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Everything posted by Stanley

  1. Is this normal? Today is 7 days post op and I have been showering every day with the graftcyte shampoo and using the spray. When should the scabs come off? Also, I was planning on lifting weights on saturday (day 9). Will that disturb the grafts? When can I start showering normally? Thanks for your help guys...
  2. Is this normal? Today is 7 days post op and I have been showering every day with the graftcyte shampoo and using the spray. When should the scabs come off? Also, I was planning on lifting weights on saturday (day 9). Will that disturb the grafts? When can I start showering normally? Thanks for your help guys...
  3. Micro, I hope you were being sarcastic when you said, "Just wait to see how self-conscious you are AFTER an HT!" Do you mean directly after when the grafts are still growing or for the rest of your life? I definitely don't want to be MORE self-conscious than I am now! The whole point of an HT is for your hair to be a non-issue, right? It will hopefully stop me from looking in the mirror every ten seconds to cover up the receding hairline. Being more self-conscious and paranoid would kind of defeat the purpose, in my opinion. Can you please clarify what you meant?
  4. Manko - do you have pics? Also, if there is anyone else out there with a hairline similar to mine, please let me know what you are doing about it and whether or not you have pics so I can compare. Thanks.
  5. Thanks Jotronic. Ok here it goes again, I'll try to upload the file. I hate the V-look. I'd take the U-look over the "V" any day of the week. Usually I comb it down ceasar style so you can't see it the way the picture shows my temples. I look at before and after pictures of patients getting hairline work done and it looks awesome. Especially hearing their stories about how it changed their life for the better and all that. I dont want a 19 year olds hairline. I want a natural receding one, but not a huge receding line. I am young, but I have my head on straight. I understand the risks and uncertainties of a HT at my young age. Let's say for arguments sake that I took proscar for a year and got no real results on the hairline. Let's also presume that everyone in my family is a NW 5. If I was willing to get conservative work done on the hairline by a very reputable doctor, would anyone disagree with a HT decision at the age of 25? I would love to hear it from you guys on this one. And yes I would be willing to continue to take proscar and yes if need be, I would be willing to get more work done, hopefully not a lot more work would be necessary. What do you think? frontnoflash.bmp
  6. Any quick suggestions on how to shrink the file size of my pics? I can e-mail it to myself but when I download it the file size grows.
  7. My pic was too big to post. I will try it again. The cheap jam cam isn't doing the job.
  8. Here is one with my eyebrows showing. I know the pic quality sucks but its all i got for now. I will give the Proscar a try. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. And here is one from the top. No flash, so it's not as bright.
  10. I have been reading everyone's posts on this site for a few weeks now and finally I have decided to post some pics. Please let me know what you guys think. About myself - I am 24 years old. I have thick wavy dark brown hair all over my head except for the frontal area as you can see from the pics. My father is a NW 5 as well as my 3 uncles. The receding hair line started when I was 19. I just started Proscar although I don't think it will work on the front area, but we'll see. Sorry if the pics aren't the best quality. I have been researching HT's and doctors. I would appreciate all your opinions! Thanks.
  11. I have been reading everyone's posts on this site for a few weeks now and finally I have decided to post some pics. Please let me know what you guys think. About myself - I am 24 years old. I have thick wavy dark brown hair all over my head except for the frontal area as you can see from the pics. My father is a NW 5 as well as my 3 uncles. The receding hair line started when I was 19. I just started Proscar although I don't think it will work on the front area, but we'll see. Sorry if the pics aren't the best quality. I have been researching HT's and doctors. I would appreciate all your opinions! Thanks.
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