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I still have scabs after 1 week


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  • Regular Member

Is this normal? Today is 7 days post op and I have been showering every day with the graftcyte shampoo and using the spray. When should the scabs come off? Also, I was planning on lifting weights on saturday (day 9). Will that disturb the grafts? When can I start showering normally?


Thanks for your help guys...

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  • Regular Member

Is this normal? Today is 7 days post op and I have been showering every day with the graftcyte shampoo and using the spray. When should the scabs come off? Also, I was planning on lifting weights on saturday (day 9). Will that disturb the grafts? When can I start showering normally?


Thanks for your help guys...

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  • Senior Member



Today is day seven for me as well. Congrats! For some people, it takes a bit longer. I lost most of my scabs yesterday and the rest today.


My routine is get in the shower and let the water soak my head for what seems like 5 minutes and then apply the shampoo and rub with the pads of my fingertips to loosen the scabs. I let the shampoo soak on my head as much as possible and then rinse thoroughly and then shampoo and rinse two more times. Just be careful not to use your fingernails to loosen the scabs!


I'm not sure if any of this helps or is new info. It worked for me, so I thought I'd share.


I was advised not to exercise for a week, but wouldn't be ready to start weightlifting this weekend. I want to give my incision more time to heal internally, as well as externally. Some folks said their doctors advised stayong out of the gym for a month to avoid stretching in their donor scar. I plan to ease back into the workouts over the next few weeks.


Mr. T


Mr. T's web page

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