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anyone suggest bosley?


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This looks similar to one of my earlier procedures (by the density level I mean). You think it will add nice density, but unfortunately, you will not be happy with the density from this session. The good news is the doc was conservative with the hairline, so one of the world-class surgeon, like many docs on this site, will be able to help you decide proper placement as it has not been pre-set for you. Also good, is the grafts do not seem pluggy or any two multi grafts placed side by side.

The major down points are

1. Will take at least 4 sessions to get even cosmetically acceptable density. Even after 4 sessions (see 2)

2. when you inspect the hairline (you are your own worst critic) in the mirror, even though others may not notice from several feet away, unless looking for it, you will notice. By notice, it's not the size of the grafts so much as the distance betwteen each graft.

3. This is not ultra-refined work as I'm sure you could of had for around the exact same price. You may be like I use to be (I was lazy) and say getting a passport, maybe shaving head, having to fly to another country is too much trouble. hey, I'm sure there's another surgeon just as qualified in my area. It took me 2 years to from cancelling my appt. and finally realize the fault in this logic and re-scheduling. It took 7 days to receive my passport, airfare was comp'ed by my doc. as well as room. I left the country on Tue. morning and was home in front of the tv by Thur. night. Done!


In all, the work is fine for THAT level of FUT, but it is not the gold standard that is available today. It is human nature to want instant gratification, and the closest way is to do larger sessions to hit the mark we are aiming for as quick as possible (i.e. mega session).

With proper research, you will find a surgeon here. And like others have said, you didn't sacrifice much donor hair, your in a great position to knock this out in your next session, so use this opportunity to consult w/ docs on this board. Good luck!


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I'm saying at that current progress using that last session as a guide, it would take at least 4. What I'm saying is review patient pics here and look at their before after pics from 1 session. I feel you could have this done in 1 session with an ultra-refined HT offered today. using techniques that are out-dated like small session (hey I use to feel 150 grafts for the frontal 1/3 at once would make a difference, now they place that many to just add some density to the hairline.

Seeing just the loss on the frontal 1/3, A doc could easily perform a great HT in one session, IMO.

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It's more of a personal decision and preference to many on this board. You will have many help you decide and will give their reasons for their personal decision over choosing one great doc for an equally skilled doc. it could be many

1. location (if 2 surgeons are equal, then it might come down to proximity)

2. cost

*these first 2 should ALWAYS be the last 2 determinative factors when deciding, so forget these until you have you list down to a few dr's.

3. To shave or not to shave (I didn't want to at first and was just going to do the hairline, but said the heck w/ it. it'll grow back and I took care of the areas I've been covering up).

4. Report you get from the dr./staff/

5. his past work (consistent results over and over again) and his style meeting your preference.

6. follow-up w/ patient to ensure satisfaction.


There are others as well, as I'm sure you will uncover.

This forum has a coalition list of all dr.s that have been thoroughly reviewed and critiqued and anyone of these dr's I feel would be a safe bet, as in this forum, if one has a negative review, it will be investigated, and possible suspension from coalition if true and is not resolved.


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JK111, No. Not four more HTs! A great doctor can do that repair possibly in one session and maybe two, but the doctor can only inspect you under magnification and tell you for sure because there are too many factors: Do you have groups of say, 2-4 hairs that Bosley put into the hairline. Hopefuly not, but that may be the starting point for the doctor to consider, but definitely not four more procedures to fix you up!

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Originally posted by its752:

Do you have groups of say, 2-4 hairs that Bosley put into the hairline


How do I find this out? Also I think I might as I see a few graphs with multiple hairs in it but not too many

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I did alot of research on Hasson and Wong and heard nothing but great reviews, so after seeing his art work and his hairline designs, I felt this dr. best went with what I was looking for (i.e. dense packing in the hairline and his style of hairlines seemed to go with my face and well). To be honest, I was pretty set on Dr. Hasson from 2006, when I originally consulted w/ them, but I didn't feel like traveling to far (again, being lazy), I had a personal preference for Hasson and Wong's clinic, it just felt right to me. My list was

1.Dr. hasson

2.Dr. Wong

3.Dr. Shapiro

4.Dr. Feller

I never really researched Dr. Rahal, but from what I heard, he's on pretty much everyone's top 5 list.

The docs. I listed are all excellent surgeons, and I would be lucky to have anyone of them to be my surgeon, it just comes down to whom you feel you are best suited to.

I could easily tell you who I would choose, but with all the top-notched dr.s in the coalition here, this would not be fair, as I would say Dr. Hasson is the best, but that's my opinion and others would say drs rahal, Feller, Shapiro, etc.

Do your research and e-mail the docs you like and come to an INFORMED decision. If you do your research, you can't go wrong.

Good Luck!

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JK111, When you get a repair in a few months or so, removing those groups of hairs on the hairline and wherever else they might be will just be a part of the whole repair process. Those are removed, disected again into 1's and 2's probably, but nonetheless removed and reused. It's a two or three-part process that probably can be done in one long session. In the meantime, try not to agonize over it because I can say this with certainty that with the great work doctors are doing you'll be more than happy with the final outcome!

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The best way to find which Doctor you think is right to carry out your transplant is to look at as many results as you can from the docs you like, then have a consultation with them, or at least send your pics if travelling to a consultation is too far away, and assess the feedback you get.


Don't worry to much about your Boseley transplant, the grafts look to far spaced out, but you won't look like a freak and a top doc will sort you out properly.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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JK111, Keep in mind that my "Top 5" doctors are my own observations plus what others have said to be the Top 5 doctors in the world. Look at the consistent before and after photos for yourself and I'm sure you might agree also, and not necessarily in this order: Hasson and Wong because I not only had a great experience with Dr. Hasson but what really matters is that my final grow-in is amazing, and Dr.Wong invented a technique that really raised the bar for hair transplantation, which is known as "Lateral Slit Technique" some time ago. 2) Dr. Rahal. 3) Dr Feller. I have seen for myself that there are several outstanding doctors on this site doing work at this high level, but those four are are my top 4.

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u guys have been really helpful so far and for that I am so thankful you have no idea and I am feeling a lot better now than I was this morning.


Also its752, do u mind either sharing ur pics publicly or via pm if u don't want it seen in public with me? Appreciate it a lot.

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another question, I got stiches instead of staples, will that lead to worse scarring/more noticeable? Also will the scar be better/worse/thesame after the sitches are taken out?


Also if it's real bad for some reason, will I be able to get another doctor from here be able to cover it up? Thanks again.

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