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Criteria for chosing HT doctor

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I have heard so much about Ron on this forum and I feel he is one of the top 3 easily. I want to chose him for my HT. But, the only concern I have is that he seems to be very conservative and not very agressive like Dr. Feller and other. What u guys think? Does this shud be also the criteria for chosing Doc? Is being agressive good?

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  • Regular Member

I have heard so much about Ron on this forum and I feel he is one of the top 3 easily. I want to chose him for my HT. But, the only concern I have is that he seems to be very conservative and not very agressive like Dr. Feller and other. What u guys think? Does this shud be also the criteria for chosing Doc? Is being agressive good?

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  • Senior Member

There needs to be a definite balance of the two, and a skilled HT doctor should be able to find that range. But if I only had two choices, I would take the more conservative doctor. Someone who is overly aggressive may give you results which look great for a few years, but down the road look incredibly unnatural and possibly ridiculous. If he got too aggressive, your donor supply could be depleted and you would be left with no other options but to sport your unnatural hair for the rest of your life. If a conservative doctor is "too conservative", then there's still hair to work with should you decide that you want another procedure.


This doesn't necessarily reflect the doctors you've mentioned, I'm speaking in general terms.

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  • Senior Member

Wait a minute.


You've heard a lot about "Ron"? Do you mean Dr Shapiro? Are you on a first name basis with him? Show a little respect.


Who says he is "conservative"? And who says that is a bad thing? Check the wide range in age, class and hair types of his patients on this site.


East Coast -- Why do you say "if you need an HT, you will probably be a class 6"? It depends on your genetics. People start and stop balding at different ages. Some never advance past class 2 or 3. Why not say everyone will end up a class 7?

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If you are concerned with a doctors tendency to be "aggressive" in their hairlines, please remember that the ethics in hair transplantation require a physician to consider what you will look like not one year from now, but for the rest of your life. That is the reason for the consultation. This is where you and the doctor discuss your plans for the future of your hair. He has to take into consideration many different areas that include, but are not limited to:


1) Your current Norwood level and the rate that you are thinning.


2) Your donor supply.


3) Your willingness to have subsequent procedures.


4) Your medical history.


5) Your expectations and desires.


There are other considerations, but perhaps this will give you some insight into what is behind some before/after pictures as you look through them.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

The advantage of being agressive is if you get one huge megasession instead of going back and forth with smaller sessions, the less you will scar up your donor area!! Too many small sessions can ruin your donor area and you will have more scars!!But the right doctor is the key of course!!

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  • Regular Member

Bob C, sorry, but I think YOU should show a little respect for other poster's opinions.


Why don't you let him explain why he thinks that Shapiro's (if he's talking about him at all) conservative instead of attacking him for no reason at all?

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  • Regular Member

I do not want to be disrespectful to Dr. Shapiro. I called him Ron cos I like the name. Neways, I read both pro-conservative and pro-agressive view. I kind of agree wid both of them. Still do not know what way to go.


Being agressive is good cos it gives results in least number of sittings and as some one said that it means less donor scar. I also like the point that doctor shud plan wid long term in mind.


By saying that Dr. Feller is agressive is that he told me that he can give me 2500 + grafts and will accomodate them by loweing my hairline but talking the Matt I could see Dr. Shapiro's point too. He said that by lowering hair line initially we might leave lot of gap for balding when the balding progresses. He was not in favor of lowering the hairline and hence he said that he would give me 1500-2000 grafts only in one sitting.


That is what I meant by "conservative" and "agressive" approaches. Still confused..do not know which way to go.


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Would you recommend a mega session of 3,000 or a smaller session of 2,000 if a gentlemen was in his late thirties and progressing eventually to a norwood 6/7?

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