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  • Regular Member

Hey, I was wondering if anyone had heard of Procerin and if it has had any positive results.


I am 20, and have very minimal hairloss. However my family tends to lose their hair very quickly and I'm noticing some thinning. And I also have had trouble getting my hands on Proscar and cannot afford Propecia.


I was just wondering if Procerin is a good product to use for my situation.



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  • Regular Member

Hey, I was wondering if anyone had heard of Procerin and if it has had any positive results.


I am 20, and have very minimal hairloss. However my family tends to lose their hair very quickly and I'm noticing some thinning. And I also have had trouble getting my hands on Proscar and cannot afford Propecia.


I was just wondering if Procerin is a good product to use for my situation.



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  • Senior Member

You need to forget these types of products and get on finasteride, get proscar which comes in

5mg and cut them in quarters. You need to get a prescription from your dermatoligist whom you should see anyway to make sure your loss is in fact, MPG and not another cause.





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hello BobbySand,


Nobuzz is right. There are a number of "miracle" products that are advertised that promise "too good to be true" results. If you read the website thoroughly, it will show amazing results and then a disclaimer that says something like "results not typical" which is truly an understatement...but this is how they get by legally.


Truthfully, these type of marketing schemes should be illegal because they are deceiving many people into buying overpriced products. Don't be decieved either by words like FDA approved. Any product that claims that is marketing overpriced minoxodil as part of the "formula" for their product. You'll also see names like Saw Palmetto among many other unproven substances to control hairloss.


Stick to Finasteride and Minoxodil...I will be the first to admit, they are not miracle medicines either...but they truly are the only ones proven to actually do anything. Minoxodil can stimulate some new growth potentially (I know some who have had great success with it). Finasteride can block DHT to prevent future hairloss...some have even regrown some new hair (though rare, but it can happen).


I hope this helps.



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