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There are really 2 different types of donor removal. FUE & strip. Some may call it something else but at the end of the day it

is one of the other ( maybe a slight variation but no big difference)



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

Both FUT (also called strip) and FUE (some name it FIT) are BOTH surgical procedures.

FUT and FUE is about how grafts are harvested from the donor area, it has nothing to do with the method that is used for the recipient site.


FUT is based on surgery whereas FUE is based on microsurgery.


Since BOTH are considered surgical procedures we feel that a surgeon needs to have full responsibilty during the procedure.

Extractions during an FUE procedure are best left at the hands of a doctor. He is responsible for harvesting the grafts correctly. Some may disagree, but we feel that it is in the patients best interest.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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  • Senior Member
we feel that a surgeon needs to have full responsibilty during the procedure.

Extractions during an FUE procedure are best left at the hands of a doctor. He is responsible for harvesting the grafts correctly. Some may disagree, but we feel that it is in the patients best interest.

I agree 100%

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  • Senior Member

I agree and disagree with Bart on this one. Yes, FUT is more "surgical" but only during the excision process. From what I understand, most FUE clinics do not use microscopes when the grafts are eventually removed while FUT clinics always use microscopes. Most FUE clinics will use loupes to remove the grafts.


I know some FUE clinics will use microscopes on some grafts once they are removed to trim them down properly as I believe Bart's clinic does but I do know that it is not a requisite for FUE in general and FUE by definition does not involve the use of microscopes while FUT by definition does. Based on this I believe they could both be described as "micro-surgical" but it depends which stage of the procedure that this description can be applied.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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There is no doubt that strip surgery is much more intrusive surgery. I would tend to agree with Bart's description of "surgical" verses "micro-surgical" though we are simply talking semantics. They are both surgical.


But, there are many more risks of damaging the grafts associated with FUE due to the pulling, twisting, and squeezing forces placed on the them during extraction - not to mention the added risk of damaging the graft during placement due to the lack of the supportive dermis to grip. This could ultimately impact overall hair growth yield which is why to date there is much more consistency with FUT than FUE. Sorry Bart - but this is a true statement OVERALL - even though it is obvious that FUE CAN produce a quality result. But the consistency is not evident online yet.



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