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Questions at 2 month mark - - Did I do everything right???


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It has been about 2 months since my transplant. A few of my tranplanted friends have stuck around to grow. SOme are even at about 1/2" long. I'd bet there are less than 50 I can see in my front hair line like this.


I know that I should not expect much until at least the 4 month mark, but I think I am in the time frame where I am wondering if I have done everything right to get the most hairs to grow in.


My main area of concern is that when all the scabs and hairs fell out after the transplant that a lot of those were the grafts and not just the scab tissue above the all important follicle.


I only know of one graft that I lost for sure. I accidently hooked it with my finger nail and pulled it out while removing my hat. Other than that one there was no blood or even any real pinkness under the scabs when they came out.


So I guess the only real danger is that some of the grafts just dried out in place and the follicles died. I say this because I only used the post op spray for about 2 days. I'm wondering if this increased the chance that some (or a large number) of my grafts "dried out" and died.


Can anybody comment on this? Did anybody out there just let there FUs scab and heal without the spray?

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  • Regular Member



It has been about 2 months since my transplant. A few of my tranplanted friends have stuck around to grow. SOme are even at about 1/2" long. I'd bet there are less than 50 I can see in my front hair line like this.


I know that I should not expect much until at least the 4 month mark, but I think I am in the time frame where I am wondering if I have done everything right to get the most hairs to grow in.


My main area of concern is that when all the scabs and hairs fell out after the transplant that a lot of those were the grafts and not just the scab tissue above the all important follicle.


I only know of one graft that I lost for sure. I accidently hooked it with my finger nail and pulled it out while removing my hat. Other than that one there was no blood or even any real pinkness under the scabs when they came out.


So I guess the only real danger is that some of the grafts just dried out in place and the follicles died. I say this because I only used the post op spray for about 2 days. I'm wondering if this increased the chance that some (or a large number) of my grafts "dried out" and died.


Can anybody comment on this? Did anybody out there just let there FUs scab and heal without the spray?

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You are correct. You are in the worst period folowing a HT. The grafts have fallen out and nothing is happening. The good thing is you recognize it.


As tough as it sounds, you have to just hang in there and at about month 4 (as you expect) things will start to change. The waiting will be worth it soon.


Best wishes,


Mr. T


Mr. T's web page

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  • Senior Member

I'm right there with you brother!! Just over two months and no real growth for me.. Makes me ill with anticipation. But, I do know that you can't determine anything till after the 3-6 month period. Hang in there brother, it's not worth the worry. You've got no control over this ride!!

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  • Senior Member

The grafts are below the surface, that is the part to be concerned about. If you have some crusting etc I don't think it is going to affect follicle growth.


I would recommend that you follow your doctor's instructions to a 'T' but on the other hand, it doesn't sound like you are in trouble here... sounds normal.

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You didn't loose any grafts. This is the normal healing process. The hair has just gone dormant.


First, when you loose a graft, or pull it by mistake, there is significant bleeding. This can occur within a few days of surgery. Second, grafts are not like a plant, they don't dry up like you are afraid of.


You'll be fine!


PS I have had four HTs, and speak from experience. icon_cool.gif


[This message was edited by arcturus on February 17, 2004 at 08:24 AM.]

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