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5.5 Month Update: 5566 With Dr. Hasson


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Hi All,


Today (9/28) marks exactly two months since my HT procedure with Dr. Hasson. I'm still firmly entrenched in "the doldrums": looking more bald than ever, but at least now there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The past two weeks have brought a proliferation of tiny dark hairs across the entire frontal recipient region. Most are hard to see, but I think you can get at least a glimpse of the new growth in the accompanying pics.


Here's hoping that these new little guys flourish in the months ahead - joined by a sturdy band of newly sprouted brethren!


(P.S. I should mention that I still have quite a bit of post-HT numbness. Specifically, I only have about 40-50% of the sensation back in the mid-frontal recipient area, and only about 20% sensation in the crown area above the donor scar. This actually represents a big improvement from immediately post-HT, when I had minimal sensation anywhere in the recipient area or above the donor scar. This is one of those annoying facets of the HT process that probably doesn't get talked about as often as it should . . . but needs to be faced honestly in the interest of full disclosure. I fully expect to have 100% of scalp sensation back over the next year as the damaged nerves regenerate, but of course there's no guarantee.)

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Originally posted by razi shah:

there is no dought about the skills of DR Hasson and Wong.....but i am confused about the scar???its too high even on sides its quite higher than usual position.....can anybody comment about it???




The donor scar comes down to the occipital ridge in the back: isn't that where it's normally placed? I think the 2-week pic I've posted (the one that gives the clearest view of the scar, as I still have staples in) may be a bit misleading, as it's shot from below with my head tilted down, which makes the scar look like it's placed higher than it really is.


However, as you suggest, the scar does come up pretty high on the sides . . . not sure why that is, although I assume the choice was mostly based on my desire to harvest as many grafts as possible with only average laxity.

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It does appear in the photos that the strip in the back is above the occiptal ridge however, the photos may not be an accurate representation.


Though harvesting hair below the nuchal bump may increase risks of scar stretching, it's actually "ok" to take hair above it assuming there's no signs of hair loss and the patient's family history indicates there's no danger of hair loss in that area. Taking hair too high may be dangerous if the patient progresses to advantaged degrees of balding such as a Norwood 6 and 7.


Though most would agree the "universal" donor hair supply is relatively static, the actual "safe zone" (the area that's resistant to DHT) can vary depending on the patient. Thus, what's unsafe for some may be safe for others, and vice versa.


I hope this helps.



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Originally posted by john2009:

looking good sparce..looks like i have some catching up to do!!how is your scar is it still red?im trying to figure out how short i can leave my hair without the scar being visible..anyway i hope the growing continues!!!


Thanks, John! I hope you're growing well these days . . . it would be great to see an update with some pics some time when you have a chance.


Oddly enough, my scar is still a darkish red in some segments (especially up by my right temple), but almost completely faded in other spots. I tried trimming down to a #3 guard, and wound up having to use Dermmatch to cover the scar in spots. So, how's your scar doing? Hope all is well . . .

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Bill & Razi:


As I mentioned earlier, the best photo of the donor scar (at Day 16) is pretty misleading due to the (inadvertent) upward camera angle and head tilt. However, the scar comes down to about 1/4" above the very center of the occipital ridge at the back of the skull . . . still well within the "safe zone", I think. (Fingers crossed!)

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Good luck with your 3-month checkup.


Dermmatch has been a godsend: does a great job covering up the scar and some shockloss just under the scar on the sides, even in sunlight. I would NEVER use it on the new grafts themselves, though, as everyone has advised keeping the new growth free of any concealers or other products.

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Good luck, Sweet C, and grow well!


Do you think you could post some pics? It would be great to see pre-HT, post-HT, 1-month, 2-months, etc. It may sound like a hassle to get all that up on the site, but it's a pretty painless process, and those pics truly help so many people come to an informed decision about their HT (surgeon, hairline placement, # grafts, etc.).

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Hey Sparse, very encouraging! I'm almost exactly at week 5 post w Dr. Hasson, and I've got similar shock loss at the temple areas of the scar line - sucks, but we just have to wait. I emailed the clinic and they said that the shocked hairs there are normal and should come back somewhere between 3-5 months, so as long as that holds true, you should be in amazing shape before you know it, and I'll be right behind you. Hang in there, it looks like the start of something great.

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Today marks exactly 3 months since my HT, and the new growth over the past few weeks has added a new spring to my step (maybe even a little swagger). I was working out at the gym tonight and caught a glimpse of my reflection in a distant mirror and - as God is my witness - I thought it had to be someone else: there was just too much hair!


Anyway, I managed to get a pic of my hairline on the gallery that gives a sense of what's been happening lately (if anything that shot makes the new growth look more impressive than it is in real life, as the hair is nowhere close to "true density" yet), but the gallery editing software seems to be acting up tonight (spent about 20 minutes just getting that one pic uploaded and crashed on two others), so I'll try again tomorrow with the others . . .

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Thanks, Omar. As for shockloss: the native hair is starting to grow back - both around the donor scar on the sides, and on top - but I'm still using a little Dermmatch concealer to cover the shockloss just beneath the donor scar on both sides. At the rate things are growing back, I'm guessing I can drop the concealer within a few weeks.

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Thanks, hrvoje.


Yeah, the strip was 30 cm long and 2.0-2.5 cm wide. I'm estimating the total donor at roughly 65 cm2, which implies a donor density of about 85 grafts/cm2.


Dr. Hasson moved 3600 to my frontal third, into an area that I've estimated to be about 58 cm2, giving a density of just over 60 in the frontal recipient region. Not bad. ;-)

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