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best doctor in India for HT

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I am new to this forum. I am krishna, 26 years old. I haven't taken care of my hair and i lost hair on top middle portion.


Now, i would like to go through the hair transplantation, Could you please suggest, who is the best in India??


This is to Jagadish,


Hi Jagadish,


I have gone through many questions and i am really felt great the way you have answered and the information you shared with the people.


I have gone through your earlier posts, you said like Dr Rajput from Mumbai is the one of the best doctor in India??


Could you please guide me, what i have to do now??


Guys, kindly suggest me




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Do you have any of your photo?

It is not advisable to have transplant at younger age[unless your pattern is established] there are some good post by Bill about this.Do your research. Dr Rajput has gained a bad name through patient Sahil. I encourage you to do some more research,mean time get on to medication like propecia and/or minoxydil



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Thanks a lot for replying so soon.!! I am going to US in next month.!!


Can you suggest me where i need to go through this surgery in India or in US


But in US it is very expensive but money is not the major criteria


so please help me

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rkreddy and For_Indai,


We do not currently recommend any ethical hair restoration physicians in India who perform state of the art hair transplantation. I recommend using the map feature of our community to find a quality physician nearest to you.


Given legal concerns with Dr. AP on the advice of our attorney we do not host any posts on our forum that reference him.


I have modified the above threads that reference him.


Thank you for understanding,



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Hi Bill,




Even Dr. Rajput is not recomended on this forum due to Sahil. I think we Indians have a very limited option of consulting good doctors. I think probably Sahil is the only person who felt Dr. Rajput is not good. I would try and get in touch with Sahil just to check his progress.

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Hey sandip and others in india..


dont do HT in india..


I had done one here long back..


it was a total disaster..


from all the research i did u r better of not doing ht in india..


try reading jagadish post on the medicines he is taking.. i thinks the medicines work to an extent.. so give it a try..


if u cant afford US and the belgiums.. i sugges t doing a research on this doc in thailand.. heard he is cheap..and good..


hope someday pat will go over to have a look..


abt myself.. i am myself waiting on the us visa.. they have put me on hold.. icon_frown.gif the visa officer was a nw6.. hmmm


if its rejected i am thinking thailand..

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I understand...but i wish i could know wat was the issue with the doctor...


NW5a- Thanks Bro...I am not looking for an HT, may be a doc who can help me save the hair that i have and probably help me grow some hair on the crown..

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If you are not looking for a hair transplant, your best best is to consider trying some of the proven hair loss treatments that are out there such as finasteride (marketed as Propecia) and minoxodil (marketed as Rogaine). Generics are available as well at a cheaper price. Consider buying generic finasteride through www.hairlosstalk.com which I believe to be a credible source to buy generics.


Be sure to consult with a doctor and do your research on these medications to learn the possible benefits, limitations, and risks associated with them.


Best wishes,



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not sure sandip.. i have applied for a work visa to us.. they have put it on hold.. HT is expensive so my plan to work in US for the money..


now i am not sure.. i will wait a couple of months..if it does not happen i may try the Thailand doc..


u try the meds.. and proly with concealers u shud be able to pull it off..

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Hi Bill,


I am currently on Minioxidil and Finastride (twice a week)...I think u must have forgotten abt me...I have been using minioxidil for over 3 yrs now and am happy with the results...I used to take finastride 2 yrs ago but then stopped it due to the advise of my doc as he felt since i was just 23 at time, i could be prone to side effects. After that I noticed a the hair on my crown thinning and now there is a visible patch..I have now again started using Finastride(twice a week) along with some muti vitamin and mineral tab. I consult Dr.Rajput...I am interested in protecting the hair that I have so that I don have to opt for HT later...can Minioxidil or Finastride grow hair back on the crown or stop my hair loss completely....As far as I know they prolong hair loss...




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Hi nm315,


Do u stay in Mumbai...I am interested in concealers..are u using one...If yes, please advise where u got it from and the cost of the product...am planning to buy Dermmatch online, but the product takes abt 4 weeks to reach us..Thanks to our wonderful postal service...



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no i am from bangalore..


i dont use concealers.. bcoz i already lost lot of hair.. just 30( just icon_frown.gif )


concealers need some native hair to cling on to.. which i dont have.. since u r just 23 i think it should work for u.. guessing u still have lot of native hair left..


there is a good post from robert.. abt how to use dermatch... i think even jagadish is using it..


i dont see any recent post abt jagadish..else u could have asked him..


sorry am not of much help..

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Hi nm315,


I am 25 now...I bought nanogen yesterday and my mom was shocked when i actually applied it. So am happy with the result...but just that I feel it in my hands when I touch it..I have read the post from Robert and hence planning to get Dermmatch..So how much would it cost to get HT done from Thailand..I think USA or Canada is still a good option considering the posts I have read so far (if you have that kind of money)..I wonder when India would have such good doctors. We excel in all the fields, but when it comes to Cosmetic surgery we lack... icon_wink.gifmy brother is bald, but does not want to go for HT..He shaves his head and people tell him that it looks cool... icon_biggrin.gif...So have u consulted an docs in India???

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Originally posted by rkreddy:



I am new to this forum. I am krishna, 26 years old. I haven't taken care of my hair and i lost hair on top middle portion.


Now, i would like to go through the hair transplantation, Could you please suggest, who is the best in India??




Hello Krishna,

Apart from the doctor who can not be named here, there is really no other doctor in India whom you can go to with any degree of confidence.


I did a lot of research, and in the process met many patients. If you want HT, and want a recommendation here, I will advise you to read up the coalition list of doctors. Thaey are expensive, but they are good.


I wont trust Dr. Rajput with my dog, let alone with my head.

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You'll have to forgive me. I remember your name and know we've chatted, but I often forget the specifics of cases because I talk to so many people regularly. I'm glad that Minoxodil and finasteride are working for you. Keep in mind however, that these are commitment medications. You will lose all benefits of them once you stop.


There is no guarantee that Propecia or Rogaine will stop your hair loss completely. They can staul it for some time, and maybe even as long as you take the medication - but there is simply no guarantee. But to date, they are still the best line of defense that we have.



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Thanks Bill...Can finastride and minioxidil grow hair back..little bit...do u know of any specific cases who had a baldness problem and then started using minioxidil and finastride thus never having to opt for HT.




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Hello Krishna,

Apart from the doctor who can not be named here, there is really no other doctor in India whom you can go to with any degree of confidence.


I did a lot of research, and in the process met many patients. If you want HT, and want a recommendation here, I will advise you to read up the coalition list of doctors. Thaey are expensive, but they are good.


I wont trust Dr. Rajput with my dog, let alone with my head.


Hi Jolly,


I consult Dr.Rajput not for HT but to try and save the hair that I have. I think Dr.Rajput screwed up his name on this forum is bcoz of Sahil..Do u know of any other patient who had a similar experience. Also have we actually tried getting in touch with Sahil just to check his progress..Nothin against u bro, but i think we cant judge doctors by just one patient. The doctors on the coalition list must have screwed once in their lifetime...I suggest we try and get in touch with Sahil to know more abt his issue...




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Hi For_Indai,


I did my HT 6 years back.. my hair loss was at its early stages.. the docs did the work on my hairline.. the work was very poor..


last 6 years i lost a lot of my hair.. i dont remember the docs name.. but there clinic was near the "Lifestyle" in bangalore

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Finasteride and Minoxodil do a pretty good job at slowing down or stopping hair loss - however, there are fewer cases of hair regrowth with either product. But it IS possible. I have found that it's more likely in hair loss sufferers who have only just started to lose their hair. The further along the hair in the miniaturization process, the less likely chance of revitalizing that hair.


But there are cases out there of the extreme - where these medications did regrow even miniaturized hairs making a for a decent cosmetic improvement.



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