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Doctors Advice?

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Hi guys,


After a recommendation from this forum, I went to the doctor to discuss my pre-mature hair loss (I'm 21). I was hoping to get a prescription for Propecia or a similar product available in Australia. When I discussed my hair loss with him, all he wanted to do was refer me to a skin specialist he knows, which I will be visiting next week. My first question is: should I be going to a skin specialist to discuss my hair loss or a general doctor? I told him that hair loss for me is genetic and in the family but he was concerned about if there were any underlying issues which needed addressing, which could be causing the loss.



He also warned me about the potential implications of taking a hormonal affecting drug for an extended period of time, or even the rest of my life. He also said that it was particularly concerning because I was so young, and that these types of products haven't been around long enough to see the long term effects on users. What are your thoughts on this? I have been seeing my doctor for my entire life and he has never been wrong about anything he has ever given me or recommended in the past.


I am very anxious to stop the hair loss as soon as possible, but his words have now got me even more worried about what to do. Having said that, he informed me that the idea of a hair transplant is a good one if you can find the right doctor and there are no infections or problems. But I particularly want to stop the hair loss now and the thought of a hair transplant is still on the agenda but from what I've read in this forum, I need to also try my hardest to keep the hair I have.


Any advice or comments would be much appreciated, thanks!

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


After a recommendation from this forum, I went to the doctor to discuss my pre-mature hair loss (I'm 21). I was hoping to get a prescription for Propecia or a similar product available in Australia. When I discussed my hair loss with him, all he wanted to do was refer me to a skin specialist he knows, which I will be visiting next week. My first question is: should I be going to a skin specialist to discuss my hair loss or a general doctor? I told him that hair loss for me is genetic and in the family but he was concerned about if there were any underlying issues which needed addressing, which could be causing the loss.



He also warned me about the potential implications of taking a hormonal affecting drug for an extended period of time, or even the rest of my life. He also said that it was particularly concerning because I was so young, and that these types of products haven't been around long enough to see the long term effects on users. What are your thoughts on this? I have been seeing my doctor for my entire life and he has never been wrong about anything he has ever given me or recommended in the past.


I am very anxious to stop the hair loss as soon as possible, but his words have now got me even more worried about what to do. Having said that, he informed me that the idea of a hair transplant is a good one if you can find the right doctor and there are no infections or problems. But I particularly want to stop the hair loss now and the thought of a hair transplant is still on the agenda but from what I've read in this forum, I need to also try my hardest to keep the hair I have.


Any advice or comments would be much appreciated, thanks!

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  • Regular Member

outhere, sounds to me like you're on the right track. If you trust your Dr., perhaps a second opinion would be a good idea. A skin specialist could determine if your hairloss is typical male pattern hairloss or caused by something else. As for Propecia, no one knows the long- term effects of some drugs. What is known, however, is the sooner you start taking it, the better your chances are of keeping your hair. I take Propecia on an every other day regimen and have not noticed any adverse effects. If you scroll through some of the previous posts concerning Propecia, I think you'll find a lot of usefull information. In the end, the decision to use Propecia or not is going to be your call. Good luck. Terry.

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  • Senior Member

Terry is spot on as usual. I'd set up a consult with Dr Martinick if I were you. If Dr Martinick is everything Damo says she is then you'll be very clear about your next steps, be it tablets or procedure or both. From the photos on her website she is equally as good as the best in the US. Have you seen the Norwood scale? Where do you fit? Check in with Damo, a frequent contributor from Aussie.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the info guys, I will put it to good use. It's funny you mention Dr Martinick as I was just reading through newhairclinic.com.au and her credentials. It seems like she will be my best bet. Thanks again icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member



It sounds like the physician you consulted was looking out for your best interests but it definitely will not hurt to get another opinion. Definitely look into seeing a dermatologist to make sure that an underlying condition isn't the actual cause of your hair loss as opposed to male-pattern baldness. This is extremely important. You don't want to be treating the symptoms if the actual cause is something else.


Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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