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aussie fly to america

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Ive researched a fare few prices here and had quotes and ive come to the conclusion that american doctors have a way better reputation for example hasson and wong charging $5grafts for first 2000 then $3 for additional grafts. When i decide to get my transplant i honestly think id end up getting a free trip overseas if i go with a doctor in american. Ive been quoted around $8000 for a 1000grafts operation in australia from a few places. I plan to wait till i need a few more so i can get a bigger operation but are there other aussies out there who have saved money by flying over the the U.S? not only are you getting a better surgeon but also a better price and site seeing mind you.

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Based on the prices you gave me (assuming the exchange rate is pretty equal), it sounds like you may just save money flying either to the US, Canada, or Europe to get a hair transplant. In fact, I believe that Hasson and Wong in Vancouver is probably the closest world-class Coalition clinic to Australlia (I may be wrong).


In my opinion, don't let money rule your decision. Save your money and travel and get it done right. At this time, we are not confident enough in any surgeon's ability in Australlia to recommend them.


Best wishes,



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  • 1 year later...

I have been quoted for 1,000 grafts in Australia by National Hair Institute at $8,700.

Hasson and Wong quoted me 2,000 grafts for $10,000 U.S. plus 5% GST. At the current exchange rate that makes it $11,290 Australian dollars. Thats a savings of over $6,000! Yes you need to get there. There are some great prices with V australia. Hasson and Wong also reimburse up to $400 on flights and throw in accommodation.

I know where I am going!

My only concern is they shave the head. I am a school teacher and walking into class with a massive scar on my head scares the hell out of me.

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  • Senior Member

22, I don't know your history, but I assume you have done some research. As a teacher, I know that your students will spot that HT (and scar) quick (post-surgery) and possibily 20 years later when your donor naturally thins, unless you disguise it well. I would go to H&W in a heart beat over any Aussie strip surgeon, but I don't know if you have thought about the possibilities that FUE might offer you. Obviously you know the name of the most famous cranky and Fue doc that works in Sydney. Assuming you've by-passed that route, are you hell-bent on getting a strip surgery?

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