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Test Boosters


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i'm about to start a cycle of supps... mainly test boosters (not illegal roids)... it was recommended to me by someone that I get on either propecia or rogaine while on the cycle, then stop it once i'm done. Being a long-time member of this forum, I know that's completely wrong, as rogaine/propecia is not a temporary commitment.


So my quest is what else can I use temp while on this cycle?? Is nizoral/revita shampoo something I can jump on for a few months then discontinue??




25 yrs old... First HT 6/9/06

HT2 - March, 2013. 2933 grafts.

HT1 - June, 2006. 800 grafts.

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  • Senior Member

i'm about to start a cycle of supps... mainly test boosters (not illegal roids)... it was recommended to me by someone that I get on either propecia or rogaine while on the cycle, then stop it once i'm done. Being a long-time member of this forum, I know that's completely wrong, as rogaine/propecia is not a temporary commitment.


So my quest is what else can I use temp while on this cycle?? Is nizoral/revita shampoo something I can jump on for a few months then discontinue??




25 yrs old... First HT 6/9/06

HT2 - March, 2013. 2933 grafts.

HT1 - June, 2006. 800 grafts.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Spirall08:

i'm about to start a cycle of supps... mainly test boosters (not illegal roids)... it was recommended to me by someone that I get on either propecia or rogaine while on the cycle, then stop it once i'm done. Being a long-time member of this forum, I know that's completely wrong, as rogaine/propecia is not a temporary commitment.


So my quest is what else can I use temp while on this cycle?? Is nizoral/revita shampoo something I can jump on for a few months then discontinue??




25 yrs old... First HT 6/9/06


It all depends on what type of "supplements" you are gonna use, and their systemic/endocrine influence....


Someone suggesting rogaine to offset systemic influence is not very educated, as they work in seperate , basically opposite, ways....


Again, what are you cycling..? You talking of a natural test booster like DIM (boosts test/lowers estrogen) or an injectible like test cypionate used as both a "steroid' and in TRT, depending on the dose and hormonal levels of the individual....


You got a reason to take a test booster, ie symtoms of low test (fatigue, depression etc) that are specifically liked to test levels that have been validated thru a fasting blood panel...?


Or do you just wanna get big...?


Your friend was most likely referring to aromotase and 5ar and deduced that propecia would be the route....HCG is a far safer/more effective way to offset the downside of testosterone....

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by johnnie69:

Again, what are you cycling..? You talking of a natural test booster like DIM (boosts test/lowers estrogen) or an injectible like test cypionate used as both a "steroid' and in TRT, depending on the dose and hormonal levels of the individual....



im talking about a natural test booster, taken orally...


At first I was lookin into a cycle of test cypionate/ deca but to be honest i'm not sure how that's gonna affect my hairloss so I want to see how my body responds to a natural test booster first.


ive been lifting for about 6 yrs... my diet and training is on point. jus lookin to 'get bigger' of course i understand that propecia is NOT something to just use on and off, u learn that after 10 minutes on this forum. thats why im asking.

HT2 - March, 2013. 2933 grafts.

HT1 - June, 2006. 800 grafts.

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