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Dr.H.Rahal October 14th


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Hello everyone,


I just wanted to write and share my recent experience at Dr.Rahal's office in Ottawa. I could go on but I think the best format would be to rate what I felt was done well and why.


Online Evaluation:


4/5 stars


If anyone has ever done an "online evaluation" for a HT and after submitting your photos and receiving a response, ask yourself (like I did) "how accurate is this evaluation? I mean..they are just a couple photos. I thought I would be rating this evaluation a little lower but his assessment was exactly the same. After I considered it, I supposed what was missing was his explanation. Having said that,it would be extremely difficult for him to offer explanations in every single online application he received, wouldn't it? icon_smile.gif As a result, this method seems to be very effective from both a customer and business perspective. Have faith in Dr.Rahal's online evaluations gentlemen!





4/5 stars


When I arrived, I spoke to Adrian for a few minutes and filled out some forms at around 6:45am already having finished a bottle of water, some whole wheat toast, a carrot muffin and a small coffee. Dr.Rahal arrived and we discussed what I was looking for and he answered any additional questions I had after researching several years. I explained since I had had a procedure roughly 8 years ago (which wasn't terrible but was far from great) along my hairline, I wanted it beefed up and camouflaged better since they were not done using FUT and were a little obvious, in my eyes.


So...the hypothesis was...he would prefer to do roughly the first third of my head and no further since i had some native hair which was in "no man's land" (Dr.Rahal's accurate and rather humorous description of hair which wasn't thin enough to plant in, but not thick enough to look perfect). He did say that it was well rooted so I am cautiously optimistic some minox along with my already daily regiment of finasteride will be sufficient. This was also an answer I had mentally prepared myself for in advance although I hoped we could sprinkle a few grafts in there. icon_smile.gif Respecting his expert opinion, we continued.





After discussing and measuring out the hairline, we moved on to surgery. Painless and comfortable. No pain, no discomfort whatsoever. I had put money down and had additional money in the hopes of obtaining between 3000-4000 grafts. He felt 3000 would be sufficient for what I was looking for. He also indicated I had roughly 8000 donor available. We ended up getting just over 2900 which I was pleased with.






The technicians were fabulous. Before my procedure I was chatting with Adrian about business and he mentioned the majority of Rahal's client are from over seas. I found this interesting and he also mentioned that they had recently brought in some new staff (in addition to some of Rahal's senior techs who have been with him he started practicing in '95) who could speak multiple languages and assist with any anguage barriers. Needless to say, this speaks volumes about Rahal's commitment to customer satisfaction. A team of three techs cycled in and out every couple hours and I must admit, I was getting a little restless by about 1pm. Dr.Rahal came in (as he had several times to check in), added some additional freezing and I was good again until 4pm when we finished.


The "Doctor":




I really can't say enough good things about Dr.H.Rahal. One thing I genuinely appreciated was his sincerity, professionalism and approach. Dr.Rahal did not have to go out of his way to make you feel comfortable. After looking at many pictures of his craft and reading about other experiences over the years, I knew he had my best interests in mind and the abilities to make them happen. I work in the wireless industry and have a keep interest in business so during my post-op checkup the following day, Dr.Rahal took the time to chat with my for a little while before I started the journey home. He also indicated that he would like clients to submit more feedback and "after results" to him. Not everyone checks this forum or others like it (though few compare) so I vowed I would submit my photos a year from now (...at the latest, fingers crossed)....highly recommend.





His prices are probably the best available for the amazing work he does. Having said that, NEVER let cost or location determine where you go. When I say value, I'm not referring to money however, THIS value is based on the number of grafts, ability to make a perfect hairline and being one of the best in the business to create an invisible scar. If any of these are of value to you then rest assured you're in good hands.




5/5 '


I was impressed by Dr.Rahal's abilities which is why I initially elected to choose him for my procedure. What made this a perfect score for me was the entire experience. Adrian was excellent in keeping me up to date, Rahal was personable but genuine and the staff were excellent. It's much to early to comment on my personal results but I very optimistic since I know now I went with the right man for the job. From beginning to end, highly recommended.


NOW, I just need to look like I did when I was 16!! Haha - just kidding...I'll settle for my age. icon_wink.gif

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congrats imiss!! Sounds like an identical experience that the rest of us Rahal patients. Just shows the consistency and excellence of his office.


Definitely keep us posted. Everyone loves to track patients from various docs, so don't disappear before the results come in.


All of us, whichever doctor we went to, need to share our experiences with others so potential patients have the amount of knowledge needed to make this big decision.


Thanks for posting!


My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Thanks Eman. I couldn't agree more. I found when i was getting closer to the date that I was looking forward to it. So, I had expectations and am pretty happy with everything so far.


Today is day 3 and I'm feeling great! Slept good last night (slept in till 10am, hey, I'm on vacation! icon_smile.gif ) then washed up, watched TV (all day which was both strange and awesome at the same time) and am just relaxin'. I think I'll be a little stir crazy tomorrow...need a good book soon.

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I am also hoping to make an appointment with rahal soon. I hear good things time and time again.


Eman...I am anxiously waiting for your progress and results. My hair color is very similar to yours, except a bit more 'mousy' color as my wife would put it. loss pattern is going in the same direction.

btw...the buzz looks good on you. you have the hair color and head shape for it. cant beat hair though icon_wink.gif


good luck to both of you and congrats on choosing a great surgeon.

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Thanks Future. I did my "experience post" a little differently than others since I thought that it might help others if I covered certain areas that may be of more benefit to them individually.


Man, I've got a long way to go! My hair looks like crap with the incision and all because hair was also shaved around it. I'm thankful that I'm off work for a time at least. Regrettably, despite my best efforts, some of the swelling has gone into my face...which sucks.


Well, I suppose it will be worth it in the end. icon_smile.gif


Best of luck, Future. I'd recommend Dr.Rahal but there alot of skilled surgeons out there. Cheers.

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It is no surprise that you got such a good experience with dr. Rahal. Happy growing and thanks for posting your results.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Thanks, Lotus. Have you not updated your Web log? I see some lines drawn as though you were going to have a procedure, did you get it done?


I have also created a Hairloss Weblog..


The link should be under my name now.



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Congrats Imissme!!


I too will have a HT with Dr. Rahal next month. I am so nervous about it. Its great to read posts like yours as it can really ease my mind at times. I think its so important that a good doctor keeps your future in mind with a long term plan. Best of luck to you and please keep us updated!


Any pics so far?

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Originally posted by headinahole:

Congrats Imissme!!


I too will have a HT with Dr. Rahal next month. I am so nervous about it. Its great to read posts like yours as it can really ease my mind at times. I think its so important that a good doctor keeps your future in mind with a long term plan. Best of luck to you and please keep us updated!


Any pics so far?


Thanks Head, I'm glad it helps to ease your mind. He does good work and is a great guy. I'm sure you'll be happy. Are you staying in Ottawa for awhile?


Yup! They are below my name in the Web Log.

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I miss I wish you the best of luck. Would you consider adding your web log link to your signature so we can find it easily? icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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I will probably stay in Ottawa for two nights. Having mine on the 24th. Very strange feeling being nervous and exciting at the same time but I am sure you guys know what I mean.


Your pics look great Imissme. The hardest part is out of the way.

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