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Young and In need of some advice please!

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Hi to all! Firstly, I would just like to say how beneficial this website has been for me, very imformative, thank you!


So, this is my story i will make it short.... or try too!

At the age of 15 my thyroid packed up (overactive i think), im not sure if this is related to my hair loss or not, just fault i might mention it.


So, I finished school at 16, which was hell and started college, life was finally great, for the first time in years i actually had confidence and was having fun. Then, i noticed quite a few hairs falling out, I took no notice as i was only 18, and no1 in my family is bald apart from one uncle, who did not start losing until he was like 40! Ironically my grandad is 90 and still has full head of hair lol.


Well after about 6 months, i started getting comments, about my hair line etc etc. These comments really bug me, if someone had a big nose i wouldnt go shouting about how big and ugly there nose is!So since then I can only say that i have been obsessed with my hair. I could cover it up quite well with gell sprays etc but it was always on my mind, 'is it raining, windy etc', which was just such a hassle!


I spose it was not until i was 21, that my crown started to thin, again now im 23 i can still cover it as i have grown it quite long, and I dont think people notice that much, but it takes so long to style and if i go out i sod of to toilet every ten minutes to look at it!


Basically losing your hair does suck, especially at my age, I;ve tried finastride, but i did not get on well with it, heart raced and felt ache in the old nuts. HT is just not for me, even though whilst at work I found an english company in stage three trails of a process that takes a small sample and duplicates them...going off topic again!


So basically I'm very close to just shaving it all of and living life again, I want to swim, run, play football, not care if its windy or rainnig. If i could just have a few questions answered i would be very grateful.


1) Can you use nanogen on say cropped level 1 or 2 hair?? and results? any other good products that make the illusion of a better hair line?

2)When my hair falls out, alot of the time there is a hardish bullbus follicle like thing on the end, is this normal?

3)Is there any reputable sellers of rogaine foam in the uk? i-net sites? is the foam any good? (tried the other one, and application was a nightmare)

4)Thinking of just trimming head to 1, is there a way to stop head from shining? any particular technique? how did u feel when u did? what was other peoples reactions?


thanks for reading this, hope it was not too long and boring.



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  • Senior Member

Hi to all! Firstly, I would just like to say how beneficial this website has been for me, very imformative, thank you!


So, this is my story i will make it short.... or try too!

At the age of 15 my thyroid packed up (overactive i think), im not sure if this is related to my hair loss or not, just fault i might mention it.


So, I finished school at 16, which was hell and started college, life was finally great, for the first time in years i actually had confidence and was having fun. Then, i noticed quite a few hairs falling out, I took no notice as i was only 18, and no1 in my family is bald apart from one uncle, who did not start losing until he was like 40! Ironically my grandad is 90 and still has full head of hair lol.


Well after about 6 months, i started getting comments, about my hair line etc etc. These comments really bug me, if someone had a big nose i wouldnt go shouting about how big and ugly there nose is!So since then I can only say that i have been obsessed with my hair. I could cover it up quite well with gell sprays etc but it was always on my mind, 'is it raining, windy etc', which was just such a hassle!


I spose it was not until i was 21, that my crown started to thin, again now im 23 i can still cover it as i have grown it quite long, and I dont think people notice that much, but it takes so long to style and if i go out i sod of to toilet every ten minutes to look at it!


Basically losing your hair does suck, especially at my age, I;ve tried finastride, but i did not get on well with it, heart raced and felt ache in the old nuts. HT is just not for me, even though whilst at work I found an english company in stage three trails of a process that takes a small sample and duplicates them...going off topic again!


So basically I'm very close to just shaving it all of and living life again, I want to swim, run, play football, not care if its windy or rainnig. If i could just have a few questions answered i would be very grateful.


1) Can you use nanogen on say cropped level 1 or 2 hair?? and results? any other good products that make the illusion of a better hair line?

2)When my hair falls out, alot of the time there is a hardish bullbus follicle like thing on the end, is this normal?

3)Is there any reputable sellers of rogaine foam in the uk? i-net sites? is the foam any good? (tried the other one, and application was a nightmare)

4)Thinking of just trimming head to 1, is there a way to stop head from shining? any particular technique? how did u feel when u did? what was other peoples reactions?


thanks for reading this, hope it was not too long and boring.



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  • Senior Member

Sorry to hear of your plight. That said:


1.) Absolutely, and it can work well; the key is extrordinary moderation and delicasy when applying. Nanogen and dermmatch work best, and I would actually say as a stand-alone the latter works best in this unique circumstance.


2.) Not totally sure, but I'm pretty sure I've experienced similiar.


3.) I'm sure there is; best bet, unless someone here recommends one in particular, is to run some "google" searches and look for seller-rating reviews. Rogaine foam is by far the best treatment out there, propecia (and avodart) aside, and the foam is it's best form.


4.) When I buzzed my head I got a lot of "wtf" reactions from people; at the same time, a few people said I looked alright like that, and, in retrospect, I did look OK. A key if you do buzz your head that low is to make sure your surrounding aesthetics are paired up well -- that is, your dress, even your demeonor.....like it or not, there are pre-conceived notions that go along w/ buzzing your head for most people, and you will be generally seem as a more....."aggressive"...."independent".....type of person....my opinion based upon observation, of course.


EDIT -- my HT, while not yet complete, has been a huge success, and a boon for me, no doubt; but, to be totally honest, if my mind/spirit/emotions were once what they currently are, hair aside, I would give serious consideration to simply buzzing my head, "move on" (read: accomplish shit and live), and go from there....of course, it's supremely easy for me to sit here now and say this.....


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

One more tangental bit of info, as it relates to you shaving your head and my "EDIT".....a compromise-like position that I have considered (not that I could/would do it now), would be to use a FUE session (possibly 2-3, but maybe just 1), and via FUE create a buzz-specific framing of the face......not a perfect solution, but some food for thought....


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

There are many young individuals that look sexy and look good with a shaven head. Having hair does not necessarily define who you are. Many of my friends have shaved their heads, and that is wonderful. IF you are comfortable with the shaven head look and feel good about yourself, it is something I recommend to my young patients who may be headed down the road of a NOrwood 7 so I would not recommend hair transplantation. The good news is that it very much accepted and many young patients are doing it. I was recently at a club and so many young patients that have opted on the short or shaven look.

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  • Senior Member

In a vacuum, yes, I would say FUE is best for "short cropped" hair; unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that FUE is not an ideal HT method for most people.


The battleplan I detailed above to utilize FUE in a special way to achieve a suitable buzzed look is one way, IMO, that FUE would become more suitable for someone w/ moderate or advanced hairloss to get a HT and be able to keep a very short hairstyle.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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