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Is Ultra Refined finally being accepted as the new "Gold Standard"?

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The most recent September/October issue of the Hair Transplant Forum (a professional journal distributed amongst hair restoration physicians) featured an article entitled "A super megassession of 2,800 to 4,000 follicular units packed to 40-50 FUs/cm2: Are you prepared?". The article was written by Coalition member Dr. Arthur Tykocinski of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


In this article he raises the big question of the day ??“ "Do we really want to realize that we have to move on, changing again and again the procedure, to get to the new gold standard? Are we up to this challenge?" Dr. Tykocinski then went on to detail his truly optimal ultra refined procedure from A to Z.


Educated patients online have known for the past two or three years - that the "gold standard" in hair transplantation has moved from standard follicular units to bigger sessions of ultra refined follicular units.


But which physicians have risen to the new standard? Those few, like Dr. Tykocinski, who have met this new and ultra high standard are eligible for membership in the Coalition. But to date this amounts to only a couple dozen clinics out of hundreds who provide hair transplantation.


Hopefully the rest hair restoration profession will catch up with him and the other elite members of the Coalition.


Dr. Tykocinski gave me his permission to present his article on our blog, I think it really spells out the new Gold Standard. To read this article click here.


Feel free to post your comments here or on the blog.


Onward and Upward, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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The most recent September/October issue of the Hair Transplant Forum (a professional journal distributed amongst hair restoration physicians) featured an article entitled "A super megassession of 2,800 to 4,000 follicular units packed to 40-50 FUs/cm2: Are you prepared?". The article was written by Coalition member Dr. Arthur Tykocinski of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


In this article he raises the big question of the day ??“ "Do we really want to realize that we have to move on, changing again and again the procedure, to get to the new gold standard? Are we up to this challenge?" Dr. Tykocinski then went on to detail his truly optimal ultra refined procedure from A to Z.


Educated patients online have known for the past two or three years - that the "gold standard" in hair transplantation has moved from standard follicular units to bigger sessions of ultra refined follicular units.


But which physicians have risen to the new standard? Those few, like Dr. Tykocinski, who have met this new and ultra high standard are eligible for membership in the Coalition. But to date this amounts to only a couple dozen clinics out of hundreds who provide hair transplantation.


Hopefully the rest hair restoration profession will catch up with him and the other elite members of the Coalition.


Dr. Tykocinski gave me his permission to present his article on our blog, I think it really spells out the new Gold Standard. To read this article click here.


Feel free to post your comments here or on the blog.


Onward and Upward, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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Hi Pat! Thanks for posting this article by Dr. Ty-ski. I am fairly skeptical as a rule, but I must confess, it was rather refreshing for once to read an honest appraisal of the industry, in addition to this doctor giving examples of how the insight and expertise of many other dr's contributed to where his practices have arrived at today. I am not really familiar with Dr. Ty-ski's work, but I have never heard any negative feedback either. I know that Pat holds him in high regard, which as many of the members here know, is good enough for me.

I do not agree with his assessment of the Trico closure, but he is keeping his options open at this point, so we shall see.


The truly disturbing thing is that we are almost thru 2006, and as we enter 2007, many HT doc's are still employing out-dated techniques, requiring this type of "call-out" by Dr. Tykocinski to those who are still operating in the stone age. It is sad to think that very little in the way of accountability in this industry exists. I look forward to the day where a definitive standard of excellence exists as a measuring stick of accountability.

I would hope that many read this and realize that many doctors have had an impact on the industry making up the practices and procedures that the best doc's in the world employ.

Thanks Again Pat, as I think our presence here is making a difference.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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