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NHI Australia OR Hasson & Wong

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Hi Guys,


1st of all I'd just like to say thanks to the man Pat for creating this site! It gives us bold people hope. Cheers Bloke icon_wink.gif


I have been contemplating if it's worth getting a HT in Australia with Dr Rhett Bosnich of NHI Australia. I have tried to find information on this Dr, but I can't seem to find it? Has any body heard of him? Does any one have quality HT pics of his past Patience?


As I am a Norwood 5, NHI have confirmed that they can extract a total of 3700 graphs for a total of $18000 (AUS) any more graphs extracted would be free of charge. What do you guys reckon?


I have also been in contact with Christine who works for HASSON & WONG, she has been very helpful with my quires. I even got a chance to meet a one of Dr Wong's patience in Melbourne. The patience HT results weren't the best as he had very fine hair, but he confirmed he was a worst case scenario, he was pleased with his over all result and said it was the best thing he ever done, very nice chap too. I couldn't even tell this kid had a HT! Very grateful Christine allowed me to meet a patience who didn't have those Super Wassup Looks! That's true honesty! This also made me realise not every body is going to look like a super star!


Any way my point is, I was going to get my HT with H&W around mid Jan 2009, 4000 graphs, for $16000 (US), but! Because the collapse of Wall St & the all mighty American economy! The Australian dollar has dropped from a massive 98c to 67cents!! (I hope the US can get through these hard times lol) This leaves me in a situation where I may have to get my HT in Australia... I really don't want to keep waiting... What would you guys do? Take the plunge with NHI Australia or wait for the economy to get back to normal "fingers crossed"






Australian Bloke!!!



P.S Yes I am a newbie

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Aus Bloke,


I am also feeling the pinch of the US$. I have booked a provisional date with H & W for March 2009. My original quote back in March equated to around 20,000 NZ$ and now it could be as much as 27,000 NZ$.


I originally looked at all the Australian Doc's but after reading numerous posts on this forum decided not to choose a Doc on price or locality and go for someone with a proven record.


I have to book my flights before Monday and make the decision whether to book the surgery as I have the time scheduled for leave from work.


You could take a chance and hope the AUS$ improves after christmas as you will not have to pay for the surgery until nearer the time. It could always get worse as well!!

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Guys thanks for replying, I am going to have to take your advice on this =)


Just wish Australia had Quality HT docs! Dr Woods in Sydney has an excellent track record but he costs an arm & a leg, and that is way out of the question for me, I may as well buy a house.


It's starting to sound like NHI is the Bosely of Australia? I reckon NHI should pay PAT to visit Melbourne and review there clinic, I am sure NHI could afford it + this would give them an opportunity for redemption in the HT community. Not doubting Dr Rhett Bosnich's surgical abilities, it would just be fantastic to see the proof in the pudding, Pics of patience!!!






Hi Mate I definitely feel your pain on this one, your taking a big gamble and I wish I had your courage! How many graphs are you up for?


This really sucks buddy, but it's just the way the world is going at the moment. I decided to take (Clive McQuire's)advice and wait it out =O what choice do I really have? Take a gamble and ride with NHI?? Pics pictures are there any NHI people out there?


I am only 29 an if I wait another year =( I guess I can see how the Propecia is working + I can save a little more dough for my holiday or more graphs.









As soon as the AUS dollar hits 80c I'm on that plane to Vancouver!! I hope you guys in the states really take care of your selves, with this whole economic melt down. Just looked in the paper today and there's Americans flying over here on vacation judy to take full advantage of the AUSSIE Dollar! GUYS! not for a HT I hope =P

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Hey Mate


Im in the same boat, wanted to have HT around Nov but with the AUD so low its just not worth it at the moment. I really hope down the track it gets better but I dont think it will for a very long time.


You said that you met a patient of Dr Wong's and the results weren't the best. Can you please expand on this. Most results I have seen from Dr Wong have been really good.

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Hey Take A Chance,




Yes it depressing and it's not fair, icon_redface.gif I wonder how many OZZY'S are stuck on the same boat? If you don't mind me asking, where about in Australia are you based?




Yes I did meet one of Dr Wong's patients, very nice fellow too. This guy had very fine hair, so I guess that's why his HT didn't look like a (what's sup super star) He him self admitted he had week hair & needed one more HT to get that denser look, but you know what! He was so happy with his over all result, he said it was the best thing he ever done, didn't regret it one bit & that's the main thing, the kid got his confidence back! I had a real close look at this dudes) HT, couldn't even tell. His new hair line looked real, not fake and square like the HT's you get from other Dr's.



I know my hair type is medium with lots of density & laxity, so I my self don't know what to expect. All I know is H&W have best rep, so I am sticking with them 100%



I don't think every one is going to get a (Super star) result on there 1st HT, maybe on there 2nd HT? I guess it all depends on your hair type, thickness, density etc... But hey , I'm no super expert on this matter, best you ask JOE or one the HT Old timers on this site. I am concerned about this issue, and may even be the next Post I put up (Hair thickness per cubic cm ect..) something like that. icon_wink.gif






Ozzie bloke icon_biggrin.gif

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Sorry been away last few days. I am in Melbourne too and have seen adverts for NHI and viewed their website. Based on what I have read in this forum I wouldn't want to risk going to them and then getting a bad result.


The problem for us now is that a procedure of 4000 grafts will cost around 17000USD or almost 25000AUD which is a big difference in price due to our dollar weakening.


What are you planning to do now? Will you wait for dollar to improve, which might not happen for ages or are you going to pay the extra and go for it? Im just not sure what to do and its quite frustrating and depressing.

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