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Any Respectable Lists on Recommended HT Doctors in Los Angeles?


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I am in the process of researching about having a HT, and have so far found this forum very helpful. (I thank you all for this!)


My question is, are there any credible lists available which recommend particular HT doctors in my area (Los Angeles, CA)?


I had actuall met with one doctor listed with this site, "Dr. Taub," located in Torrance, CA. But this inforation on this doctor was limited, and I'd feel more comfortable to be able to consider a few other doctors who are highly regarded.


Any suggestions...? Unfortunately, I do not personally know anyone who has had a procedure.


Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!



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I am in the process of researching about having a HT, and have so far found this forum very helpful. (I thank you all for this!)


My question is, are there any credible lists available which recommend particular HT doctors in my area (Los Angeles, CA)?


I had actuall met with one doctor listed with this site, "Dr. Taub," located in Torrance, CA. But this inforation on this doctor was limited, and I'd feel more comfortable to be able to consider a few other doctors who are highly regarded.


Any suggestions...? Unfortunately, I do not personally know anyone who has had a procedure.


Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!



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I have been doing research for a hair transplant for about 3 months now. Look at this site and try to select someone that's on the recommended list. Make sure you read the post cause they are extremely helpful and will give you alot of insight into the surgery. Also interview each doctor cause after all he or she is working for you. You should consider traveling if you cannot find anyone you are comfortable with in your area. After months of research some of the doctors that are highly regarded by their patients on this site are:


Drs. Hasson and Wong- Vancouver

Dr. Ron Shapiro - Minnesota

Dr. Sharon Keene- Arizona-

Dr. Paul T Rose- Florida-

Dr. Bob Bernstein- New York

Dr. Limmer- Texas

Dr. Rassman- Los Angeles


I am sure there are other excellent surgeons on this site but these are the ones most often talked about. Iwill make my decision in the next few weeks. I have narrowed my choices down to two

Dr. Rose and Dr. Wong. Its a tough decision to make but its one I want to do right since I will live forever with the results. I am comfortable with both surgeons. Good Luck and do your homework don't rush into anything.

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Wzn, regarding doctors. You should definitely be willing to travel out of your area. I met with Dr Straub as well but I did not consider him to be in the forefront of this field. This is my own opinion and what do I know? Dr Bob McClellan at NHI in Beverly Hills area is someone you should definitely interview with. He is I beleive reputed to be one of the best and most experienced in the area doing FU. But why not call and interview Dr Hasson and Wong in Vancouver or Dr Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis if its strip surgery you are looking at. I would be careful to avoid Pederson and Sword hair mills in L.A. and I would also avoid expensive plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills who do hairtransplanting as part of their practice. Just my two cents. best to you,WWH

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While we're touching upon cost, I'd like to add this as well:


I had my first HT with Dr Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis-St Paul, MN, 7 weeks ago. As you may have seen in pictures both on this website and many others, he has a proven track record of producing FANTASTIC hairlines (he did Pat's HT, for example).


I paid for 2000 grafts at the reduced cost of $4.50 per graft (because I was flying in from out of state). It is typical, however, for the Shapiro Group to give you several hundred extra grafts "on them" to better avoid having you pay for more than what you got (I presume). As it turned out, I received well over 2300 grafts, meaning the actual price I paid, per graft, was around $3.79!


BTW, I live in LA myself, and felt that, when it comes to something as life changing as a HT, locality was definitely NOT a factor. Besides, I really enjoyed my little "field trip" over there to boot!


I too will have to wait several months more before I can say whether it was genuinely worth it as well, but - that being the case - again, there's no way I'd go second best on something so impacting as a HT!


Visit their site at http://www.shapiromedical.com/, give them a call, and have them send you a brochure (at the very least). You should educate yourself with ALL of your TOP options, and decide from there before proceeding.




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I had surgery with Dr. Straub. I do not recommend him as I have, in my opinion, a substantial donor scar. I would carefully research my options and consider traveling to another state to get the best possible result.

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Regarding Dr Straub, when I interviewed him he showed me his scar which was at a diagonal along the back upper side of his head. He said if he did two procedures they would involve two separate areas and therefore two scars. I found this strange and in my opinion not at all up to date with the latest advances in hairtransplantation. There really is so much research involved to find the safest and best doctor. best,WWH

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