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4 months and a half - No growth, red scar ???

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I had my surgery on Jauary 6th 2006. I had strip excision and 3000 FU transplanted. My scar is still very red and much more than 1 or 2mm on the side of my head where I already had a previous strip excision. I am noticing no growth except maybe that some hair seem to be stronger considering the Minoxidil I have been applying since the surgery. I will post pictures as soon as possible.


Please let me know what your opinions are on my situation.

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  • Regular Member



I had my surgery on Jauary 6th 2006. I had strip excision and 3000 FU transplanted. My scar is still very red and much more than 1 or 2mm on the side of my head where I already had a previous strip excision. I am noticing no growth except maybe that some hair seem to be stronger considering the Minoxidil I have been applying since the surgery. I will post pictures as soon as possible.


Please let me know what your opinions are on my situation.

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  • Senior Member

MT--- Can you post some pictures of your scar and your recipient sites? Also, can you let us know what Dr. performed your surgery? I read your other post and I am a little concerned about your perception of the doctors attitude/handling of your concerns. It is my understanding that any surgery set up over the internet is followed up by an in-depth consultation the DAY OF SURGERY. This is to clear up any issues and also develop a real treatment plan. I just cannot believe that you would go through with the surgery if you did not feel comfortable, but I understand the pressure of being a consumer sitting in a doctors office as well. Please keep us posted as this community is in place to help everyone going through these problems......

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Regular Member



I had ~3,200 (my first) with Dr. Cooley on 01/04/06. My scar is healing quite well and I'm actually seeing some growth (others have commented on it). The no growth thing is normal but the scar being so "red" may not be.


I'm 47 and at my age, people don't heal so quickly, but I'm happy with the scar fading so far. I would suggest a follow up visit with HT surgeon or your regular doctor for the redness.




3,200 on 1/4/06 Dr. Cooley

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I posted my pics in the photo album section...


I tried to include the album in my post but I dont seem to understand the technique ???


I would appreciate your honest opinions about the condition of my scar.



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