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Laser comb

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The effectiveness of the laser comb as a hair loss treatment is heavily debated by leading hair restoration physician. Some reject its use entirely while others use it as a regular part of their practice.


Some hair restoration physican I spoke to recently believes it may help minimize shock loss and speed up hair growth after hair transplant surgery. Some also believe that lasers can assist in the healing of wounds which is why some surgeons use it on patients right after surgery.


Any shocked hair will return unless it was on its way out anyway due to male pattern baldness or it was transected (very rare if not impossible in the hands of a first-rate surgeon). Using products to assist with this, no matter what they are, aren't necessary.


Personally, I'm not convinced it does much of anything, but the Hairmax laser comb and other like laser therapy devices are considered safe. It's just going to be up to you if you want to spend the money.


Read more about laser therapy for hair loss.


Best wishes,



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Well, Ill give my situation a full 12 months to be fair. As far as hair being shocked permanently only in hair that was on its way out, my hair that went to shock was in back and sides of head. Those are supposed to be permanent. If these for some reason do not come back, then even hair that are permanent may suffer shock loss even in the hands of a qualified surgeon.

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Bill is correct that laser combs are a very polarizing topic amongst hair tranplant surgeons. An excellent debate on this forum a few months ago between Drs. Feller and Baumann as heard on The Bald Truth radio program is just one example.


To summarize, there are 2 camps. Doctors who use laser comb devices, and those of us who don't. The second group, of which I am a member, point to the complete absense of PUBLISHED, REPRODUCIBLE results, of success in humans, in any PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL; and the lack of patients walking in our offices as successes of the laser combs(but rather frustrated laser comb patients who tell us that they felt the laser comb was an expensive ploy designed to get patient traffic into an office for later conversion to hair transplant procedures by the doctor.


I realize this may generate controversy so I would ask members of the first group (laser comb believers) who feel like responding to send before and after pics so that we can all be persuaded, and/or referenced peer reviewed journal articles or their titles.


Bill is right, shock loss will return unless those hairs were "going" anyway.


Good luck to you, and since you are committing to the laser comb for a year, post your current pics now and periodically.


Maybe we can all learn from you.




Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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The good news is the laser comb is about 50/50 in opinions. There has not been any Negative results or feedback and only "doesnt help" on the opponent side of the topic. If you have the money to spend, then it wouldnt hurt to try it but if you can afford to potentially throw $300 away, I would wait until more clinical results are conducted or the product improved.

ALSO, I have heard it works on the crown area better than frontal.



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Dr. Lindsey,


Though I agree with you regarding the lack of published evidence and results of laser hair therapy, I have talked to a few leading physicians in the field who use it regularly.


Neither of them believe that laser therapy is a miracle cure, but have noted in their experience an increase in hair shaft diameter (including hair miniaturized by male pattern baldness) in some laser hair therapy patients. Some believe it may be helpful as a hair loss prevention tool rather than for successful hair regrowth.


On one hand, I side with you and the other doctors in your camp waiting for public evidence of compelling results before promoting it as a viable hair loss treatment. On the other hand, it appears that most doctors who argue against it don't have any real experience with using it.


It makes me wonder if those who are advocating its use realistically without overselling its benefits may be onto something.


However, since I have yet to see any compelling photos even showing an increase in hair shaft diameter, I can't advocate for it.


Just my thoughts.


Best wishes,



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Well, I see an immediate effect of making the hair look thicker. The areas that had shock loss have a tingling sensation when I use the laser comb, like in the opposite areas I had grafts put in that are still growing which did not go through shock loss. Im using the laser comb on left side of my head and not on right to see difference overtime. If anything, I just want the shock loss area of hairs to wake up. Although keep in mind its been 10 months since surgery and maybe the timing is just right and the shock loss hairs are finally growing in but slowly. As far as totally new hair growth as in areas that did not receive grafts, that remains to be seen with the laser comb. This was the only time I have experienced shock loss but its been tough since this was my final surgery. Ill keep you guys posted and thanks for your feedback. I do agree though that the ONLY way to guarantee hair growth is a great transplant procedure done in the hands of a great doctor. I have been through six procedures in the past and 2 corrective procedures to fill in past donor scars. The procedures in the mid to late 90's were like putting 400 to 500 grafts at a time so thats why I had 6 procedures done over a period of 7 years and donor scar fill ins in the past 2 years.Its been a long road but man, I never felt right shaving my head since I have a baby face. It was worth it to me.

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