum

2007-09-25 18:58:50.0

giants: is there anything real interesting in the intercytex report

2007-09-25 18:59:24.0

Bill: well...I know there was a report due yesterday. I haven't actually taken the time to read it yet - assuming it's even out

2007-09-25 18:59:58.0

Bill: welcome Paul!

2007-09-25 19:00:08.0

Paul L.: thanks

2007-09-25 19:00:08.0

Bill: glad you could join us

2007-09-25 19:00:14.0

Bill: are you new to our community?

2007-09-25 19:00:29.0

Paul L.: I haven't been here in awhile

2007-09-25 19:00:42.0

Bill: oh...well we are glad to have you back

2007-09-25 19:00:48.0

Bill: did you get the email?

2007-09-25 19:01:03.0

Paul L.: had 3 sessions - considering a 4th to finish up

2007-09-25 19:01:08.0

Paul L.: yes I got it

2007-09-25 19:01:19.0

giants: the report is out

2007-09-25 19:01:21.0

Bill: yeah, I goofed up the email at first and accidentally put last week's date!

2007-09-25 19:01:28.0

Bill: who was your doctor Paul?

2007-09-25 19:01:32.0

Paul L.: no problem

2007-09-25 19:01:43.0

Paul L.: beehner in ny state

2007-09-25 19:01:45.0

Bill: sounds like you are in the same boat as me....3 hair transplants and will probably have a 4th in a couple years

2007-09-25 19:01:58.0

Bill: Did he perform all 3 of your procedures?

2007-09-25 19:02:02.0

Bill: Welcome Hairfree!

2007-09-25 19:02:05.0

Paul L.: yes

2007-09-25 19:02:07.0

Bill: glad you could join us!

2007-09-25 19:02:14.0

Hairfree: Hello!

2007-09-25 19:02:15.0

Bill: Paul, how many grafts did you receive?

2007-09-25 19:02:23.0

Bill: for all 3 sessions combined?

2007-09-25 19:02:28.0

Bill: and what was your level of loss?

2007-09-25 19:02:41.0

Bill: Hairfree...I talked with your doctor over email the last couple days

2007-09-25 19:02:48.0

Paul L.: probably around 1500 each time - 4500

2007-09-25 19:02:52.0

Bill: Welcome BBG!

2007-09-25 19:02:58.0

Hairfree: Really..What was the topic?

2007-09-25 19:03:17.0

Bill: welcome back Barley

2007-09-25 19:03:26.0

Bill: Paul, what was your level of loss?

2007-09-25 19:03:28.0

BareBeGone: hi there, Bill! and everyone

2007-09-25 19:03:34.0

Bill: and how do you like your results with Dr. Beehner?

2007-09-25 19:03:48.0

Paul L.: good considering I was a 7

2007-09-25 19:03:50.0

Bill: Hairfree...just chit chatting really...

2007-09-25 19:03:56.0

Bill: I had to crop some photos for him on Pat's recent album

2007-09-25 19:04:06.0

Hairfree: Cool, Rahal seemed like a nice guy

2007-09-25 19:04:06.0

Bill: Paul...wow...that's great

2007-09-25 19:04:11.0

Bill: have you posted some photos?

2007-09-25 19:04:25.0

Hairfree: Did you mentioned me to Rahal?

2007-09-25 19:04:25.0

Bill: Glad you could join us BBG

2007-09-25 19:04:33.0

Paul L.: thinking of having either beehner of hasson do the last

2007-09-25 19:04:35.0

Bill: looks like Barley is having internet issues

2007-09-25 19:04:49.0

barley: yes, but I am OK for now

2007-09-25 19:04:58.0

Bill: Hairfree: actually he brought your name up...thanked me for helping you

2007-09-25 19:05:01.0

Bill: I told him it was my pleasure

2007-09-25 19:05:08.0

Bill: glad to hear it Barley icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:05:32.0

Bill: welcome Melina

2007-09-25 19:05:36.0

Bill: welcome super8mm

2007-09-25 19:05:39.0

Hairfree: Thats great, I mentioned you to Rahal. He said he knew you. That was back in April

2007-09-25 19:05:57.0

super8mm: Hi everyone

2007-09-25 19:06:00.0

Bill: I think Dr. Rahal has known OF me for awhile now

2007-09-25 19:06:07.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 19:06:08.0

Bill: but we only just had the opportunity to speak via email recently

2007-09-25 19:06:16.0

Bill: glad you could join us super8mm

2007-09-25 19:06:17.0

Hairfree: cool

2007-09-25 19:06:22.0

Bill: everyone who just entered....

2007-09-25 19:06:26.0

Bill: feel free to ask any question you have....

2007-09-25 19:06:34.0

Jotronic: Thanks, Bill. I will.

2007-09-25 19:06:36.0

Bill: Hey Joe!

2007-09-25 19:06:38.0

Jotronic: icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:06:40.0

Bill: :P

2007-09-25 19:06:42.0

Jotronic: SUP?!

2007-09-25 19:06:44.0

barley: Bill, this site is great, chock full of useful information. In a shot period of time, I believe I have a decent understanding of the process. I am ready to consult with several NY coalition members soon.

2007-09-25 19:06:55.0

BareBeGone: nyc here

2007-09-25 19:06:57.0

Bill: Barley...I'm glad to hear it!

2007-09-25 19:07:03.0

Bill: I'm glad our community has been a useful tool for you

2007-09-25 19:07:04.0

Hairfree: Whats up Joe

2007-09-25 19:07:10.0

Bill: I also recommend everyone here occasionally check out www.regrowhair.com

2007-09-25 19:07:14.0

Jotronic: Hey brother

2007-09-25 19:07:21.0

Bill: questions are answered daily and posted for everyone to see

2007-09-25 19:07:23.0

Bill: about 2 per day

2007-09-25 19:07:28.0

Bill: you can also search the site

2007-09-25 19:07:31.0

giants: is it too difficult to have a transplant outta state

2007-09-25 19:07:47.0

Hairfree: I left the country for my HT

2007-09-25 19:08:05.0

barley: i spoke too soon

2007-09-25 19:08:07.0

giants: there are alot of visits?

2007-09-25 19:08:08.0

Jotronic: haha

2007-09-25 19:08:26.0

Jotronic: A lot of the people on the forums travel for their HT.

2007-09-25 19:08:29.0

Bill: so just so you all know....

2007-09-25 19:08:35.0

super8mm: I am from Portland, Oregon. I would like to meet any patient of H&W

2007-09-25 19:08:42.0

Bill: there are multiple chat rooms available on here.....3 currently

2007-09-25 19:08:46.0

Jotronic: super, no problem.

2007-09-25 19:08:54.0

Bill: To join a room, all you have to do is go to "Go Too Room" above

2007-09-25 19:08:56.0

Bill: and choose a room

2007-09-25 19:09:00.0

Jotronic: can you PM me with your phone #?

2007-09-25 19:09:02.0

Bill: you can be in one or multiple chat rooms at a time

2007-09-25 19:09:09.0

super8mm: sure

2007-09-25 19:09:22.0

melina: hi everybody

2007-09-25 19:09:27.0

BareBeGone: hi there

2007-09-25 19:09:29.0

melina: hi joe

2007-09-25 19:09:30.0

Bill: Hello Melina

2007-09-25 19:09:30.0

Jotronic: I'll have our rep in Seattle/Portland give you some names and #'s.

2007-09-25 19:09:43.0

Jotronic: Hi, Melina.

2007-09-25 19:09:44.0

Bill: Hairfree...are you at 6 months post op yet?

2007-09-25 19:09:50.0

melina: i come from argentina

2007-09-25 19:10:10.0

super8mm: that would be great

2007-09-25 19:10:16.0

Bill: welcome to our community Melina. Did you just join?

2007-09-25 19:10:24.0

Hairfree: Bill..Im 6 months on Oct 4th

2007-09-25 19:10:28.0

barley: great site, armed and ready to consult with several NY coalition members

2007-09-25 19:10:30.0

Hairfree: Getting there

2007-09-25 19:10:36.0

melina: i am dr hason s patient

2007-09-25 19:10:46.0

Bill: hairfree...wow, your 5 month pictures were amazing...and your results in person are phenominal

2007-09-25 19:10:46.0

melina: hasson

2007-09-25 19:11:01.0

Bill: Melina...when did you have your surgery? I am a Dr. Hasson patient too...for my third HT

2007-09-25 19:11:05.0

Jotronic: Melina, I remember you.

2007-09-25 19:11:15.0

Jotronic: Dr. Hasson says hello.

2007-09-25 19:11:19.0

melina: 0ctober 04

2007-09-25 19:11:38.0

Bill: Melina, you had your surgery Oct 4th last year?

2007-09-25 19:11:53.0

Hairfree: Thanks Bill! I am happy with the results. Im just an early grower. Everyone is at a different rate. I think that my results are 90% complete right now

2007-09-25 19:12:06.0

melina: hey joe doyou remember me ?

2007-09-25 19:12:19.0

melina: 2004

2007-09-25 19:12:31.0

Bill: Hairfree: As far as new growth, that might be true being an early grower...but there is stil plenty of thickening left to do

2007-09-25 19:12:38.0

barley: anybody having trouble on this chat?

2007-09-25 19:12:48.0

Bill: Barley...I think you are the only one bro

2007-09-25 19:12:54.0

barley: great site, armed and ready to consult with several NY coalition members

2007-09-25 19:13:06.0

BareBeGone: last time it had a hiccup and a number of us were knocked off

2007-09-25 19:13:14.0

Bill: welcome Sanjeev

2007-09-25 19:13:19.0

Sanjeev: hi Bill

2007-09-25 19:13:22.0

Bill: BBG...yes, I remember that...we all got booted I believe

2007-09-25 19:13:36.0

melina: please give me regards to Dr Hasson

2007-09-25 19:13:46.0

Bill: just FYI, there is another conversation going on in the "Hair Loss Treatments" forum as well about NIzoral and other hair loss treatments

2007-09-25 19:13:49.0

melina: my regards

2007-09-25 19:14:17.0

Bill: so....

2007-09-25 19:14:18.0

Hairfree: Cool, im looking forward to the thickening to come icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:14:30.0

Bill: so since we are relatively quiet right now....

2007-09-25 19:14:32.0

BareBeGone: so I'm coming up to about 7 weeks...waiting.. waiting... icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:14:43.0

Bill: I came up with a list of topics to potentially discuss for anyone who is interested participating...

2007-09-25 19:14:49.0

Hairfree: Should I be using Nizoral Bill?

2007-09-25 19:14:50.0

Bill: of course...any specific questions can be asked at any time

2007-09-25 19:14:58.0

Sanjeev: Bill, is it possible to get response from any doc on wether a follicle remains in miniature mode or dies off after some period

2007-09-25 19:15:11.0

Hairfree: Hang in there Barebegone, best is to come

2007-09-25 19:15:12.0

Bill: Does anyone want to share how hair loss has impacted them?

2007-09-25 19:15:15.0

Sanjeev: I mean coalition doc

2007-09-25 19:15:25.0

BareBeGone: thank you, hairfree

2007-09-25 19:15:31.0

Bill: Hairfree....you don't have to use NIzoral....unless you feel you want to

2007-09-25 19:15:42.0

BareBeGone: hair loss or hair gain?

2007-09-25 19:15:43.0

Bill: BBG...the doldrums are hard bro

2007-09-25 19:16:01.0

Sanjeev: what is that we are discussing abt Nizoral

2007-09-25 19:16:01.0

Bill: Sanjeev....ah yes...I believe I posted on that thread

2007-09-25 19:16:04.0

Hairfree: Is Nizoral good shampoo?

2007-09-25 19:16:06.0

Bill: perhaps somebody here has a good answer to that one

2007-09-25 19:16:08.0

BareBeGone: I'm either wearing hats everywhere or isolating myself a bit..

2007-09-25 19:16:16.0

Bill: speaking of doctors!

2007-09-25 19:16:21.0

Bill: Welcome Dr. Epstein!

2007-09-25 19:16:23.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hi guys

2007-09-25 19:16:33.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thought i'd check out this chat

2007-09-25 19:16:36.0

Bill: It's good to see you here doctor!

2007-09-25 19:16:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: pleasure

2007-09-25 19:16:41.0

BareBeGone: welcome

2007-09-25 19:16:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thanks

2007-09-25 19:16:50.0

melina: t

2007-09-25 19:16:55.0

Hairfree: Before my HT I was always concerned about the wind messing it up

2007-09-25 19:17:17.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...I have a question for you recently discussed on our community

2007-09-25 19:17:20.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: sure

2007-09-25 19:17:21.0

Hairfree: I meant my hair getting messed up

2007-09-25 19:17:31.0

BareBeGone: well,yeah - tired of combovers and hair spray - want to go waterskiing eventually and not have to worry about what's showing

2007-09-25 19:17:34.0

Bill: in my research I have found that there are two answers to this question....both contradictory

2007-09-25 19:17:38.0

Hairfree: because it was so thin, now its holds up well!

2007-09-25 19:17:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: ok

2007-09-25 19:17:57.0

Bill: there has been talk as to whether a not a hair that is miniaturizing truly dies or just remains in a very miniaturized state

2007-09-25 19:18:02.0

Bill: I have heard both answers

2007-09-25 19:18:06.0

melina: dear friends what about the rogaine foam ?

2007-09-25 19:18:17.0

Hairfree: good topic

2007-09-25 19:18:25.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in response to your question Bill

2007-09-25 19:18:27.0

Bill: of course...depending on the answer....

2007-09-25 19:18:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: typically theminiaturized hairs are those that are on their way out

2007-09-25 19:18:40.0

Bill: I proposed that certain hair loss treatments or future "cures" may or may not work

2007-09-25 19:18:44.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: now of course propecia can keep them around

2007-09-25 19:18:55.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact can reverse to some degree the miniaturizatio

2007-09-25 19:18:56.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: n

2007-09-25 19:19:03.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: when we are doing transpalnts

2007-09-25 19:19:16.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: we sometimes see, especially in quite young patients

2007-09-25 19:19:25.0

NervousNelly: hey don't you guys have anything better to do?icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:19:26.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: especially those less than 27 or so years old

2007-09-25 19:19:28.0

Bill: welcome NN

2007-09-25 19:19:35.0

Hairfree: Good to see you on here Dr. Epstein

2007-09-25 19:19:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that there are a fair number of miniaturized hairs inthe donor tissue

2007-09-25 19:19:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thanks hairfree

2007-09-25 19:19:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: these miniaturized hairs are almost sure going to be gone in a few years

2007-09-25 19:19:59.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...that makes a lot of sense

2007-09-25 19:20:12.0

barley: Dr Epstein; how often do you work in NYC?

2007-09-25 19:20:13.0

Bill: now when you say "gone" does the hair follicle completely disappear?

2007-09-25 19:20:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: these are those patients on whom i really encourage propecia

2007-09-25 19:20:22.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: eventually- yes

2007-09-25 19:20:25.0

Bill: welcome Mike!

2007-09-25 19:20:37.0

Mike1651: Hi Bill...thanks!

2007-09-25 19:20:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thebulb lasts a while

2007-09-25 19:20:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: but hthere is no active follicle

2007-09-25 19:20:47.0

giants: so there are places when the hair is dead....

2007-09-25 19:20:49.0

NervousNelly: Does that mean that it is fruitless with propecia/rogaine?

2007-09-25 19:20:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thus the hair no longer grows

2007-09-25 19:21:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: besides the floor? i mean the place where the hairs go when they are dead- joke

2007-09-25 19:21:08.0

Bill: I think it's safe then to say...Propecia and/or Rogaine will work up to a point

2007-09-25 19:21:09.0

Hairfree: Dr. Epstein I know you prob wont remember me but I was seriously considering going with you for my HT, I was scheduling last minute because I am a teacher and you had a full schedule. You were kind to try to make it work for me

2007-09-25 19:21:19.0

BareBeGone: what is that white tiny little "bally" type of thing that sometimes forms around the time you are losing hair?

2007-09-25 19:21:23.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: not sure hairfree

2007-09-25 19:21:26.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i think i do

2007-09-25 19:21:29.0

Bill: lol

2007-09-25 19:21:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: did you wind up having a procedure?

2007-09-25 19:21:37.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 19:21:59.0

NervousNelly: Hairfree looks great

2007-09-25 19:22:00.0

Hairfree: Yes, I filled in last min cancelation with Dr. Rahal

2007-09-25 19:22:11.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hope it went well

2007-09-25 19:22:19.0

barley: Dr Epstein; how often do you work in NYC?

2007-09-25 19:22:25.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein....thanks for the information on that. So the bulb then...does that stick around forever even though there is no active follicle?

2007-09-25 19:22:30.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and when you're ready for your next procedure, you will be sure to contact me directly if you want to get an appointment

2007-09-25 19:22:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i am in my nyc office every 3 to 4 weeks

2007-09-25 19:22:40.0

giants: doc there is alot of speculation on how long rogiane works some say only 2 or 3 years, is this generally the case or is that rare

2007-09-25 19:22:46.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact will be there this thursday and friday

2007-09-25 19:22:49.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: to see lots ofconsults

2007-09-25 19:22:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and perform procedures

2007-09-25 19:23:21.0

Hairfree: I had 3500 grafts, I am happy with the results. Thank you Dr. Epstein! Keep up your good work

2007-09-25 19:23:21.0

NervousNelly: your work is top notch doc

2007-09-25 19:23:28.0

barley: is there any benefit to having a procedure in NYC vs Miami since it seems that you have a major facility in Miami

2007-09-25 19:23:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: Bill- to answer your qeustion- the bulb can stick around for a long time

2007-09-25 19:23:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no one is quite sure how long

2007-09-25 19:23:46.0

Hairfree: thats interesting

2007-09-25 19:23:58.0

Bill: I think that might be wear the contrasting information has been displayed

2007-09-25 19:24:01.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: quite frankly, i don't consider myself an absolute expert in bulb physiology

2007-09-25 19:24:07.0

Hairfree: are there any recent break thrus with medicine to help regrow hair?

2007-09-25 19:24:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: rather i really consider myself a surgeon

2007-09-25 19:24:19.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: breakthrus? no

2007-09-25 19:24:24.0

Bill: I think some believe that because the bulb sticks around for a long time, that hair loss medication may still have an effect - though rare

2007-09-25 19:24:31.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that's right Bill

2007-09-25 19:24:44.0

Bill: that makes sense

2007-09-25 19:24:51.0

Hairfree: makes sense

2007-09-25 19:24:53.0

BareBeGone: is the bulb that little white bally thing that you can feel in your fingers?

2007-09-25 19:24:56.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i like to think of propecia as life support

2007-09-25 19:24:57.0

Bill: so it seems to me that it is best to at least give the medication a try

2007-09-25 19:25:07.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: use it for 5 to 7 years until a better cure comes around

2007-09-25 19:25:09.0

Bill: to see if it does anything - because even miniaturized hairs below the scalp may still regrow

2007-09-25 19:25:13.0

Sanjeev: I have been advised my doc (Dr.Roy Jones) that to get on propecia for next 6 months and then to take a decision on procedure. But I want to cover up my scalp until then. What is the best way to go about it. Shave off compltely or ...

2007-09-25 19:25:18.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: yes- there is little downside to tryng the meds

2007-09-25 19:25:26.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...good analogy

2007-09-25 19:25:41.0

Bill: the downside is the potential for side effects

2007-09-25 19:25:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: whywouldyou shave your head sanjeev?

2007-09-25 19:25:50.0

Bill: which is why I recommend everyone research and be familiar with them ahead of time

2007-09-25 19:25:52.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: very low incidence of side effects

2007-09-25 19:26:05.0

Hairfree: So far no side effects for me

2007-09-25 19:26:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i recommend every other day use of propecia if there are any side effects

2007-09-25 19:26:08.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: good

2007-09-25 19:26:13.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...agreed. But I also believe an educated patient makes better decisions

2007-09-25 19:26:19.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:26:24.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and this is a great way to become educated

2007-09-25 19:26:24.0

Bill: as long as they don't give into the hype and scare tactics out there

2007-09-25 19:26:27.0

Bill: welcome MIckey312

2007-09-25 19:26:28.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:26:29.0

barley: same here,no AEs

2007-09-25 19:26:41.0

mickey312: Hi

2007-09-25 19:26:47.0

Sanjeev: I hate being so cautious abt hair. wind might screw up ur cover.

2007-09-25 19:26:48.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for example, there is now some surgeon who insists his patients go on bariatric oxygentherapy

2007-09-25 19:26:54.0

NervousNelly: Hey mickey

2007-09-25 19:26:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no scientific evidence, only a high price tag

2007-09-25 19:27:01.0

Sanjeev: so trying to figure out a way not to look bald

2007-09-25 19:27:15.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: then cut your hair quite short sanjeev

2007-09-25 19:27:18.0

Hairfree: With Propecia..does hair regrow by breaking thru the scalp?

2007-09-25 19:27:29.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and feel free to send a few photos my way- i can give you some advice if you wish

2007-09-25 19:27:30.0

Bill: just so you all know...you can change the color of your text from the default green

2007-09-25 19:27:31.0

Hairfree: like transplanted hairs?

2007-09-25 19:27:41.0

Bill: use the color palette next to where you type

2007-09-25 19:27:47.0

Hairfree: This better?

2007-09-25 19:27:55.0

Bill: Hairfree...it can

2007-09-25 19:27:58.0

barley: I just started Propecia/Rogaine. Is it generally necessary to wait to see results prior to having an HT

2007-09-25 19:28:01.0

Sanjeev: thats i what I did. but I had very high hair loss last week and now I can see my scalp

2007-09-25 19:28:15.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: ah, i lostyou all

2007-09-25 19:28:18.0

Bill: If Propecia reverses the miniaturization process....any miniaturized hairs below the scalp can break through

2007-09-25 19:28:25.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that's right

2007-09-25 19:28:30.0

Hairfree: interesting

2007-09-25 19:28:32.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: orbecome stronger

2007-09-25 19:28:39.0

Hairfree: can it cause pimples?

2007-09-25 19:28:46.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no

2007-09-25 19:28:47.0

Bill: the more miniaturized the hair, the less likely medication will reverse it...

2007-09-25 19:28:51.0

Bill: but i'ts possible

2007-09-25 19:28:59.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact, propecia reduces pimple formation on the face, potentialy

2007-09-25 19:29:03.0

Sanjeev: I cut my hair short. but last week I had huge hair loss and now my scalp is visible. So I need some immediate cover up

2007-09-25 19:29:04.0

Bill: It shouldn't cause pimples because of the pores in the skin

2007-09-25 19:29:16.0

Hairfree: Really

2007-09-25 19:29:17.0

Bill: unlike transplanted hairs

2007-09-25 19:29:22.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that'sright

2007-09-25 19:29:30.0

Bill: that are breaking through for the first time

2007-09-25 19:29:33.0

giants: doc, what do you think the future has in store for hair loss

2007-09-25 19:29:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: well

2007-09-25 19:29:45.0

Hairfree: lol, I meant on the scalp. Pimples from hairs breaking thru

2007-09-25 19:29:47.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: better graft storage solutions

2007-09-25 19:29:51.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for more rapid regrowth

2007-09-25 19:30:00.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: second, better adjuvant meds

2007-09-25 19:30:09.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and of course in 7 to 10 yars

2007-09-25 19:30:11.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: years

2007-09-25 19:30:14.0

Bill: one thing I'd love to see....

2007-09-25 19:30:17.0

Bill: in hair restoration surgery....

2007-09-25 19:30:17.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: perhaps gene therapy

2007-09-25 19:30:22.0

Bill: is for a doctor to find a way....

2007-09-25 19:30:33.0

Bill: to prevent the hairs from going into the telogen phase

2007-09-25 19:30:33.0

giants: to clone some damn hairs..

2007-09-25 19:30:40.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:30:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: sounds good barley

2007-09-25 19:30:48.0

Bill: giants...that's not really on the surgical end

2007-09-25 19:30:49.0

Hairfree: I have a couple pimples on my scalp where I had the HT, is that from the propecia or the actual HT? Im at 6 months

2007-09-25 19:30:52.0

Bill: but important

2007-09-25 19:30:52.0

Sanjeev: Doc, does the meds like 7% minoxidil, 15% minoxidil work?

2007-09-25 19:30:53.0

giants: yeah im playing

2007-09-25 19:31:05.0

Bill: giants icon_biggrin.gif

2007-09-25 19:31:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hairfree- you should apply some warm compresses to the pimples

2007-09-25 19:31:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and likely they represent hairs that are starting to emerge

2007-09-25 19:31:13.0

Bill: Jotronic is awful quiet!

2007-09-25 19:31:21.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: albeit it is a bit late

2007-09-25 19:31:28.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: but can occur at this late a point

2007-09-25 19:31:36.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: althou more likely to happen at 3 months

2007-09-25 19:31:40.0

giants: doc are you familiar with the actice ingrediant adenosine which is used in follicas new product

2007-09-25 19:31:43.0

Bill: I had pimples form up to 8 months or so

2007-09-25 19:31:49.0

Hairfree: Cool, thanks you for answering my questions

2007-09-25 19:31:55.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: as far as higher strength minoxidil

2007-09-25 19:32:03.0

BareBeGone: I'm about 7 weeks out from the operation, Dr. Epstein, and I was starting to get some pimples - might some be coming out that early - I do have some hairs from previous transplants coming out though..

2007-09-25 19:32:04.0

giants: i know its not a surgical question

2007-09-25 19:32:09.0

Hairfree: I was just wondering if it was from the results of the propecia or the HT

2007-09-25 19:32:31.0

Bill: BBG...this is normal

2007-09-25 19:32:36.0

Hairfree: I had a lot of pimples at the 3 month mark. Im glad that phase is long over. I felt like a teenager again!

2007-09-25 19:32:47.0

Bill: typically pimples can start up to one month or even more before growth breaks through the skin

2007-09-25 19:33:05.0

Bill: Welcome back Barley...sorry you are having internet connection problems

2007-09-25 19:33:07.0

BareBeGone: ok, thanks

2007-09-25 19:33:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: yep

2007-09-25 19:33:27.0

Hairfree: yea, my pimples on scalp lasted from 4 to 10 week mark

2007-09-25 19:33:27.0

giants: doc do you its ok for a 17 year old to get on propecia

2007-09-25 19:33:41.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: typical

2007-09-25 19:33:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and yes fo rthe 17 year ol

2007-09-25 19:33:53.0

giants: ok

2007-09-25 19:34:02.0

Bill: welcome anajj

2007-09-25 19:34:03.0

barley: Hopefully I can particpate. I guess I can ask Dr. when I consult with him on Thurs

2007-09-25 19:34:04.0

Bill: welcome back NN

2007-09-25 19:34:17.0

Hairfree: Good to see you NN

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Hello everyone,


As many of you know, our community has recently started providing live chat every Tuesday evening at 10:00pm.


I have had a number of requested both publicly and privately to post this past Tuesday's chat transcript. Not only did we have many forum members (veteran and new), but we were joined by two of our coalition physicians, Dr. Hasson and Dr. Epstein. What an amazing experience to have professional input at our immediate disposal.


Below is the live chat transcript from Tuesday evening 9/25/2007. It is long and possibly confusing to follow. But since many have requested it, I have posted it.


The Live Chat Transcript is Below:




2007-09-25 18:11:14.0

melina: hi

2007-09-25 18:40:56.0

giants: if its not mr crouse

2007-09-25 18:41:30.0

giants: just as i suspected

2007-09-25 18:44:33.0

giants: Bill my man

2007-09-25 18:44:56.0

Bill: Hey Giants

2007-09-25 18:45:04.0

Bill: I see there are a few early arrivers like myself

2007-09-25 18:45:11.0

giants: i was cutting my hair yesterday and accidently shaved it bald!

2007-09-25 18:45:18.0

giants: absurd

2007-09-25 18:45:32.0

Bill: wasn't it already shaved down to a 1 clip?

2007-09-25 18:45:34.0

giants: i left kinda a mohalk down the middle

2007-09-25 18:45:39.0

Bill: it doesn't get much shorter than that

2007-09-25 18:45:40.0

Bill: oh!

2007-09-25 18:45:41.0

giants: yea hbut this was a 0

2007-09-25 18:45:45.0

Bill: my friend John shaves his head bald

2007-09-25 18:45:51.0

giants: 0 gets practically bald

2007-09-25 18:45:59.0

Bill: yeah...zero is quite short

2007-09-25 18:46:00.0

giants: you can barly see hair

2007-09-25 18:46:17.0

Bill: yeah I know...I've done that before

2007-09-25 18:46:45.0

giants: the look inst the end of the world but i look alot better with hiar

2007-09-25 18:47:08.0

Bill: well I always thought I looked better with hair too which is why I had 3 transplants

2007-09-25 18:47:11.0

giants: wouldnt it have been great if people said i looked better bald

2007-09-25 18:47:31.0

giants: that just doesnt jhappen

2007-09-25 18:47:35.0

Bill: well the shaved head does look good on you from what I've seen

2007-09-25 18:47:54.0

giants: yeah its cool but have had alot of recen recesstion

2007-09-25 18:48:10.0

giants: id keep the 1 shave over anything else even if i had all my hair

2007-09-25 18:48:20.0

Bill: I did notice that from your picture...but then again, that was the first time I saw it at that angle

2007-09-25 18:48:54.0

giants: it diddnt decive you its gotten worst im on the foam twice a day and nizoral 7 times a week

2007-09-25 18:49:12.0

Bill: well I hope crouse comes back when we start

2007-09-25 18:49:18.0

giants: hell be back

2007-09-25 18:49:26.0

giants: if i know crouse which i dont hell come back

2007-09-25 18:49:40.0

Bill: yeah, I hope so

2007-09-25 18:49:46.0

Bill: well...perhaps you are experiencing a shed

2007-09-25 18:50:01.0

giants: naw recession is never a shed

2007-09-25 18:50:12.0

Bill: not the recession...

2007-09-25 18:50:19.0

Bill: I'm referring to the thinning on top

2007-09-25 18:50:20.0

giants: have you heard of follicas new product dermenodex

2007-09-25 18:50:24.0

Bill: behind where it has receeded

2007-09-25 18:50:49.0

giants: does it look thin behind where it has recceded?

2007-09-25 18:51:08.0

Bill: from what I saw in the one picture I thought it did. Perhaps it was the lighting or angle

2007-09-25 18:51:15.0

Bill: but I guess I'll have to look again

2007-09-25 18:51:34.0

giants: ill show you again

2007-09-25 18:51:42.0

giants: later

2007-09-25 18:52:04.0

Bill: yeah...I have it somewhere....I'll find it

2007-09-25 18:52:49.0

Bill: doesn't look like you have a problem with the ladies though

2007-09-25 18:53:01.0

giants: not as of now

2007-09-25 18:53:15.0

giants: but i can predict a probem in the futer

2007-09-25 18:53:24.0

giants: its also just knowing your not the man you once were

2007-09-25 18:53:36.0

Bill: hair does not make the man

2007-09-25 18:53:45.0

giants: i know

2007-09-25 18:53:51.0

Bill: I know plenty of bald men (NW6) who shave their head and still get beautiful women

2007-09-25 18:53:53.0

Bill: welcome barley!

2007-09-25 18:54:04.0

giants: its not just about hooking up with girls as it was about getting complimented

2007-09-25 18:54:12.0

giants: hows it going barly

2007-09-25 18:54:21.0

Bill: well sure...and it's how you feel about yourself

2007-09-25 18:54:24.0

giants: it just gives you confidence

2007-09-25 18:54:25.0

Bill: trust me bro...I've been there

2007-09-25 18:54:28.0


2007-09-25 18:54:30.0

Bill: I felt sorry for myself for years

2007-09-25 18:54:35.0

Bill: glad you could join us barley

2007-09-25 18:54:38.0

giants: yeah i feel you on that one

2007-09-25 18:54:46.0

Bill: only 3 of us right now, but I trust that this room will get busy soon

2007-09-25 18:54:59.0

Bill: we are currently talking about how hair loss has impacted us

2007-09-25 18:55:11.0

giants: Bill have you heard anything about follicas new product dermendex

2007-09-25 18:55:27.0

Bill: no I have not

2007-09-25 18:55:33.0

Bill: is it out on the market?

2007-09-25 18:55:39.0

giants: yeah

2007-09-25 18:55:40.0

Bill: or a projected product

2007-09-25 18:56:10.0

Bill: Barley...feel free to jump in bro

2007-09-25 18:56:30.0

giants: you can order it, its active ingrediant is adenosine

2007-09-25 18:57:11.0

Bill: what is adenosine supposed to do? Is it a DHT inhibitor?

2007-09-25 18:57:22.0

Bill: and it hasn't been FDA approved for haiir loss

2007-09-25 18:57:29.0

Bill: was it something I said?

2007-09-25 18:57:38.0

giants: no to be honist im still doing research on it

2007-09-25 18:57:49.0

Bill: yeah...feel free to post anything you find on the forum

2007-09-25 18:58:50.0

giants: is there anything real interesting in the intercytex report

2007-09-25 18:59:24.0

Bill: well...I know there was a report due yesterday. I haven't actually taken the time to read it yet - assuming it's even out

2007-09-25 18:59:58.0

Bill: welcome Paul!

2007-09-25 19:00:08.0

Paul L.: thanks

2007-09-25 19:00:08.0

Bill: glad you could join us

2007-09-25 19:00:14.0

Bill: are you new to our community?

2007-09-25 19:00:29.0

Paul L.: I haven't been here in awhile

2007-09-25 19:00:42.0

Bill: oh...well we are glad to have you back

2007-09-25 19:00:48.0

Bill: did you get the email?

2007-09-25 19:01:03.0

Paul L.: had 3 sessions - considering a 4th to finish up

2007-09-25 19:01:08.0

Paul L.: yes I got it

2007-09-25 19:01:19.0

giants: the report is out

2007-09-25 19:01:21.0

Bill: yeah, I goofed up the email at first and accidentally put last week's date!

2007-09-25 19:01:28.0

Bill: who was your doctor Paul?

2007-09-25 19:01:32.0

Paul L.: no problem

2007-09-25 19:01:43.0

Paul L.: beehner in ny state

2007-09-25 19:01:45.0

Bill: sounds like you are in the same boat as me....3 hair transplants and will probably have a 4th in a couple years

2007-09-25 19:01:58.0

Bill: Did he perform all 3 of your procedures?

2007-09-25 19:02:02.0

Bill: Welcome Hairfree!

2007-09-25 19:02:05.0

Paul L.: yes

2007-09-25 19:02:07.0

Bill: glad you could join us!

2007-09-25 19:02:14.0

Hairfree: Hello!

2007-09-25 19:02:15.0

Bill: Paul, how many grafts did you receive?

2007-09-25 19:02:23.0

Bill: for all 3 sessions combined?

2007-09-25 19:02:28.0

Bill: and what was your level of loss?

2007-09-25 19:02:41.0

Bill: Hairfree...I talked with your doctor over email the last couple days

2007-09-25 19:02:48.0

Paul L.: probably around 1500 each time - 4500

2007-09-25 19:02:52.0

Bill: Welcome BBG!

2007-09-25 19:02:58.0

Hairfree: Really..What was the topic?

2007-09-25 19:03:17.0

Bill: welcome back Barley

2007-09-25 19:03:26.0

Bill: Paul, what was your level of loss?

2007-09-25 19:03:28.0

BareBeGone: hi there, Bill! and everyone

2007-09-25 19:03:34.0

Bill: and how do you like your results with Dr. Beehner?

2007-09-25 19:03:48.0

Paul L.: good considering I was a 7

2007-09-25 19:03:50.0

Bill: Hairfree...just chit chatting really...

2007-09-25 19:03:56.0

Bill: I had to crop some photos for him on Pat's recent album

2007-09-25 19:04:06.0

Hairfree: Cool, Rahal seemed like a nice guy

2007-09-25 19:04:06.0

Bill: Paul...wow...that's great

2007-09-25 19:04:11.0

Bill: have you posted some photos?

2007-09-25 19:04:25.0

Hairfree: Did you mentioned me to Rahal?

2007-09-25 19:04:25.0

Bill: Glad you could join us BBG

2007-09-25 19:04:33.0

Paul L.: thinking of having either beehner of hasson do the last

2007-09-25 19:04:35.0

Bill: looks like Barley is having internet issues

2007-09-25 19:04:49.0

barley: yes, but I am OK for now

2007-09-25 19:04:58.0

Bill: Hairfree: actually he brought your name up...thanked me for helping you

2007-09-25 19:05:01.0

Bill: I told him it was my pleasure

2007-09-25 19:05:08.0

Bill: glad to hear it Barley icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:05:32.0

Bill: welcome Melina

2007-09-25 19:05:36.0

Bill: welcome super8mm

2007-09-25 19:05:39.0

Hairfree: Thats great, I mentioned you to Rahal. He said he knew you. That was back in April

2007-09-25 19:05:57.0

super8mm: Hi everyone

2007-09-25 19:06:00.0

Bill: I think Dr. Rahal has known OF me for awhile now

2007-09-25 19:06:07.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 19:06:08.0

Bill: but we only just had the opportunity to speak via email recently

2007-09-25 19:06:16.0

Bill: glad you could join us super8mm

2007-09-25 19:06:17.0

Hairfree: cool

2007-09-25 19:06:22.0

Bill: everyone who just entered....

2007-09-25 19:06:26.0

Bill: feel free to ask any question you have....

2007-09-25 19:06:34.0

Jotronic: Thanks, Bill. I will.

2007-09-25 19:06:36.0

Bill: Hey Joe!

2007-09-25 19:06:38.0

Jotronic: icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:06:40.0

Bill: :P

2007-09-25 19:06:42.0

Jotronic: SUP?!

2007-09-25 19:06:44.0

barley: Bill, this site is great, chock full of useful information. In a shot period of time, I believe I have a decent understanding of the process. I am ready to consult with several NY coalition members soon.

2007-09-25 19:06:55.0

BareBeGone: nyc here

2007-09-25 19:06:57.0

Bill: Barley...I'm glad to hear it!

2007-09-25 19:07:03.0

Bill: I'm glad our community has been a useful tool for you

2007-09-25 19:07:04.0

Hairfree: Whats up Joe

2007-09-25 19:07:10.0

Bill: I also recommend everyone here occasionally check out www.regrowhair.com

2007-09-25 19:07:14.0

Jotronic: Hey brother

2007-09-25 19:07:21.0

Bill: questions are answered daily and posted for everyone to see

2007-09-25 19:07:23.0

Bill: about 2 per day

2007-09-25 19:07:28.0

Bill: you can also search the site

2007-09-25 19:07:31.0

giants: is it too difficult to have a transplant outta state

2007-09-25 19:07:47.0

Hairfree: I left the country for my HT

2007-09-25 19:08:05.0

barley: i spoke too soon

2007-09-25 19:08:07.0

giants: there are alot of visits?

2007-09-25 19:08:08.0

Jotronic: haha

2007-09-25 19:08:26.0

Jotronic: A lot of the people on the forums travel for their HT.

2007-09-25 19:08:29.0

Bill: so just so you all know....

2007-09-25 19:08:35.0

super8mm: I am from Portland, Oregon. I would like to meet any patient of H&W

2007-09-25 19:08:42.0

Bill: there are multiple chat rooms available on here.....3 currently

2007-09-25 19:08:46.0

Jotronic: super, no problem.

2007-09-25 19:08:54.0

Bill: To join a room, all you have to do is go to "Go Too Room" above

2007-09-25 19:08:56.0

Bill: and choose a room

2007-09-25 19:09:00.0

Jotronic: can you PM me with your phone #?

2007-09-25 19:09:02.0

Bill: you can be in one or multiple chat rooms at a time

2007-09-25 19:09:09.0

super8mm: sure

2007-09-25 19:09:22.0

melina: hi everybody

2007-09-25 19:09:27.0

BareBeGone: hi there

2007-09-25 19:09:29.0

melina: hi joe

2007-09-25 19:09:30.0

Bill: Hello Melina

2007-09-25 19:09:30.0

Jotronic: I'll have our rep in Seattle/Portland give you some names and #'s.

2007-09-25 19:09:43.0

Jotronic: Hi, Melina.

2007-09-25 19:09:44.0

Bill: Hairfree...are you at 6 months post op yet?

2007-09-25 19:09:50.0

melina: i come from argentina

2007-09-25 19:10:10.0

super8mm: that would be great

2007-09-25 19:10:16.0

Bill: welcome to our community Melina. Did you just join?

2007-09-25 19:10:24.0

Hairfree: Bill..Im 6 months on Oct 4th

2007-09-25 19:10:28.0

barley: great site, armed and ready to consult with several NY coalition members

2007-09-25 19:10:30.0

Hairfree: Getting there

2007-09-25 19:10:36.0

melina: i am dr hason s patient

2007-09-25 19:10:46.0

Bill: hairfree...wow, your 5 month pictures were amazing...and your results in person are phenominal

2007-09-25 19:10:46.0

melina: hasson

2007-09-25 19:11:01.0

Bill: Melina...when did you have your surgery? I am a Dr. Hasson patient too...for my third HT

2007-09-25 19:11:05.0

Jotronic: Melina, I remember you.

2007-09-25 19:11:15.0

Jotronic: Dr. Hasson says hello.

2007-09-25 19:11:19.0

melina: 0ctober 04

2007-09-25 19:11:38.0

Bill: Melina, you had your surgery Oct 4th last year?

2007-09-25 19:11:53.0

Hairfree: Thanks Bill! I am happy with the results. Im just an early grower. Everyone is at a different rate. I think that my results are 90% complete right now

2007-09-25 19:12:06.0

melina: hey joe doyou remember me ?

2007-09-25 19:12:19.0

melina: 2004

2007-09-25 19:12:31.0

Bill: Hairfree: As far as new growth, that might be true being an early grower...but there is stil plenty of thickening left to do

2007-09-25 19:12:38.0

barley: anybody having trouble on this chat?

2007-09-25 19:12:48.0

Bill: Barley...I think you are the only one bro

2007-09-25 19:12:54.0

barley: great site, armed and ready to consult with several NY coalition members

2007-09-25 19:13:06.0

BareBeGone: last time it had a hiccup and a number of us were knocked off

2007-09-25 19:13:14.0

Bill: welcome Sanjeev

2007-09-25 19:13:19.0

Sanjeev: hi Bill

2007-09-25 19:13:22.0

Bill: BBG...yes, I remember that...we all got booted I believe

2007-09-25 19:13:36.0

melina: please give me regards to Dr Hasson

2007-09-25 19:13:46.0

Bill: just FYI, there is another conversation going on in the "Hair Loss Treatments" forum as well about NIzoral and other hair loss treatments

2007-09-25 19:13:49.0

melina: my regards

2007-09-25 19:14:17.0

Bill: so....

2007-09-25 19:14:18.0

Hairfree: Cool, im looking forward to the thickening to come icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:14:30.0

Bill: so since we are relatively quiet right now....

2007-09-25 19:14:32.0

BareBeGone: so I'm coming up to about 7 weeks...waiting.. waiting... icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:14:43.0

Bill: I came up with a list of topics to potentially discuss for anyone who is interested participating...

2007-09-25 19:14:49.0

Hairfree: Should I be using Nizoral Bill?

2007-09-25 19:14:50.0

Bill: of course...any specific questions can be asked at any time

2007-09-25 19:14:58.0

Sanjeev: Bill, is it possible to get response from any doc on wether a follicle remains in miniature mode or dies off after some period

2007-09-25 19:15:11.0

Hairfree: Hang in there Barebegone, best is to come

2007-09-25 19:15:12.0

Bill: Does anyone want to share how hair loss has impacted them?

2007-09-25 19:15:15.0

Sanjeev: I mean coalition doc

2007-09-25 19:15:25.0

BareBeGone: thank you, hairfree

2007-09-25 19:15:31.0

Bill: Hairfree....you don't have to use NIzoral....unless you feel you want to

2007-09-25 19:15:42.0

BareBeGone: hair loss or hair gain?

2007-09-25 19:15:43.0

Bill: BBG...the doldrums are hard bro

2007-09-25 19:16:01.0

Sanjeev: what is that we are discussing abt Nizoral

2007-09-25 19:16:01.0

Bill: Sanjeev....ah yes...I believe I posted on that thread

2007-09-25 19:16:04.0

Hairfree: Is Nizoral good shampoo?

2007-09-25 19:16:06.0

Bill: perhaps somebody here has a good answer to that one

2007-09-25 19:16:08.0

BareBeGone: I'm either wearing hats everywhere or isolating myself a bit..

2007-09-25 19:16:16.0

Bill: speaking of doctors!

2007-09-25 19:16:21.0

Bill: Welcome Dr. Epstein!

2007-09-25 19:16:23.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hi guys

2007-09-25 19:16:33.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thought i'd check out this chat

2007-09-25 19:16:36.0

Bill: It's good to see you here doctor!

2007-09-25 19:16:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: pleasure

2007-09-25 19:16:41.0

BareBeGone: welcome

2007-09-25 19:16:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thanks

2007-09-25 19:16:50.0

melina: t

2007-09-25 19:16:55.0

Hairfree: Before my HT I was always concerned about the wind messing it up

2007-09-25 19:17:17.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...I have a question for you recently discussed on our community

2007-09-25 19:17:20.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: sure

2007-09-25 19:17:21.0

Hairfree: I meant my hair getting messed up

2007-09-25 19:17:31.0

BareBeGone: well,yeah - tired of combovers and hair spray - want to go waterskiing eventually and not have to worry about what's showing

2007-09-25 19:17:34.0

Bill: in my research I have found that there are two answers to this question....both contradictory

2007-09-25 19:17:38.0

Hairfree: because it was so thin, now its holds up well!

2007-09-25 19:17:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: ok

2007-09-25 19:17:57.0

Bill: there has been talk as to whether a not a hair that is miniaturizing truly dies or just remains in a very miniaturized state

2007-09-25 19:18:02.0

Bill: I have heard both answers

2007-09-25 19:18:06.0

melina: dear friends what about the rogaine foam ?

2007-09-25 19:18:17.0

Hairfree: good topic

2007-09-25 19:18:25.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in response to your question Bill

2007-09-25 19:18:27.0

Bill: of course...depending on the answer....

2007-09-25 19:18:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: typically theminiaturized hairs are those that are on their way out

2007-09-25 19:18:40.0

Bill: I proposed that certain hair loss treatments or future "cures" may or may not work

2007-09-25 19:18:44.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: now of course propecia can keep them around

2007-09-25 19:18:55.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact can reverse to some degree the miniaturizatio

2007-09-25 19:18:56.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: n

2007-09-25 19:19:03.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: when we are doing transpalnts

2007-09-25 19:19:16.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: we sometimes see, especially in quite young patients

2007-09-25 19:19:25.0

NervousNelly: hey don't you guys have anything better to do?icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:19:26.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: especially those less than 27 or so years old

2007-09-25 19:19:28.0

Bill: welcome NN

2007-09-25 19:19:35.0

Hairfree: Good to see you on here Dr. Epstein

2007-09-25 19:19:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that there are a fair number of miniaturized hairs inthe donor tissue

2007-09-25 19:19:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thanks hairfree

2007-09-25 19:19:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: these miniaturized hairs are almost sure going to be gone in a few years

2007-09-25 19:19:59.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...that makes a lot of sense

2007-09-25 19:20:12.0

barley: Dr Epstein; how often do you work in NYC?

2007-09-25 19:20:13.0

Bill: now when you say "gone" does the hair follicle completely disappear?

2007-09-25 19:20:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: these are those patients on whom i really encourage propecia

2007-09-25 19:20:22.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: eventually- yes

2007-09-25 19:20:25.0

Bill: welcome Mike!

2007-09-25 19:20:37.0

Mike1651: Hi Bill...thanks!

2007-09-25 19:20:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thebulb lasts a while

2007-09-25 19:20:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: but hthere is no active follicle

2007-09-25 19:20:47.0

giants: so there are places when the hair is dead....

2007-09-25 19:20:49.0

NervousNelly: Does that mean that it is fruitless with propecia/rogaine?

2007-09-25 19:20:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: thus the hair no longer grows

2007-09-25 19:21:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: besides the floor? i mean the place where the hairs go when they are dead- joke

2007-09-25 19:21:08.0

Bill: I think it's safe then to say...Propecia and/or Rogaine will work up to a point

2007-09-25 19:21:09.0

Hairfree: Dr. Epstein I know you prob wont remember me but I was seriously considering going with you for my HT, I was scheduling last minute because I am a teacher and you had a full schedule. You were kind to try to make it work for me

2007-09-25 19:21:19.0

BareBeGone: what is that white tiny little "bally" type of thing that sometimes forms around the time you are losing hair?

2007-09-25 19:21:23.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: not sure hairfree

2007-09-25 19:21:26.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i think i do

2007-09-25 19:21:29.0

Bill: lol

2007-09-25 19:21:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: did you wind up having a procedure?

2007-09-25 19:21:37.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 19:21:59.0

NervousNelly: Hairfree looks great

2007-09-25 19:22:00.0

Hairfree: Yes, I filled in last min cancelation with Dr. Rahal

2007-09-25 19:22:11.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hope it went well

2007-09-25 19:22:19.0

barley: Dr Epstein; how often do you work in NYC?

2007-09-25 19:22:25.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein....thanks for the information on that. So the bulb then...does that stick around forever even though there is no active follicle?

2007-09-25 19:22:30.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and when you're ready for your next procedure, you will be sure to contact me directly if you want to get an appointment

2007-09-25 19:22:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i am in my nyc office every 3 to 4 weeks

2007-09-25 19:22:40.0

giants: doc there is alot of speculation on how long rogiane works some say only 2 or 3 years, is this generally the case or is that rare

2007-09-25 19:22:46.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact will be there this thursday and friday

2007-09-25 19:22:49.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: to see lots ofconsults

2007-09-25 19:22:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and perform procedures

2007-09-25 19:23:21.0

Hairfree: I had 3500 grafts, I am happy with the results. Thank you Dr. Epstein! Keep up your good work

2007-09-25 19:23:21.0

NervousNelly: your work is top notch doc

2007-09-25 19:23:28.0

barley: is there any benefit to having a procedure in NYC vs Miami since it seems that you have a major facility in Miami

2007-09-25 19:23:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: Bill- to answer your qeustion- the bulb can stick around for a long time

2007-09-25 19:23:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no one is quite sure how long

2007-09-25 19:23:46.0

Hairfree: thats interesting

2007-09-25 19:23:58.0

Bill: I think that might be wear the contrasting information has been displayed

2007-09-25 19:24:01.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: quite frankly, i don't consider myself an absolute expert in bulb physiology

2007-09-25 19:24:07.0

Hairfree: are there any recent break thrus with medicine to help regrow hair?

2007-09-25 19:24:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: rather i really consider myself a surgeon

2007-09-25 19:24:19.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: breakthrus? no

2007-09-25 19:24:24.0

Bill: I think some believe that because the bulb sticks around for a long time, that hair loss medication may still have an effect - though rare

2007-09-25 19:24:31.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that's right Bill

2007-09-25 19:24:44.0

Bill: that makes sense

2007-09-25 19:24:51.0

Hairfree: makes sense

2007-09-25 19:24:53.0

BareBeGone: is the bulb that little white bally thing that you can feel in your fingers?

2007-09-25 19:24:56.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i like to think of propecia as life support

2007-09-25 19:24:57.0

Bill: so it seems to me that it is best to at least give the medication a try

2007-09-25 19:25:07.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: use it for 5 to 7 years until a better cure comes around

2007-09-25 19:25:09.0

Bill: to see if it does anything - because even miniaturized hairs below the scalp may still regrow

2007-09-25 19:25:13.0

Sanjeev: I have been advised my doc (Dr.Roy Jones) that to get on propecia for next 6 months and then to take a decision on procedure. But I want to cover up my scalp until then. What is the best way to go about it. Shave off compltely or ...

2007-09-25 19:25:18.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: yes- there is little downside to tryng the meds

2007-09-25 19:25:26.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...good analogy

2007-09-25 19:25:41.0

Bill: the downside is the potential for side effects

2007-09-25 19:25:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: whywouldyou shave your head sanjeev?

2007-09-25 19:25:50.0

Bill: which is why I recommend everyone research and be familiar with them ahead of time

2007-09-25 19:25:52.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: very low incidence of side effects

2007-09-25 19:26:05.0

Hairfree: So far no side effects for me

2007-09-25 19:26:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i recommend every other day use of propecia if there are any side effects

2007-09-25 19:26:08.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: good

2007-09-25 19:26:13.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...agreed. But I also believe an educated patient makes better decisions

2007-09-25 19:26:19.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:26:24.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and this is a great way to become educated

2007-09-25 19:26:24.0

Bill: as long as they don't give into the hype and scare tactics out there

2007-09-25 19:26:27.0

Bill: welcome MIckey312

2007-09-25 19:26:28.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:26:29.0

barley: same here,no AEs

2007-09-25 19:26:41.0

mickey312: Hi

2007-09-25 19:26:47.0

Sanjeev: I hate being so cautious abt hair. wind might screw up ur cover.

2007-09-25 19:26:48.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for example, there is now some surgeon who insists his patients go on bariatric oxygentherapy

2007-09-25 19:26:54.0

NervousNelly: Hey mickey

2007-09-25 19:26:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no scientific evidence, only a high price tag

2007-09-25 19:27:01.0

Sanjeev: so trying to figure out a way not to look bald

2007-09-25 19:27:15.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: then cut your hair quite short sanjeev

2007-09-25 19:27:18.0

Hairfree: With Propecia..does hair regrow by breaking thru the scalp?

2007-09-25 19:27:29.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and feel free to send a few photos my way- i can give you some advice if you wish

2007-09-25 19:27:30.0

Bill: just so you all know...you can change the color of your text from the default green

2007-09-25 19:27:31.0

Hairfree: like transplanted hairs?

2007-09-25 19:27:41.0

Bill: use the color palette next to where you type

2007-09-25 19:27:47.0

Hairfree: This better?

2007-09-25 19:27:55.0

Bill: Hairfree...it can

2007-09-25 19:27:58.0

barley: I just started Propecia/Rogaine. Is it generally necessary to wait to see results prior to having an HT

2007-09-25 19:28:01.0

Sanjeev: thats i what I did. but I had very high hair loss last week and now I can see my scalp

2007-09-25 19:28:15.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: ah, i lostyou all

2007-09-25 19:28:18.0

Bill: If Propecia reverses the miniaturization process....any miniaturized hairs below the scalp can break through

2007-09-25 19:28:25.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that's right

2007-09-25 19:28:30.0

Hairfree: interesting

2007-09-25 19:28:32.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: orbecome stronger

2007-09-25 19:28:39.0

Hairfree: can it cause pimples?

2007-09-25 19:28:46.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: no

2007-09-25 19:28:47.0

Bill: the more miniaturized the hair, the less likely medication will reverse it...

2007-09-25 19:28:51.0

Bill: but i'ts possible

2007-09-25 19:28:59.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: in fact, propecia reduces pimple formation on the face, potentialy

2007-09-25 19:29:03.0

Sanjeev: I cut my hair short. but last week I had huge hair loss and now my scalp is visible. So I need some immediate cover up

2007-09-25 19:29:04.0

Bill: It shouldn't cause pimples because of the pores in the skin

2007-09-25 19:29:16.0

Hairfree: Really

2007-09-25 19:29:17.0

Bill: unlike transplanted hairs

2007-09-25 19:29:22.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that'sright

2007-09-25 19:29:30.0

Bill: that are breaking through for the first time

2007-09-25 19:29:33.0

giants: doc, what do you think the future has in store for hair loss

2007-09-25 19:29:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: well

2007-09-25 19:29:45.0

Hairfree: lol, I meant on the scalp. Pimples from hairs breaking thru

2007-09-25 19:29:47.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: better graft storage solutions

2007-09-25 19:29:51.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for more rapid regrowth

2007-09-25 19:30:00.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: second, better adjuvant meds

2007-09-25 19:30:09.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and of course in 7 to 10 yars

2007-09-25 19:30:11.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: years

2007-09-25 19:30:14.0

Bill: one thing I'd love to see....

2007-09-25 19:30:17.0

Bill: in hair restoration surgery....

2007-09-25 19:30:17.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: perhaps gene therapy

2007-09-25 19:30:22.0

Bill: is for a doctor to find a way....

2007-09-25 19:30:33.0

Bill: to prevent the hairs from going into the telogen phase

2007-09-25 19:30:33.0

giants: to clone some damn hairs..

2007-09-25 19:30:40.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:30:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: sounds good barley

2007-09-25 19:30:48.0

Bill: giants...that's not really on the surgical end

2007-09-25 19:30:49.0

Hairfree: I have a couple pimples on my scalp where I had the HT, is that from the propecia or the actual HT? Im at 6 months

2007-09-25 19:30:52.0

Bill: but important

2007-09-25 19:30:52.0

Sanjeev: Doc, does the meds like 7% minoxidil, 15% minoxidil work?

2007-09-25 19:30:53.0

giants: yeah im playing

2007-09-25 19:31:05.0

Bill: giants icon_biggrin.gif

2007-09-25 19:31:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hairfree- you should apply some warm compresses to the pimples

2007-09-25 19:31:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and likely they represent hairs that are starting to emerge

2007-09-25 19:31:13.0

Bill: Jotronic is awful quiet!

2007-09-25 19:31:21.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: albeit it is a bit late

2007-09-25 19:31:28.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: but can occur at this late a point

2007-09-25 19:31:36.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: althou more likely to happen at 3 months

2007-09-25 19:31:40.0

giants: doc are you familiar with the actice ingrediant adenosine which is used in follicas new product

2007-09-25 19:31:43.0

Bill: I had pimples form up to 8 months or so

2007-09-25 19:31:49.0

Hairfree: Cool, thanks you for answering my questions

2007-09-25 19:31:55.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: as far as higher strength minoxidil

2007-09-25 19:32:03.0

BareBeGone: I'm about 7 weeks out from the operation, Dr. Epstein, and I was starting to get some pimples - might some be coming out that early - I do have some hairs from previous transplants coming out though..

2007-09-25 19:32:04.0

giants: i know its not a surgical question

2007-09-25 19:32:09.0

Hairfree: I was just wondering if it was from the results of the propecia or the HT

2007-09-25 19:32:31.0

Bill: BBG...this is normal

2007-09-25 19:32:36.0

Hairfree: I had a lot of pimples at the 3 month mark. Im glad that phase is long over. I felt like a teenager again!

2007-09-25 19:32:47.0

Bill: typically pimples can start up to one month or even more before growth breaks through the skin

2007-09-25 19:33:05.0

Bill: Welcome back Barley...sorry you are having internet connection problems

2007-09-25 19:33:07.0

BareBeGone: ok, thanks

2007-09-25 19:33:13.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: yep

2007-09-25 19:33:27.0

Hairfree: yea, my pimples on scalp lasted from 4 to 10 week mark

2007-09-25 19:33:27.0

giants: doc do you its ok for a 17 year old to get on propecia

2007-09-25 19:33:41.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: typical

2007-09-25 19:33:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and yes fo rthe 17 year ol

2007-09-25 19:33:53.0

giants: ok

2007-09-25 19:34:02.0

Bill: welcome anajj

2007-09-25 19:34:03.0

barley: Hopefully I can particpate. I guess I can ask Dr. when I consult with him on Thurs

2007-09-25 19:34:04.0

Bill: welcome back NN

2007-09-25 19:34:17.0

Hairfree: Good to see you NN

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2007-09-25 19:34:23.0

anajj: thanks Bill...

2007-09-25 19:34:26.0

NervousNelly: Hey hairfree

2007-09-25 19:34:30.0

Hairfree: Hows your HT coming along?

2007-09-25 19:34:36.0

giants: my broter has been on propecia for 5 years and now expirences trouble urinating is this a dangerous side effect

2007-09-25 19:34:45.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: never heard of that

2007-09-25 19:34:45.0

NervousNelly: hairfree--looking good bud

2007-09-25 19:34:47.0

Hairfree: are you now 6 weeks NN?

2007-09-25 19:34:54.0

Bill: welcome crouse

2007-09-25 19:34:55.0

Hairfree: Thanks NN

2007-09-25 19:35:02.0

NervousNelly: yes--doldrums but coming along

2007-09-25 19:35:03.0

Jotronic: what did I miss? what did I miss?

2007-09-25 19:35:07.0

Bill: NN is in the doldrums

2007-09-25 19:35:14.0

NervousNelly: ha ha

2007-09-25 19:35:14.0

Bill: Joe...a lot! icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:35:19.0

Bill: but what else is new bro? icon_biggrin.gif

2007-09-25 19:35:23.0

BareBeGone: big crowd actually

2007-09-25 19:35:24.0

Hairfree: Doldrums are fun

2007-09-25 19:35:27.0

Jotronic: sorry, had a few private chat's going.

2007-09-25 19:35:32.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: me too

2007-09-25 19:35:32.0

BareBeGone: doldrums suck!

2007-09-25 19:35:36.0

crouse: i got brad pitt hair

2007-09-25 19:35:37.0

Hairfree: poppin pimples!

2007-09-25 19:35:38.0

NervousNelly: yes

2007-09-25 19:35:48.0

Jotronic: yes, doldrums suck, pimples are fun.

2007-09-25 19:35:49.0

giants: ok crouse we know ur a NW 50

2007-09-25 19:36:04.0

mickey312: Hi Doc I had my transplants done in the late 70's. Needless to say I have to wear a hair piece now because of the damage done. Anyway to get rid of the corn rows I have and just go bald without the scarring showing. I am really desperate. I miss alot of activities with my kids becasue of my situation

2007-09-25 19:36:05.0

crouse: nw -1

2007-09-25 19:36:23.0

Bill: Yeah...I'm a NW 65...beat that icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:36:35.0

Jotronic: Bill, 65 or 6.5?

2007-09-25 19:36:41.0

NervousNelly: Sorry to hear Mickey

2007-09-25 19:36:41.0

Bill: mickey...there is certainly help for you

2007-09-25 19:36:45.0

Jotronic: because I was a 6.9

2007-09-25 19:36:46.0

Jotronic: icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:36:50.0

Bill: Joe...65 man icon_biggrin.gif *joke*

2007-09-25 19:37:10.0

crouse: i got too much hair

2007-09-25 19:37:12.0

Bill: I encourage you to post your photos on our hair restoration discussion forum

2007-09-25 19:37:13.0

NervousNelly: mickey with todays technology there is hope

2007-09-25 19:37:24.0

Hairfree: True

2007-09-25 19:37:38.0

giants: ur absurd we go through this everytime crouse your hair is done for...join a brad pitt chat

2007-09-25 19:38:05.0

mickey312: Can I mention the firm that did it?

2007-09-25 19:38:10.0

Jotronic: YES

2007-09-25 19:38:29.0

crouse: 44, full head of hair..mckenzie is king

2007-09-25 19:38:33.0

mickey312: Cleveland Hair Clinic

2007-09-25 19:38:46.0

Jotronic: CLH, heard of them many times.

2007-09-25 19:39:08.0

Jotronic: bad news

2007-09-25 19:39:08.0

NervousNelly: Guys--Who's the member that just got rid of his rug 6 months ago and got an awesome HT by True?

2007-09-25 19:39:11.0

Hairfree: Have you consulted with Dr. Wolf Mickey? Is he in the Ohio area?

2007-09-25 19:39:29.0

crouse: im getting a rug

2007-09-25 19:39:44.0

mickey312: I am in Upstate NY . Syracuse area

2007-09-25 19:39:46.0

Jotronic: guys, i'm outta here. someone is about to take my place though. Cheers.

2007-09-25 19:39:55.0

Hairfree: cool Joe

2007-09-25 19:39:59.0

NervousNelly: see ya joe

2007-09-25 19:39:59.0

giants: crouse your an enigma

2007-09-25 19:40:01.0

BareBeGone: there are ways to hide with new grafts and possible rearrange some of what you have -- don't be discouraged

2007-09-25 19:40:54.0

mickey312: I don't have much hair left. No donar area. At least I don't think I do

2007-09-25 19:41:06.0

crouse: im getting a reduction

2007-09-25 19:41:08.0

Bill: welcome JPJ

2007-09-25 19:41:18.0

Bill: was it something I said? :P

2007-09-25 19:41:24.0

JPJ: hello

2007-09-25 19:41:30.0

giants: crouse no 1 person has acknowledged anything youve said

2007-09-25 19:41:30.0

NervousNelly: Mickey check out member Glock08 on the forum

2007-09-25 19:41:33.0

giants: not*

2007-09-25 19:42:00.0

NervousNelly: The champ

2007-09-25 19:42:05.0

BareBeGone: ask a doctor - maybe the grafts you have can be partially hidden and/or moved so that they can look better

2007-09-25 19:42:05.0

mickey312: Yea I did that to. What a waste of money. Reduction. Of course that was in the 70's

2007-09-25 19:42:05.0

Hairfree: Are you a Giants fan?

2007-09-25 19:42:07.0

Victor Hasson MD: Good evening, all.

2007-09-25 19:42:13.0

Hairfree: Hello

2007-09-25 19:42:17.0

crouse: your a person , arnt you giant ,olde buddy

2007-09-25 19:42:20.0

Bill: Welcome Dr. Hasson!

2007-09-25 19:42:21.0

NervousNelly: hey doc

2007-09-25 19:42:22.0

BareBeGone: hi - 2 doctors now!

2007-09-25 19:42:24.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: hi victor

2007-09-25 19:42:26.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: it's jeff

2007-09-25 19:42:27.0

melina: hi dr hasson

2007-09-25 19:42:32.0

Victor Hasson MD: Hey, Jeff.

2007-09-25 19:42:39.0

Victor Hasson MD: Hello all, Bill, Melina.

2007-09-25 19:42:46.0

Bill: 2 doctors on our live community chat!

2007-09-25 19:42:54.0

NervousNelly: Great stuff

2007-09-25 19:42:55.0

Bill: what an opportunity

2007-09-25 19:42:58.0

melina: i am david from argentina

2007-09-25 19:42:59.0

Hairfree: Thats great

2007-09-25 19:43:02.0

Bill: Glad to see you Dr. Hasson.

2007-09-25 19:43:08.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: bueno

2007-09-25 19:43:12.0

NervousNelly: To the docs--we had DR. Rassman last week

2007-09-25 19:43:12.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: y bienvenido david

2007-09-25 19:43:21.0

Bill: en ingles por favor icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 19:43:22.0

Victor Hasson MD: Yes, Melina, Joe told me. I hope all is well with you.

2007-09-25 19:43:39.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...I am now 11 months post op from when I visited with you last October

2007-09-25 19:43:42.0

melina: glad to seeyou Dr Victor

2007-09-25 19:43:44.0

Bill: loving my new hair!

2007-09-25 19:43:49.0

mickey312: Advice from the doc? Bad transplant fron the 70's with no donar area. Any suggestions?

2007-09-25 19:43:55.0

melina: YES I AM FINE

2007-09-25 19:44:02.0

Bill: Mickey...who has determined you don't have available donor?

2007-09-25 19:44:07.0

Hairfree: Bill..how many months are you at now?

2007-09-25 19:44:11.0

Victor Hasson MD: Bill, and I hope all is well with your results so far. I've seen your photos and you seemed to be coming along nicely.

2007-09-25 19:44:15.0

Bill: Hairfree, 11 months

2007-09-25 19:44:21.0

Hairfree: Nice!!

2007-09-25 19:44:29.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...I'm very pleased with my results...

2007-09-25 19:44:29.0

Victor Hasson MD: Melina, can't wait to see your photos!

2007-09-25 19:44:37.0

Bill: still some thickening and softening to come

2007-09-25 19:44:37.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: good question- who has determined you have no further donor hair?

2007-09-25 19:44:45.0

Victor Hasson MD: Excellent, Bill. I'm very happy to hear that.

2007-09-25 19:44:46.0

Bill: you know....

2007-09-25 19:44:53.0

Bill: I actually get my comb stuck in my hair every now and then again

2007-09-25 19:44:57.0

Bill: I forgot what that was like

2007-09-25 19:44:58.0

Bill: icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:45:00.0

Bill: welcome B Spot!

2007-09-25 19:45:13.0

Victor Hasson MD: Not a bad problem to have, Bill. Good for you.

2007-09-25 19:45:13.0

Hairfree: Can't wait to see it in person. We have to get together soon. For those who don't know..Bill lives 10 minutes away from my area

2007-09-25 19:45:14.0

the B spot: Hello All!!!

2007-09-25 19:45:29.0

NervousNelly: hey B

2007-09-25 19:45:33.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...thanks to you yes icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:45:36.0

Hairfree: No a bad problem Bill

2007-09-25 19:45:42.0

Bill: I will be planning for a 4th surgery most likely in a few years

2007-09-25 19:45:51.0

the B spot: Dr. Hasson and Dr. Epstein, glad to see you

2007-09-25 19:45:51.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson, and I will be coming back to see you

2007-09-25 19:45:57.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: pleasure bs

2007-09-25 19:46:00.0

mickey312: I just have a little on the sides of natural hair. My plugs are scattered all over my head. And scaring on both sides and the back of the head from where they took the plugs from. It is a mess.

2007-09-25 19:46:04.0

Victor Hasson MD: Well, Bill, not that you'll need it from what I've seen thus far but we'll definitely be here when you're ready.

2007-09-25 19:46:05.0

BareBeGone: you look good , Bill.. try to enjoy for a while

2007-09-25 19:46:09.0

Bill: Hmmm...B spot's initials are BS

2007-09-25 19:46:11.0

Bill: interesting icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:46:18.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: well mickey

2007-09-25 19:46:19.0

Victor Hasson MD: Thank you, Bspot. Good to be here.

2007-09-25 19:46:25.0

melina: Dr Hasson tomorrow morning i ll send to joe

2007-09-25 19:46:27.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...you are right...I don't need it...but I have hair greed icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:46:31.0

the B spot: I am not here even 2 seconds

2007-09-25 19:46:33.0

Bill: doesn't hurt to add some density

2007-09-25 19:46:37.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i'd take advantage and consider sending either or both dr. hasson and i your photos

2007-09-25 19:46:52.0

the B spot: What have I missed>

2007-09-25 19:46:52.0

NervousNelly: Dr Epstein can't mickey have plugs split up?

2007-09-25 19:46:58.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: yes

2007-09-25 19:47:04.0

Bill: welcome Please Grow Please

2007-09-25 19:47:06.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: the plugs removed, then retransplanted

2007-09-25 19:47:07.0

Hairfree: Haha Hair Greed

2007-09-25 19:47:10.0

Victor Hasson MD: Joe tells me, Melina, that you are very happy so far.

2007-09-25 19:47:11.0


2007-09-25 19:47:13.0

NervousNelly: MIght be thin but more natural

2007-09-25 19:47:14.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: or other times the plugs partially removed

2007-09-25 19:47:20.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: punch reduction

2007-09-25 19:47:25.0

NervousNelly: good idea

2007-09-25 19:47:30.0

mickey312: I would rather just go bald and have the transplant reversed if possible

2007-09-25 19:47:35.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: natural is always better than density

2007-09-25 19:47:41.0

Bill: More on Hair Transplant Repair: http://www.regrowhair.com/hair-transplant-surgery/hair-transplant-repair/

2007-09-25 19:47:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: not impossible

2007-09-25 19:47:49.0

NervousNelly: really?

2007-09-25 19:47:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: the challenge is the donor area

2007-09-25 19:47:53.0

the B spot: That is true Dr. Epstein, I agree

2007-09-25 19:48:02.0

anajj: Dr. Hasson and/or Dr. Epstein...What is your experience(s) is the best one can hope for regarding remediating "open donor scaring" from a mid-70's plug type transplant? IOW, assuming good healing characteristics, can one expect anything close to "undetectable" upon close inspection?

2007-09-25 19:48:09.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for there will always be scarring

2007-09-25 19:48:21.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: depends upon the laxity of the scarred donor area

2007-09-25 19:48:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: for if there is decent laxity, sometimes 3 rows or more of scarring can be excised

2007-09-25 19:48:41.0

NervousNelly: scars are better than plugs

2007-09-25 19:48:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and consolidated into a single linear scar

2007-09-25 19:48:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely nn

2007-09-25 19:48:50.0

Victor Hasson MD: Usually you cannot get back to your bald state. You'll need hair to cover up the scars.

2007-09-25 19:49:44.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: so i hope that answers your question anajj

2007-09-25 19:49:46.0

Victor Hasson MD: If you are trying to eliminate the punch scars in the donor area they can be greatly reduced but you will not be able to shave your head without detecting them.

2007-09-25 19:49:46.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: Dr. Hasson and/or Dr. Epstein Is slow growth common in a person that has had more then two procedures

2007-09-25 19:49:57.0

Bill: much will be dependent upon available donor based on laxity and density

2007-09-25 19:50:11.0

Bill: welcome back Sanjeev

2007-09-25 19:50:14.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: we commonly see a slower rate of growth with 3rd plus procedures

2007-09-25 19:50:14.0

Victor Hasson MD: PGP, no I would not say it is common.

2007-09-25 19:50:34.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: there simply is some scarring to the area

2007-09-25 19:50:37.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: albeit not a lot

2007-09-25 19:50:51.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: see- different doctors, different experience

2007-09-25 19:50:57.0

crouse: women love scars..

2007-09-25 19:51:00.0

Bill: I have heard that after 2 surgeries there is slower growth...but having 3, I have not noticed this personally

2007-09-25 19:51:02.0

the B spot: I grew in a bit slower for my 2nd, nothing major, but a noticeable difference

2007-09-25 19:51:02.0

Bill: thoguh some have reported it

2007-09-25 19:51:09.0

Hairfree: Whats your opinion on FUE?

2007-09-25 19:51:15.0

Bill: crouse is here for comic relief icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 19:51:22.0

the B spot: not again

2007-09-25 19:51:23.0

anajj: Dr. Epstein: Assuming decent laxity, would you ever consider performing more than "strip zone" to remediate a greater number of open donor rows?

2007-09-25 19:51:24.0

Victor Hasson MD: Hairfree, good question.

2007-09-25 19:51:41.0

Hairfree: growth rate from FUE? Is FUE good for a touch up after a strip surgery?

2007-09-25 19:51:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: what do you mean by strip zone?

2007-09-25 19:51:50.0

Victor Hasson MD: We currently are working on (yes even at 8p.m.) a patient that had 5500 FUE from another clnic.

2007-09-25 19:51:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: andyes, hairfree

2007-09-25 19:51:52.0

the B spot: Safe Zone??

2007-09-25 19:51:57.0

Bill: he probably means the safe zone

2007-09-25 19:52:05.0

Hairfree: Really Dr. Hasson

2007-09-25 19:52:15.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson, 5500 FUE? I assume that was over multiple sessions?

2007-09-25 19:52:16.0

Hairfree: What happened with that patient?

2007-09-25 19:52:31.0

the B spot: 5500 fue, what is his donor density---- 60/65?

2007-09-25 19:52:31.0

Bill: FUE has a place, but I feel that it is way over promoted

2007-09-25 19:52:34.0

Hairfree: good results?

2007-09-25 19:52:39.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: great question anajj

2007-09-25 19:52:42.0

Victor Hasson MD: Yeah, unfortunately there is probably no more than 500 to 800 grafts that actually grew yet his donor area is riddled with scar tissue.

2007-09-25 19:52:46.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: there are tradeoffs

2007-09-25 19:52:49.0

melina: are youdoing fue Drhasson'

2007-09-25 19:53:04.0

Victor Hasson MD: I have photos that I can share of his donor area. I'll have Joe post them soon.

2007-09-25 19:53:05.0

anajj: would you consider leaving more than one strip scar (i.e., several inches apart) in order to remediate more open donor scar rows?

2007-09-25 19:53:10.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: removing larger area of scalp to remove the greatestamont of donor scars

2007-09-25 19:53:11.0

Victor Hasson MD: Melina, no.

2007-09-25 19:53:14.0

Hairfree: 5500 Fue and only 500-800 grew?

2007-09-25 19:53:16.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...that is very scary

2007-09-25 19:53:21.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: possible anajj

2007-09-25 19:53:22.0

Victor Hasson MD: Approximately, yes.

2007-09-25 19:53:35.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i have seensimilar

2007-09-25 19:53:37.0

the B spot: I have a feeling we are going to be seeing some very unhappy people who are doing these mega-fue sessions

2007-09-25 19:53:40.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: poor growth with fue

2007-09-25 19:53:41.0

Victor Hasson MD: It's an unmitigated disaster.

2007-09-25 19:53:43.0

Hairfree: wow, thats like 10% growth

2007-09-25 19:53:46.0

Bill: Personally, I don't like the idea of 2 scars...unless it is in the case of a repair job that can't be avoidable

2007-09-25 19:53:53.0

anajj: Thank you Dr. E.

2007-09-25 19:53:59.0

Victor Hasson MD: At best.

2007-09-25 19:54:01.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and that is correct Bill

2007-09-25 19:54:03.0

Bill: I have seen some great FUE work from Dr. Feller

2007-09-25 19:54:05.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: you're welcome anajj

2007-09-25 19:54:18.0

Bill: he is a prime example of someone who does superior FUE work without overselling its benefits

2007-09-25 19:54:23.0

Bill: he recognizes its limitations

2007-09-25 19:54:25.0

Hairfree: Does the results of FUE depend on the doctor?

2007-09-25 19:54:31.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: absolutely

2007-09-25 19:54:35.0

NervousNelly: ofcourse

2007-09-25 19:54:36.0

the B spot: I like fue, but only as an adjunct to strip, or for virgin patients who need 1000 grafts of less

2007-09-25 19:54:37.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: but that is true with any transpalnts

2007-09-25 19:54:40.0

anajj: Bill: I agree. I'm just considering my options in terms of the lesser of scaring evils.

2007-09-25 19:54:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: what becomes overlooked with fue

2007-09-25 19:54:43.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i feel

2007-09-25 19:54:52.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: is that it is how the hairs are placed

2007-09-25 19:54:56.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: rather than how they are obtained

2007-09-25 19:54:58.0

Bill: anajj...I perfectly understand

2007-09-25 19:55:00.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: which is the key step

2007-09-25 19:55:01.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that

2007-09-25 19:55:06.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that's the artistry

2007-09-25 19:55:10.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: the challenge

2007-09-25 19:55:15.0

BareBeGone: I had my strip done recently with Dr. Feller - I asked about FUE and he said it was mainly for smaller areas

2007-09-25 19:55:29.0

Bill: BBG...exactly my point

2007-09-25 19:55:58.0

Victor Hasson MD: If you are going to have FUE go with a doc who is well known and has good consistent results.

2007-09-25 19:56:07.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...Amen

2007-09-25 19:56:10.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and can show his before and afters

2007-09-25 19:56:17.0

Hairfree: Is FUE good for lowering hairlines or touching up hairlines after a strip HT?

2007-09-25 19:56:21.0

the B spot: I just saw a large fue session patient who looked fabulous, the clinic used .75mm punches and took 3 days to do 3500 grafts.

2007-09-25 19:56:22.0

Bill: this is one of the powers of this community

2007-09-25 19:56:32.0

Bill: it is a patient driven community where patients can come and share their results openly

2007-09-25 19:56:35.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: especially when considering body hair grafts to the scalp

2007-09-25 19:56:40.0

Victor Hasson MD: This guy took eight days for the finished procedure.

2007-09-25 19:56:48.0

the B spot: 8 days?

2007-09-25 19:56:52.0

Bill: using the "find" feature of our community, one will discover over 5 years of patient experiences, before and after pictures

2007-09-25 19:56:58.0

Victor Hasson MD: Yes. 8 hours each of the 8 days.

2007-09-25 19:57:02.0

Hairfree: Is FUE good for lowering hairlines or touching up hairlines after a strip HT?

2007-09-25 19:57:10.0

mickey312: Dr. Epstein should I email my pics to you at your website. I am going to get my hair piece cleaned on Friday, so maybe by next week I could send you some pics.

2007-09-25 19:57:15.0

Bill: BHT in my opiniion should be a last resort after all scalp hair is used up

2007-09-25 19:57:17.0

the B spot: That is a shame

2007-09-25 19:57:23.0

Bill: not enough consistency yet

2007-09-25 19:57:25.0

Victor Hasson MD: Often you can remove the extra grafts needed with no more scarring at all using strip.

2007-09-25 19:57:25.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: that would be fine

2007-09-25 19:57:28.0

BareBeGone: but I don't understand why someone would want to have 3 days of surgery when they can have that done in one day with strip - unless you're going to shave your head or have shorter than a crew cut, the scar is hidden if done well, right?

2007-09-25 19:57:32.0

the B spot: larger than 1.0[/color]mm punches used?

2007-09-25 19:57:40.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: just go to my website foundhair.com

2007-09-25 19:57:43.0

Victor Hasson MD: No.

2007-09-25 19:57:50.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: and you'll find the link

2007-09-25 19:57:53.0

mickey312: yes i am on it now

2007-09-25 19:58:01.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i will use fue for supplementing reparative procedures

2007-09-25 19:58:01.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: Dr. Hasson and/or Dr. Epstein would you know approx how long it would take a graft to die that hasnt started growing due to past procedures mini/micros

2007-09-25 19:58:08.0

the B spot: Wow--- that is terrible

2007-09-25 19:58:12.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: to get an additional 300 to 400 grafts

2007-09-25 19:58:23.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: especiallly in cases of limited donor hair due to scarring

2007-09-25 19:58:30.0

the B spot: BBG-- I think your on to something there.

2007-09-25 19:58:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: not sure what you mean PGP?

2007-09-25 19:58:57.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: in a slow grower

2007-09-25 19:58:58.0

Bill: a minigraft will not die

2007-09-25 19:59:08.0

Bill: oh....

2007-09-25 19:59:12.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: is there a time when the graft says screw it im not growing

2007-09-25 19:59:16.0

Bill: you mean one that has never popped through the skin?

2007-09-25 19:59:25.0


2007-09-25 19:59:26.0

Bill: PGP...from my understanding...

2007-09-25 19:59:29.0

Victor Hasson MD: PGL, I believe that at the very worst a graft could take up to 18 months to grow. It if doesn't grow by then this it is not ever going to grow.

2007-09-25 19:59:31.0

Hairfree: Is it a good idea to use FUE to touch up hairlines? thicken it up? Or slightly lower it by like 1/8 of an inch?

2007-09-25 19:59:34.0

Bill: if it starts to grow...it will grow fore3ver

2007-09-25 19:59:36.0

Bill: forever

2007-09-25 19:59:38.0

Bill: but...

2007-09-25 19:59:44.0


2007-09-25 19:59:45.0

Bill: those grafts that never grow...could have been damaged

2007-09-25 19:59:47.0

Bill: and already dead

2007-09-25 20:00:00.0

Victor Hasson MD: Bill, yes. That is the most common problem, damage.

2007-09-25 20:00:19.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: good i wont have to kill dr

2007-09-25 20:00:23.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: just kidding

2007-09-25 20:00:23.0

Bill: damage, yet another reason why physician selection is vital

2007-09-25 20:00:24.0

Victor Hasson MD: The nature of the graft that is obtained through FUE is entirely different than that obtained via strip.

2007-09-25 20:00:25.0

the B spot: LOL

2007-09-25 20:00:37.0

Hairfree: really

2007-09-25 20:00:38.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: i agree- 18 months is about as late it takes for a graft to grow

2007-09-25 20:00:59.0

the B spot: Please elaborate Dr. Hasson

2007-09-25 20:01:35.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: ok guys

2007-09-25 20:01:36.0

Victor Hasson MD: Grafts obtained via strip contain tissue down to and surrounding the bulb and this tissue protects the bulb and is what the technicians hold onto when inserting them into the recipient scalp.

2007-09-25 20:01:40.0

Bill: just a reminder that the text color can be changed by using the color palette next to where you are typing

2007-09-25 20:01:42.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: my bedtime- surgery in the am

2007-09-25 20:01:53.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: good nite and it's been a pleasure

2007-09-25 20:01:59.0

the B spot: Great talking Dr. Epstein!

2007-09-25 20:02:01.0

Bill: Dr. Epstein...thank you so much for joining us

2007-09-25 20:02:04.0

mickey312: thanks doc. i will send some pics

2007-09-25 20:02:04.0

NervousNelly: thanks doc

2007-09-25 20:02:04.0

Hairfree: Thank you for jumping on

2007-09-25 20:02:05.0

Bill: it has been very educational!

2007-09-25 20:02:06.0

BareBeGone: thanks very much

2007-09-25 20:02:08.0

barley: goodnight, see you Thursday

2007-09-25 20:02:09.0

Bill: we hope you'll join us again next week

2007-09-25 20:02:11.0

Jeffrey Epstein MD, FACS: pleasure

2007-09-25 20:02:11.0

Hairfree: same here

2007-09-25 20:02:21.0


2007-09-25 20:02:43.0

the B spot: Ah, so the exposed bulb is more susceptible to drying out, breaking, etc...

2007-09-25 20:02:57.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...that makes sense. So with FUE, then, the extraction tool doesn't go as deep to extract the surrounding tissue?

2007-09-25 20:03:02.0

Victor Hasson MD: Absolutely, Bspot.

2007-09-25 20:03:17.0

Hairfree: Thank u Dr Hasson for answering question

2007-09-25 20:03:30.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: this is better then porn

2007-09-25 20:03:37.0


2007-09-25 20:03:43.0

Victor Hasson MD: With FUE the only cutting is superficial and further removal requires traction and to a degree tearing away of the tissue surrounding the bulb.

2007-09-25 20:03:56.0

the B spot: I believe at some point, regardless of blunt/sharp tools you have to "rip" the unit from the scalp

2007-09-25 20:04:06.0

Victor Hasson MD: Exactly.

2007-09-25 20:04:37.0

Bill: so there is most likely a greater risk of damage with FUE

2007-09-25 20:04:46.0

the B spot: I have challenged others who are making claims of 3, and 4 thousand fue grafts to prove this--- no answers

2007-09-25 20:04:59.0

the B spot: per day

2007-09-25 20:04:59.0

Victor Hasson MD: Yes, and we have seen many patients to prove this.

2007-09-25 20:05:09.0

Hairfree: Dr. Hasson if someone wanted to lower hairline by 1/8th inch they are better off going with a strip?

2007-09-25 20:05:10.0

Bill: B Spot....another reason why I believe FUE megasessions are being over promoted without the proof

2007-09-25 20:05:14.0

Bill: the proof to back it up

2007-09-25 20:05:24.0

NervousNelly: Is Fue overly marketed? Better for very small cases?

2007-09-25 20:05:39.0

the B spot: Yep, it is a terrible malaise-- preying on the fears of youth

2007-09-25 20:05:40.0

Bill: NN...there are certain doctors that will overmarket the benefits of FUE

2007-09-25 20:05:53.0

Bill: it's a sad affair

2007-09-25 20:05:56.0

BareBeGone: but does it look any different to someone else than if they had strip? seems like longer surgeries, more expense, and many times nowhere near as many surviving grafts

2007-09-25 20:06:02.0

NervousNelly: Armani can do 15,000 Fu thoughicon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 20:06:16.0

the B spot: you got the fu part right =)

2007-09-25 20:06:26.0

Bill: Hahaha

2007-09-25 20:06:29.0


2007-09-25 20:06:34.0

Victor Hasson MD: Hairfree, yes I believe so. If they already have a strip scar and a narrow section of tissue is taken alongside the scar it will heal exactly the way the first scar healed.

2007-09-25 20:06:54.0

the B spot: Guy got quoted 35K for 3500 grafts and was wondering how soon they could get him in!

2007-09-25 20:07:05.0

Hairfree: Cool! Thank you for answering my question Dr. Hasson

2007-09-25 20:07:12.0

Bill: IMO....FUE has a place for smaller sessions in the hands of a skilled doctor known for producing high yield with FUE, OR when someone is "stripped' out

2007-09-25 20:07:28.0

Victor Hasson MD: I do believe that there is a place for FUE in patients with very tight or very scarred scalps.

2007-09-25 20:07:39.0

Hairfree: makes sense

2007-09-25 20:07:49.0

NervousNelly: B spot--I'll give you 3500 for only 20k

2007-09-25 20:07:57.0

the B spot: What a deal!!!

2007-09-25 20:08:02.0

Bill: well...I'm hoping I have another 2000-3000 grafts in reserve via strip before I even consider FUE

2007-09-25 20:08:08.0

the B spot: wait----3500 what.....

2007-09-25 20:08:08.0

Bill: lol NN

2007-09-25 20:08:15.0


2007-09-25 20:08:25.0

Hairfree: 3500 FUE and only 800 grow for 35K. What a deal!

2007-09-25 20:08:43.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...my donor laxity is almost as it was before my surgery with you

2007-09-25 20:08:46.0

NervousNelly: Bill--your donor is like a beaver pelt

2007-09-25 20:08:57.0

the B spot: geez Bill--

2007-09-25 20:08:57.0

Hairfree: lol\

2007-09-25 20:08:58.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 20:08:59.0

Bill: 7550 grafts and counting icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:09:22.0

Bill: maybe I'll be counted among the few, the proud, 10,000 club

2007-09-25 20:09:29.0

the B spot: Dr. Hasson, any record breakers coming up? Or is London Lad still the king?

2007-09-25 20:09:30.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: must be nice

2007-09-25 20:09:42.0

NervousNelly: water probably rolls off your hair

2007-09-25 20:09:43.0

the B spot: I am hoping to hit the 10K club

2007-09-25 20:09:46.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: his results are awesome

2007-09-25 20:09:51.0

Victor Hasson MD: I have to go now, my patient is ready for me again. Thank you all for your time. It has been enjoyable.

2007-09-25 20:10:00.0

NervousNelly: thanks

2007-09-25 20:10:06.0

BareBeGone: thanks for your time

2007-09-25 20:10:07.0

Bill: Dr. Hasson...thanks for joining us! It has truly been educational

2007-09-25 20:10:09.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: thank you sooo much doc

2007-09-25 20:10:12.0

Hairfree: Thank you Dr. Hasson!

2007-09-25 20:10:12.0

BareBeGone: he's gone..

2007-09-25 20:10:15.0

giants: thank you

2007-09-25 20:10:17.0

Bill: it's nice to have our doctors join us

2007-09-25 20:10:26.0

the B spot: That was really cool

2007-09-25 20:10:28.0


2007-09-25 20:10:29.0

melina: what about the rogaine foam ,any users?

2007-09-25 20:10:31.0

Bill: some questions it is best to let the doctors answer

2007-09-25 20:10:39.0

Bill: welcome back Joe

2007-09-25 20:10:40.0


2007-09-25 20:10:43.0

Hairfree: im on the foam

2007-09-25 20:10:45.0

Jotronic: What'd I miss, what'd I miss?

2007-09-25 20:10:45.0

the B spot: Bait and switch!!!!!!

2007-09-25 20:10:45.0

Bill: I guess Dr. Hasson was uing your computer?

2007-09-25 20:10:59.0

Hairfree: Love the foam, no irritations

2007-09-25 20:11:03.0


2007-09-25 20:11:04.0

Bill: it was nice that Dr. Hasson and Dr. Epstein joined us

2007-09-25 20:11:06.0

the B spot: Bill is a beaver and NN will give you 3500 ....

2007-09-25 20:11:13.0

the B spot: that is about it

2007-09-25 20:11:19.0

Hairfree: lol

2007-09-25 20:11:19.0

Bill: lol...nice summation B Spot

2007-09-25 20:11:20.0

Jotronic: Yeah, I logged out, he logged in, I went to hang with the patient.

2007-09-25 20:11:33.0

Hairfree: Whats the patient today?

2007-09-25 20:11:38.0

Hairfree: How many grafts?

2007-09-25 20:11:42.0

Jotronic: cool, I'm in.

2007-09-25 20:11:43.0

the B spot: fue repair right?

2007-09-25 20:11:47.0

BareBeGone: nicholas cage icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 20:11:50.0

Jotronic: me?

2007-09-25 20:11:57.0

the B spot: you

2007-09-25 20:12:01.0

Jotronic: oh, yeah. have an FUE patient today.

2007-09-25 20:12:09.0

Bill: I have heard that Rogaine foam is less of an irritant than the liquid

2007-09-25 20:12:10.0

Jotronic: Had 5000 plus FUE and got shite for growth.

2007-09-25 20:12:15.0


2007-09-25 20:12:18.0


2007-09-25 20:12:20.0

Hairfree: man that sucks

2007-09-25 20:12:20.0

NervousNelly: sucks

2007-09-25 20:12:23.0

melina: yes

2007-09-25 20:12:24.0

Bill: Joe...yes, Dr. Hasson was telling us...that's upsetting

2007-09-25 20:12:27.0

the B spot: Yeah--- Dr. Hasson said that----

2007-09-25 20:12:27.0

Bill: very upsetting

2007-09-25 20:12:30.0

Jotronic: hell yeah it does.

2007-09-25 20:12:35.0

Jotronic: You should see the donor area.

2007-09-25 20:12:36.0

the B spot: almost molestation

2007-09-25 20:12:40.0

Jotronic: Can you say buckshot?

2007-09-25 20:12:41.0

Bill: moth eaten?

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2007-09-25 20:12:43.0

Hairfree: how many grafts this patient getting?

2007-09-25 20:12:48.0

the B spot: ouch Joe

2007-09-25 20:12:55.0

Hairfree: or having them removed?

2007-09-25 20:12:56.0

Bill: terible

2007-09-25 20:13:01.0

NervousNelly: bummer

2007-09-25 20:13:08.0

Bill: hair transplant perspective patients in this room.....

2007-09-25 20:13:10.0

Jotronic: He's not thinned out to the eye though. He had density off the scale which is the only thing that saved him.

2007-09-25 20:13:11.0

the B spot: I think we are going to see more of these guys in the near future

2007-09-25 20:13:18.0

Bill: I encourage you to do dilligent research before selecting a physician

2007-09-25 20:13:22.0

Bill: know what you are getting yourself into

2007-09-25 20:13:35.0

Jotronic: I think we pulled 5800 ish for him. He'll be a stud.

2007-09-25 20:13:36.0

Bill: I have seen many over the years come back to our community after making an emotional decision

2007-09-25 20:13:39.0

Bill: and have regreted it

2007-09-25 20:13:45.0

NervousNelly: wow

2007-09-25 20:13:47.0

the B spot: 5800!!!!

2007-09-25 20:13:53.0

Bill: make an educated decision and choose a doctor based on positive consistent results

2007-09-25 20:13:54.0

the B spot: I gotta go wipe

2007-09-25 20:13:57.0

Bill: tkae your time

2007-09-25 20:14:01.0

Jotronic: If he was a virgin scalp we could have pulled 8 plus i'm sure.

2007-09-25 20:14:02.0

Bill: *take your time

2007-09-25 20:14:03.0

Hairfree: Wow!

2007-09-25 20:14:14.0

Jotronic: why is bspot wiping?

2007-09-25 20:14:20.0

Jotronic: something he told us that I missed out on?

2007-09-25 20:14:21.0

NervousNelly: 5 inch wide strip?

2007-09-25 20:14:24.0

Jotronic: icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:14:27.0

anajj: Jotronic, Am I correct that your original HT created "open donor" scars? If so, were they remediated via repair?

2007-09-25 20:14:28.0

Jotronic: NN

2007-09-25 20:14:28.0

NervousNelly: icon_smile.gif

2007-09-25 20:14:32.0

Bill: 5800...that's amazing!

2007-09-25 20:14:34.0

the B spot: 5800 Joe!!!! Nice work

2007-09-25 20:14:55.0

NervousNelly: cool

2007-09-25 20:14:55.0

Bill: Just don't let Joe make recipient sites...I saw him slice and dice a cantelope icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:15:03.0

the B spot: that was scary

2007-09-25 20:15:05.0

Jotronic: No, I didn't have open donor scars. You can read about my history at www.hairtransplantmentor.com

2007-09-25 20:15:14.0

NervousNelly: he'll be ecstatic

2007-09-25 20:15:18.0

Jotronic: Bill, HAHAHA

2007-09-25 20:15:22.0

Jotronic: and I'm not done yet.

2007-09-25 20:15:34.0

Bill: it was a great demonstration though

2007-09-25 20:15:38.0

Bill: I was talking to Pat yesterday about it

2007-09-25 20:15:39.0

Jotronic: thanks.

2007-09-25 20:15:44.0

Bill: I just have to find the link so I can send it to him

2007-09-25 20:15:47.0

the B spot: Ok boys I gotta go---- Civil Produre is calling

2007-09-25 20:15:53.0

Bill: unless you know where it is

2007-09-25 20:15:55.0

NervousNelly: see ya

2007-09-25 20:15:55.0


2007-09-25 20:16:00.0

Bill: B...good seeing you bro

2007-09-25 20:16:05.0

the B spot: Peace!

2007-09-25 20:16:07.0

Bill: thanks for joining us

2007-09-25 20:16:25.0

Jotronic: hang on a sec, brb.

2007-09-25 20:16:37.0

Hairfree: Guys..Im heading off here as well. G'Nite all. Bill drop me an email and we can get together soon

2007-09-25 20:16:44.0

NervousNelly: bedtime--later gentleman

2007-09-25 20:16:51.0

Hairfree: G Nite NN

2007-09-25 20:16:52.0


2007-09-25 20:16:56.0

Bill: Hairfee...you got it bro. Do me a favor and send me an email first...I can't seen to find your email address

2007-09-25 20:17:09.0

Bill: goodnight NN...thanks for joining us bro

2007-09-25 20:17:30.0

Hairfree: No problem. Whats your email..can you type it on here?

2007-09-25 20:17:36.0

Bill: help@hairtransplantnetwork.com

2007-09-25 20:17:40.0

Jotronic: Hey guys, I"m going to go now. I have to take pics of the patient. He's done now.

2007-09-25 20:17:41.0

Hairfree: ok

2007-09-25 20:17:45.0

Bill: anyone is welcome to email me with any questions they havqe

2007-09-25 20:17:47.0


2007-09-25 20:17:47.0

Bill: have

2007-09-25 20:17:55.0

Bill: you leaving PGP?

2007-09-25 20:18:03.0

Hairfree: Ok, Emailing you now

2007-09-25 20:18:04.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: saying bye to joe

2007-09-25 20:18:05.0

Bill: oh whoops

2007-09-25 20:18:07.0

anajj: JoT...What is the largest number of "open donor" scar rows you've seen remediated (eliminated) in a single patient?

2007-09-25 20:18:09.0

Bill: bye Joe

2007-09-25 20:18:11.0

Bill: that was a little late

2007-09-25 20:18:13.0

melina: Bill are you using the foam?

2007-09-25 20:18:25.0

Bill: Melina...no....

2007-09-25 20:18:29.0

Bill: I tried using the liquid once upon a time

2007-09-25 20:18:34.0

Bill: was helping at first

2007-09-25 20:18:45.0

Bill: until I foolishly stopped to try other things (scams of the day)

2007-09-25 20:18:50.0

Bill: I lost ground

2007-09-25 20:19:01.0

Bill: after I tried using minoxodil again....

2007-09-25 20:19:06.0

Bill: it started irritating my scalp

2007-09-25 20:19:11.0

Bill: so I went down to 2%

2007-09-25 20:19:17.0

Bill: and it didn't do anything for me anymore

2007-09-25 20:19:21.0

BareBeGone: ok - good night, guys

2007-09-25 20:19:22.0

Bill: but I hear good things about the foam

2007-09-25 20:19:28.0

Bill: BBG....thanks for joining us bro

2007-09-25 20:19:38.0

melina: and what about avodart

2007-09-25 20:19:40.0

BareBeGone: pleasure - take care

2007-09-25 20:19:45.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: i use to hang upsidedown on inversion table for a half hour twice a day

2007-09-25 20:19:59.0

Bill: I've never used Avodart

2007-09-25 20:20:04.0


2007-09-25 20:20:09.0

Bill: but it is suspected to work as a stronger version of Propecia

2007-09-25 20:20:24.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: worse sides with avo

2007-09-25 20:21:23.0

Bill: Sorry guys...got booted

2007-09-25 20:21:36.0

melina: any problens with avodart onthe hairline?

2007-09-25 20:21:41.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: thats ok we foegive

2007-09-25 20:21:46.0

Bill: melina...problems?

2007-09-25 20:22:01.0

melina: is this true?

2007-09-25 20:22:05.0

Sanjeev: Bill, can I have alcohol after taking propecia

2007-09-25 20:22:18.0

Sanjeev: like its been 5 hrs since I took propecia

2007-09-25 20:22:24.0


2007-09-25 20:22:30.0

Bill: here is a good article on Propecia vs Avodart: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo....asp?CopyID=22&Nav=4

2007-09-25 20:22:38.0

Bill: Sanjeev...yes

2007-09-25 20:22:51.0

Bill: but I think it might be a bit much to take your Propecia with alcohol icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:22:51.0

Sanjeev: k. thanks

2007-09-25 20:22:55.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: Bill do you use msm

2007-09-25 20:23:06.0

Bill: PGP...I used it for the first 5 months post o

2007-09-25 20:23:07.0

Bill: op

2007-09-25 20:23:10.0

Bill: I don't use it regularly

2007-09-25 20:23:29.0

Bill: welcome back melina

2007-09-25 20:23:33.0

Bill: everyone getting booted?

2007-09-25 20:23:38.0

Bill: I had a problem a moment ago

2007-09-25 20:23:57.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: msm seems to double my growth

2007-09-25 20:24:35.0

Bill: I know MSM is speculated to help speed up hair growth. I didn't really notice a difference

2007-09-25 20:24:37.0

Bill: but I used it in case icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:24:52.0

melina: i used it

2007-09-25 20:24:58.0


2007-09-25 20:25:11.0

melina: speed the growth

2007-09-25 20:25:17.0


2007-09-25 20:25:31.0

Bill: well my friends....does anyone else have any questions for me before I leave?

2007-09-25 20:25:39.0

Bill: you all are welcome to stay and chat as long as you'd like

2007-09-25 20:25:41.0

melina: and the nails

2007-09-25 20:25:43.0

Bill: AND the chat room is always open

2007-09-25 20:25:46.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: you cant leave please

2007-09-25 20:25:52.0

Bill: lol PGP

2007-09-25 20:26:03.0

Bill: I could be like poor Barley and just keep coming in and out

2007-09-25 20:26:04.0

Bill: icon_wink.gif

2007-09-25 20:26:11.0

Bill: see? lol

2007-09-25 20:26:14.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: hes addicted

2007-09-25 20:26:18.0

Bill: hahaha

2007-09-25 20:26:38.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: how often is this

2007-09-25 20:27:00.0

Bill: Live chat is scheduled every Tuesday at 10:00pm

2007-09-25 20:27:08.0

Bill: I have been sending email notifications to our forum members as well

2007-09-25 20:27:17.0

Bill: as a reminder before the evening

2007-09-25 20:27:19.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: thanks ill be here again peace out everyone

2007-09-25 20:27:26.0

melina: yes great idea fal

2007-09-25 20:27:27.0

Bill: PGP...glad you could join us

2007-09-25 20:27:33.0

Bill: hope to see you next week

2007-09-25 20:27:40.0

Bill: Melina...I'm glad you joined us also

2007-09-25 20:27:44.0

PLEASE GROW PLEASE: you will thanks bye

2007-09-25 20:27:46.0

Bill: I hope you found it entertaining and educational

2007-09-25 20:27:56.0

melina: thank you Bill

2007-09-25 20:28:07.0

Bill: any other questions for me before I go?

2007-09-25 20:28:13.0

Bill: from anyone?

2007-09-25 20:28:55.0

Bill: well...then I hope to see you all on the forums and in live chat next week!

2007-09-25 20:29:04.0

melina: bye

2007-09-25 20:29:08.0

Bill: stay tuned...I will be posting a summary of the chat in the next couple days

2007-09-25 20:29:12.0

Bill: goodnight

2007-09-25 20:29:22.0

melina: goodnite

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  • Senior Member


thanks for the transcript it was educational. But, it looks like youve got a better shot of Ron Jeremy losing a hard on before getting a question answered. Its a zoo with everyone interupting one another. Regardless, it is really intriguing to see the docs' getting in on the question and answers. I think Nervous Nelly pointed out that it would be somewhat more beneficial if it was conducted in a more formal fashion.

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Having experience with chat rooms, there really is no way to promote a more formal fashion.


This is why I created a few different rooms - for members to spread out and discuss whatever they want with a bit less congestion. T


his is why color coding our text in the chat room is a good tool...at least things don't blend together so much.


Private rooms are also available for someone who wants a one on one chat with someone who seems to be knowledgable.


I know a number of people who have used this feature because they can get the help they need more quickly.


But NN did make a good suggestion - however I don't think it would be fair from a moderator point of view to attempt to quiet everyone to make it formal. Everyone comes with different needs and wants and at different times in the chat. I think keeping it open (even though a bit difficult to keep up with) at this point is best for everyone.



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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Bill:



Having experience with chat rooms, there really is no way to promote a more formal fashion.




Bill, I think what NG2GB is asking for is a moderated chat. This is very feasible with some very inexpensive or possibly free software. I haven't done a lot of research in this area but here are a few examples of chat clients that offer moderation type features.






Keep up the very interesting chats!



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Chatting in this manner is chaotic, but that is what makes it different than simply posting on the forum itself.


It is supposed to be informal and most of all FUN!!!!!


If a doctor shows up, invite them to a private chat or email them directly, etc...


I for one, enjoy the setting, love the fast paced atmosphere and the feeling of everyone simply "cutting loose" after a hard days work, etc....


At least that's how I feel icon_biggrin.gif

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6721 transplanted grafts

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Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I appreciate everyone's feedback and the suggestions are certainly helpful!


I don't think we will be able to please everyone however, what's nice about our current chat software is that there are a number of options.


For those who like the fast paced environment and trying to keep up and chime in, you have public chat in the main chat room.


For those who want to talk more specifically about hair loss treatments or any open topics, there are additional chat rooms


For those who want one on one help, private chat is available by right clicking on a name and selecting private chat.


The chat room is technically moderated (Pat and I are the moderators), but right now it is still "open" rather than giving permission for someone to speak in turn, etc.


Additional suggestions are certainly welcome, but we can't guarantee that it will definitely be possible.


Best wishes,


Bill icon_biggrin.gif

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