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Doctor in UK

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hi hairy palms ,listen mate i'm from north yorkshire and i researched for a year before going to the US for my transplant .the reason you can't find much on UK surgeons is cos they have a bad rep .the truth is this is life changing surgery and no clinic in the UK in up to the the results in the US .

i have posted before on similar subjects and had my wrist slappped by Billorus for being to pro US and dissing the UK but in truth i have never seen a UK result which has being worth doing ,with the exeption of a few recent farjo guys , research another site called stop hair loss now ,it's UK based and has stuff about dr may ,it not really good tho ,my names richie on there check out my threads by doing a search on my name and Dr May ,also speak to spex ,he's had three HTs ,two bad ones in the UK then went to the US to get it sorted .


I also had consult with farjo and spoke to rogers clinic ,both put me off then i researched them and i'm glad i did .


I had my HT with Dr Feller in new york in november 2007 ,it was easy and i had a few days in manhatten ,i know it's difficult to beleive some random guy from cyberspace but i just don't want to see anymore UK guys get bad surgeries in the UK .Please don't just take my word for it research as much as you can and you'll soon see the states is the only place to go .

research feller ,shapiro ,true ,rahal and hasson and wong ,these guys are the best in the world ,please don't let geography be a part of your desision .


also i had 2100 grafts into my crown for ??3750 ,including flights and accomodation it cost my below ??4500 in total ,farjo quoted me ??1500 for 500 grafts ,so it even cheaper to go to the US and have the worlds best do your HT . you've got a lot to think about mate ,but my names richie feel free to pm me .

try to get on meds and then research the fuck out of these sites good luck



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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richie is right. This is a permanent procedure which is going to radically change your appearance on the top of your head for the rest of your life. Do not let distance be a factor. Research, find a doc you think is the best, then go for it. Given the current exchange rate it really works out in your favor.

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Welcome Hairypalms,{what is with these funny names?wasn't Hairypalms the FIST OF FURY Champion on a gameshow in a Cheech&Chong movie}Oh well,If you do research on Dr may you wont find satisfactory results.Keep researching prospective surgeons until you feel really comfortable with their results.

Dr Hasson 2-08

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only ever heard bad things about may so read through the forums..all the forums as well!!

it is very common knowlegde that you need to travel to get the best of the best and they are actually even cheaper than only o.k clinics here in the uk which is all we have to offer. one uk clinic gets recommended here now and again to uk people but they are not in the same league as hw, rahal, feller, shapiro etc...... they wish they were but they are not even in that league...unfortunately for us here in the uk. this has been proven by the limited results shown and average ones at best. feedback from uk patients is the most important thing also not wether or not you pay to get recommended. speak to guys in the uk... read all the forums and you will see that everyone apart from balody (farjo)and maybe another couple that you need travel. do not just use this forum as it only has a few uk patients on it, the majority of those have all travelled though.

i had a ht here in the uk, worst thing i ever did and it has left me in bits<.<


read the forums and understand why you must travel as ht is not something you should go into lightly. you only have so many rolls of the dice.

avoid the uk and look into us and canada only in my opinion. everyone apart from a couple will tell you this ;-) understand why the uk guys travel ;-)

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  • Senior Member

Hi Hairypalms

You been rubbing minoxidil on your palms.


Now dont let distance be an issue when getting a ht,do plenty of research and have at least three consults.Also if you do decide on a particular dr ask if there are any patients of theirs you can meet.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Thanks for your input-


Rest assured : what you say largely confirms what I have read elsewhere and I have no intention of having anything done in the UK.


Why pay overpay for subpar results?


It is a shame we dont have any worldclass hair surgeon here ( the Farjos being possibly an exception)

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Hairypalms, It's totally simple coming to the U.S. or Canada. The clinics really take you under their wing immediately. I just had an online consult, a few photos and got an estimate of number of grafts, agreed with the clinic on a date to go there, booked a flight online and called a cab. In the end I was refunded money because the doctor didn't feel I needed as many grafts as first estimated. I mean it's very ethical!!! The compassion for the patient is taken to another level.

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Welcome to our forum community. Research is the key to a successful hair transplant. Be sure to do your due dilligence on hair transplant surgeons you are considering.


In your research, I'd encourage you also to research and consider Drs. Bessam and Nilofer Farjo from the UK (members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians) performing ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation with great success. Pat, our Publisher personally visited their clinic and was able to see a live surgery utilizing all the latest techniques. He also met with some of their patients. See the details of Pat's visitation to the Farjo clinic.


Best wishes,



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it only takes 5 mins research on a variety of forums to soon realise travel is essential. just see the results shown on the forums provided by uk patients who have had surgery here and the ones who had surgery in the us , canada.


they travel for very good reason ;-) glad to hear you have done your research and are aware travel is needed. i wish i had found these forums before i made a terrible mistake. i intend to travel to get repaired in time.


any help needed feel free to pm me hairyplams, love the name icon_cool.gif

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Hi there


To follow up on our discussion, I have found out from the Website of the UK General Medical Council (http://www.gmc-uk.org) that in October 2007 the Fitness to Practise Panel recommended a suspension of Dr Richard Rogers for a duration of 4 months. This is due to his "obtaining services by deception". I do not know if he has exercised his right of appeal.


I just wanted UK readers to be made aware of the fact. I remember that Pat visited this clinic recently but decided against recommending it at this time because all the graft cutting did not take place under microscope.


Additionally and totally independently, I personally do not like the fact that this clinic charges ??60 for a consultation with the main doctor when you think that many top docs in the US for example offer a free diagnostic consultation, very often with the operating surgeon , not a salesman/consultant.

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The charges he had against him were nothing to do with his surgical practices and you can read more about this on some of the other forums.


Therefor its an ethical issue when considering him for a ht in my opinion,i personally though have not seen top notch results from Dr Rogers to let him do a ht on me.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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If you live in the UK and come to the US for your procedure you would save a ton of money due to the weak dollar.. I dont know about the mentioned doctor and why risk it..Go with a winner and save some money as well



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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hi hairypalms,pm me if you you need any info on my ht or have a look at my or fallenstars weblogs.both of us have been extremely satisfied with our proceedures thus far,there are also more farjo patients who have weblogs who prefer not to post.good advice from the regulars,i dont know enough about dr may to comment but as always research is the key.

good luck.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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