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Just had HT done by Dr. Keene

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Hi All,


Long time reader, first time poster.


I just had my first HT done by Dr. Keene here in Tucson Az. I have been baldind since i was about 18 years old, and am now 23. I have diffuse thinning all on top and front of my head. Without any concealers, you could easily tell i was a hop/skip away from I guess a NW5, but i did have some hair remaining to help cover it. When i used concealers you couldn't tell quite as much how bad i was thinning.


I finally decided to make an appointment after doing much research, and found dr. keene to be a great candidate for the surgeon. She was about 12 hrs driving distance from me, and her prices were very affordable, and offered me a $500 travel voucher to my suprise. Her assistants were all very kind and everyoen was so helpful.


I arrived tuesday and had the procedure wednesday. Took from 9am to about 5:30 pm and had my gf pick me up when i was done.


I had paid for 2100 grafts but she ended up moving my hairline and temple sides down a little putting me up to about 2400-2500 grafts.


Now I have a few concerns for post op.


1.) Dr keene prescribed Propoxyphene-N 100 With APAP for pain, and its not doing a darn thing.

I have a high tolerence for pain, but for my 2500 grafts (and medium density hair) she had to cut a wide donor area. Now should i request other pain meds? What kinda pain medication did you guys take, as the one im using isn't cutting it and i know how important the pain meds are to prevent bleeding/swelling and aid in recovery.


2.) the 2500 grafts were from my hairline to just about mid scalp region. How long until i can start surgery number 2 to begin working on my mid region and back. I know i dont have teh greatest donor supply, but as long as i continue my medication, I should be sufficient right?


I only had my camera phone for pictures, but i will post them up later for any thoughts u guys might have.


It's great to have a forum like this, and I welcome meeting all of you!




Anything worth doing is never easy

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


Long time reader, first time poster.


I just had my first HT done by Dr. Keene here in Tucson Az. I have been baldind since i was about 18 years old, and am now 23. I have diffuse thinning all on top and front of my head. Without any concealers, you could easily tell i was a hop/skip away from I guess a NW5, but i did have some hair remaining to help cover it. When i used concealers you couldn't tell quite as much how bad i was thinning.


I finally decided to make an appointment after doing much research, and found dr. keene to be a great candidate for the surgeon. She was about 12 hrs driving distance from me, and her prices were very affordable, and offered me a $500 travel voucher to my suprise. Her assistants were all very kind and everyoen was so helpful.


I arrived tuesday and had the procedure wednesday. Took from 9am to about 5:30 pm and had my gf pick me up when i was done.


I had paid for 2100 grafts but she ended up moving my hairline and temple sides down a little putting me up to about 2400-2500 grafts.


Now I have a few concerns for post op.


1.) Dr keene prescribed Propoxyphene-N 100 With APAP for pain, and its not doing a darn thing.

I have a high tolerence for pain, but for my 2500 grafts (and medium density hair) she had to cut a wide donor area. Now should i request other pain meds? What kinda pain medication did you guys take, as the one im using isn't cutting it and i know how important the pain meds are to prevent bleeding/swelling and aid in recovery.


2.) the 2500 grafts were from my hairline to just about mid scalp region. How long until i can start surgery number 2 to begin working on my mid region and back. I know i dont have teh greatest donor supply, but as long as i continue my medication, I should be sufficient right?


I only had my camera phone for pictures, but i will post them up later for any thoughts u guys might have.


It's great to have a forum like this, and I welcome meeting all of you!




Anything worth doing is never easy

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant with Dr. Keene. You will soon have to change your name to "HairGoneTodayBackTomorrow" icon_biggrin.gif.


To answer some of your questions;


1. You may want to speak with Dr. Keene about the pain if what she has prescribed for you isn't working. Other pain medications exist but I'm not sure which ones are considered most effective.


2. This is a great question and you will get varying answers. In my opinion, I'd wait at least 6 months however, I would wait at least one year. My reason for this is to give the donor area time to regain proper laxity. In my experience, 6 months is only the beginning of the return of laxity and between 9 and 12 months it is much looser, which allows for a larger strip to be removed and ultimately, more grafts.


I look forward to seeing your pictures and supporting you in your hair restoration journey.


Best wishes,



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Thanks Bill!


You amongst many other members of this forum have given me the inspiration to continue with this transplant. It brings a smile to my face to know other people feel the same way as me when it comes to hair loss and how it affects us. Its never been an easy subject to discuss normally, but i feel people here are always extremely supportive which is amazing.


I will consider another transplant around 9 months, but if i feel my laxity has not returned completely, i will take your advice and wait longer.


besides scalp exercises, is there anything I can do to help increase donor area/grafts? For a 2nd transplant? How long did you do scalp exercises for Facl?

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I am honored that I've been partially responsible for encouraging and supporting you. Hair loss is hard to go through and certainly the members of this community are very supportive and helpful. We are all here for a common purpose right? icon_smile.gif


Scalp exercises are about the only thing you can do to help increase laxity, but doing them well can certainly help. Don't start however, until at least 6 months after your first one. It's important to give your donor area time to heal before working to stretch the skin.


I feel a good solid few weeks of doing scalp exercises 30 minutes a day (probably better if you break it up) will help tremendously. I like to go overboard and shoot for a month or even two though. Doesn't hurt icon_wink.gif.



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Hey HairTodayGoneTmrw...


I also got my HT done yesterday the 15th of May at Dr.Keene's. I had my shower this morning and heading over to the airport.


I am from LA and she also offered me a 500$ discount. She placed around 2100 grafts on the frontal region ( I am Norwood 2A). I dont have any pain on the recepient area but some mild pain on the donor area.


I have a suture removal date on the 22nd ...one week from surgery and I plan to do it in a walk-in clinic.


Are you getting on propecia and minoxidil???...Dr. Keene did write me a prescription for propecia.......and I will start propecia from tomorrow and thr rogaine foam....


I will be kicking off my blog soon..

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Hey Avin,


I would suggest getting your sutures out at day 10, not day 7 man. Mine hurt getting out and had to wait a few extra days to fully heal.


Also, wait till around day 10 or 14 before starting the rogaine foam.


Also, make sure you get at least a 3 pack of saline solution from the drug store. You'll want to use all of it in the first 10 days or so. I tried keeping my scalp moist as much as possible , but i still have lots of scabs =\


I've been on propecia for about 2 years now, but don't use the foam. I'm sure you'll have good luck with both!

Anything worth doing is never easy

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Hey HairToday...


I will follow your advise on taking my stures of at day 10....My native hair at the back is pretty long and the sutures are undetectable.


I got the saline solution from Walgreens the ones they use for contact lenses and poured the solution in a spray bottle. I am misting my grafts every hour religiously...Apart from keeping the scalp moist it is also cleaning the blood left around the area.


Though I made the decision to take Propecia, I am still nervous at the side affects...So in the two years you have used Propecia did you have any side affects initially or now ?.....


My blog is up....let me know what you think.... http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=766

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