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Yo guys i've just found these forums and was wanting to ask a question.


My situation is... I want hair transplants/or somthing too lower my hairline by anything from .6 - 1.2 cm (or around abouts). I'm 19 years old and am wondering what age would be the youngest i could get this done or considered by a reputable surgeon.


and question 2... Is it possible to achieve a fair amount of density by doing this. I mean it's not a great amount that the hairline would be brought forward by, but in terms of numbers/grafts i have no idea of anything like that :o I have quite a thick head of hair apart from that.



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Yo guys i've just found these forums and was wanting to ask a question.


My situation is... I want hair transplants/or somthing too lower my hairline by anything from .6 - 1.2 cm (or around abouts). I'm 19 years old and am wondering what age would be the youngest i could get this done or considered by a reputable surgeon.


and question 2... Is it possible to achieve a fair amount of density by doing this. I mean it's not a great amount that the hairline would be brought forward by, but in terms of numbers/grafts i have no idea of anything like that :o I have quite a thick head of hair apart from that.



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  • Senior Member

I would say, unless you get side effects, start popping Propecia now (I do it, I'm 20). No problems yet.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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I'm sure this isn't what you'll want to hear but you're really too young to consider a hair transplant. I imagine it would be difficult to determine an "pattern" of hair loss at your age which would be very important to aid in develping a plan of attack for possible future loss. If you had a hair transplant at your age and lower the hairline you might not have enough donor hair left if you lose mega-hair in the future.


Meet with a dermatologist or one of the HT surgeons recommended by this site for a consultation and think about starting to take Propecia (Finasteride). It's a DHT inhibitor that has been proven to halt hair loss in many cases and occasionally regrow hair.


Something else............if you don't already do it, start taking care of your scalp and hair. I'm 39 and have had two hair transplants in the last 2 years which may not have even been necessary if I had taken better care of the hair I had when I was younger. Search this site for threads on Nizoral and Nioxin for starters.


Good luck.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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So what age would i find out my pattern of hair loss? I havn't lost any hair at the moment and i do have quite a stong and thick head of hair.


It's not really a case of 'hair loss', or at least at the moment. It's a case of removin hair from the back and lowering the hairline. (I will start taking propecia thanks). I mean would i need to wait until i'm in my 30's to find out if i can have this done?


I'm not exactly happy with my hair line at the moment, and i would take a chance any day if that could be sorted out. And obviously the earlier the better.

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  • Senior Member

Sorry Alan--- your only option is to try a DHT inhibitor as hairbank suggested. At 19, your first order of business would be see a dermatologist, and possibly get a prescription for Propecia. At 19, it is virutally impossible to see any male pattern baldness emerging, so even thinking about a HT is out of the question. Let's look at some positives though-- you found this site, and if you monitor long enough you should pick up some good advice and knowledge. In addition, you might be able to use this knowledge and prevent a friend from making a mistake. Alan, I went bald at 25 years old, a NW6--- I waited 4 1/2 years after that before I had my first of probably THREE surgeries. More than likely, the financial side of hairtransplantation is a strain for most guys in their 20's as well. Anyway, welcome to the forum, feel free to ask as many questions as you need to in order to settle this issue in your own head. icon_rolleyes.gif

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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dhuge is 20 and hes had HT by the looks of it. I'm not trying to cure baldness im trying lower my hairline.


I could get HT at 30, 40 or 50 years old to lower my hairline then 5 years later i could recede though?


The way i see it is if i got it done as early as possbile and did recede (leaving a strip at the front) then either i have enough hair to correct it or i have to shave my hair. If i went bald then i would have to shave the hair off and at the end of the day i would have been bald then anyway.

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I started receding at about 30 years old. It continued to recede for a few more years to a certain point and then it stopped. Got my 1st HT at 43 and then the 2nd this year at 44.


I'm guessing/hoping that there won't be any more hair loss. Will there be? Who knows. It's pretty much a crap-shoot when trying to predict future hair loss, but you can use certain indicators to make an educated guess, such as genetics and age.


So, the bottom line is that many surgeons will refuse to do an HT on you because of your age. However, if you're gung-ho on getting an HT, there will always be surgeons out there that will do it.


Stay on this forum for a few more months and then revisit your desire to get an HT right now. You'll be better informed to make the decision that's right for you, regardless of what that decision is. Good luck!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by alan64:

dhuge is 20 and hes had HT by the looks of it. I'm not trying to cure baldness im trying lower my hairline.


I could get HT at 30, 40 or 50 years old to lower my hairline then 5 years later i could recede though?


The way i see it is if i got it done as early as possbile and did recede (leaving a strip at the front) then either i have enough hair to correct it or i have to shave my hair. If i went bald then i would have to shave the hair off and at the end of the day i would have been bald then anyway.




It's tough to determine when you can establish your pattern of loss. For me personally, I have some receeding in the temples but most of my loss was from the crown forward starting at age 23, I'm now 39. I was around a NW 5V before my first HT. Personally, I'd say my "pattern" was discernable by age 32 or so, it's tough to say.


If you have the HT so young, the issue becomes "how much hair will I lose in the future and will I have enough donor hair to cover it?" You may be ok, you may not. Downside, you start too low with the hairline, don't have enough hair to stay up with the loss and have less than optimal coverage when your done.


Lastly.......If you do get this done with strip FUT you won't ever be able to shave your head without having a very, very long thin(hopefully) "smile" shaped scar on the back of your head from above the ear on one side all the way to above the ear on the other side.


It's your decision but, at your age, I'd strongly advise consulting with a dermatologist about starting Propecia (Finasteride) before having an HT. Give yourself a couple of years on it and see what the results are. You may also try a concealer (I'd advise Dermmatch) to assist you during this time period. You need to have some existing hair to blend in with but in can work extremely well.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Apologise for the name change i couldn't log in.


Anyway, thanks for all of the info you have given me somthing to think about over the past few days.


I am rather set on the opinion to get it done as early as possible. Receding can obviously happen within a wide age range.


I guess there are positives and negatives for waiting though:


A posotive may be that i am going to recede alot, or lose alot of hair (hopefully not! with the aid of propecia). I'm guessing this would generally mean that i wouldn't have enough hair to achieve lowering my hairline aswell as replacing the lost hair. If i waited and this did happen, i guess i would be removing the chance of having a "strip" of hair along my head.


A negative might be that I only recede a little bit, or even not at all. Which may leave enough donor hair to correct / replace the existing and still lower my hairline. (Would mean i have waited longer than I really want to)


Hair Loss could happen at any age, so in my opinion at the min, I say get it done as early as I can and try to minimise the hair loss. Then if worse comes to worse, and i recede alot and dont have the hair to blend in with my hairline, then deal with it then.


(I guess it's about waying up the positives and negatives.)


I can understand that it might be a bit of a risk for that reason. I mentioned earlier shaving it but i think it was hairbank who reminded me it wouldn't be a great option with the scar. I might have to shave the front, get it cut a certain way or have the HT removed (It can be removed by laser right?). Hey, it might not even be that bad


Anyway i'll take the first step in seeing a dermotologist within the next few months, asking about the propecia and listen to what they have to say aswell.


Please keep the replies coming, I'm trying to learn as much as i can. Also if you disagree with me on any point please say so.

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