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Is there a good doctor in my country?


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Hello I'm from Cyprus,Europe,I would like to go through surgery but I don't know which doctor I should trust.Is there a way I can find an appropriate doctor in my area?I don't know where to start looking from.I know that people from all over the world can seek advise from this community to where they can find a decent doctor but Cyprus is a small country,I don't know if you have in mind any doctors over here..

I would appreciate it if someone can tell me of the steps in order to find a good doctor.

Thanks in advance...

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Hello I'm from Cyprus,Europe,I would like to go through surgery but I don't know which doctor I should trust.Is there a way I can find an appropriate doctor in my area?I don't know where to start looking from.I know that people from all over the world can seek advise from this community to where they can find a decent doctor but Cyprus is a small country,I don't know if you have in mind any doctors over here..

I would appreciate it if someone can tell me of the steps in order to find a good doctor.

Thanks in advance...

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  • Senior Member

I am not aware of any docs period in Cyprus but I can offer one piece of very important advise. Do not hesitate to travel as this will be a lifelong decision. There are only approx. 30 well known highly skilled physicians world wide. Spend a lot of time researching.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks I will post some pictures soon.While I was on the net earlier I found a centre called HDC which performs hair transplants.It seems that there are many centres under this name all over the world,like a chain company.Do we have any information on this?

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I'm not aware of any top hair transplant surgeons in Cyprus. But Transmed in nearby Turkey does some impressive and refined follicular unit work. Their medical director, Dr. Melike Kulahci, is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network in Europe.


I suggest you consider them (even though the Turks may have fought over Cyprus if I'm not mistaken).


Best wishes, Pat

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Thanks for your reply,we are not allowed to visit Turkey as we have some issues going over here so no hope for that.I am willing to travel but answear me a question first please.Would you go for surgery to a doctor that you don't know if you were not be able to travel?

I am leaving for studies in the states in 1-2 years,do you thing I should leave it for then so I can go to a reputable physisian?

Also one more thing,is there a reliable society that can suggest names of physicians that actually do work?

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  • Senior Member

Hello Philippos and welcome to the forum,

As we tell all new members we'll need your statistics:

- Age

- Are you taking any kind of Finasteride/Dutasteride or Minoxidil? If so which one, brand, generic?

- Take pictures of you hair, top, front, back and sides and post them here in the photo album section, you'll get a lot of expert advice. For the best way to take pics go to:



- Ask as many questions as you need, we are here to help. Research, read, learn as much as you can on this forum and on the Multimedia Hair Loss Learning Center:



- Once you are a bit more familiar with the terminology and the different approaches you can guesstimate your own Norwood scale:



- Check members Hair Loss Weblogs to find cases similar to yours, the doctors who did their HT and their results:



- You can also play with the graft calculator to get an idea:



Don't rush, the more you know, the best choices you'll make. Some members spend months here before reaching their best educated decision.

We are looking forward to more of your details so we can be more helpful.

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