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How soon can grafts shed and be ok?

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I'm in to late day 4 and have very little actual bloody scabs but just a bunch of "crusting". But I've seen a few hairs of the new grafts actually come out. They aren't being pulled out with any wet tissues but have come out clean with no "root" or anything but a clean tip on both ends. Is this normal? Is this just a hair that was nearly time to come out anyway and is going ahead and shedding due to the shock it's taken by being moved? This is quite unnerving. Is this normal or should I be freaked? To late for the second part... thanks.

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  • Regular Member



I'm in to late day 4 and have very little actual bloody scabs but just a bunch of "crusting". But I've seen a few hairs of the new grafts actually come out. They aren't being pulled out with any wet tissues but have come out clean with no "root" or anything but a clean tip on both ends. Is this normal? Is this just a hair that was nearly time to come out anyway and is going ahead and shedding due to the shock it's taken by being moved? This is quite unnerving. Is this normal or should I be freaked? To late for the second part... thanks.

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  • Senior Member

If you lose a graft, there would more than likely be bleeding from the spot (I can't say that it happens 100% of the time, but far more likely than not).


I think that you are fine at this stage. If you have any doubt, email your physicians just to make sure.





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  • 2 years later...



I think 3 days is a bit premature. In speaking to many elite hair transplant surgeons, most will agree that the first 2 weeks are the most critical for your grafts. By day 9 or 10, they would most likely have to be removed surgically but before that point, I'd use extra care.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

The reason im asking is because alot of my scabs are starting to falling off. I am on day 5. The recipient area where the scabs were looks clean as if nothing was ever. Ifi look reallly close i can see tiny incisions and if i touch it i can feel something (not sure how to describe it). Is this normal?

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