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PLEASE HELP - How is Dr. Venkataram Mysore?

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Hellow folks....I need your suggestions please. I am an NRI just visited Bangalore for few weeks and came across Dr.Venkataram Mysore who does HT. I would like to get HT from him next week. If anyone has any sort of opinion or experiences with him, please share them....


Thanks in advance....

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I looked on this site, and there are no docs in India that are on the Coalition or Recommended List. I did a "find" on Dr Venkataram and I found a thread that is almost 2 years old and the topic starter was a memeber named Jagdish who had a HT in India, but no with Dr. Venkatarum; his HT was not of the highest quality--larger grafts placed in stadium row seating style; In the thread it appeared nobody was very familiar with Dr. Venkatarum. This being your first post I assume you are new to this site and the HT process; First, are you on meds to stabalize your hairloss? I would do more research right now, and look into the docs that are recommended on this site. I would not move forward with a HT with Dr. V at this time; maybe other members, and Pat or Bill may have more info. on this doc, but I would not risk it right now.

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