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Propecia/Rogaine and Buzzing your head

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This seems like a stupid question to be asking, so I appologize if it is (someone once told me there are no dumb questions... lets see if that stands up).


First, some info:

I'm 24, and in the past few years my hairline has been receading. I have a noticable bald spot in the back and the front line is whispy. I have solid hair coverage on top, however from front to back it's about the size of my hand (not so solid, I guess). I really noticed the recession seemed to kick up an extra notch last summer when I did a treatment of Accutane (for acne). If you've read about Accutane kicking your follicular butt, it seems like it's true.


Regardless, my question: While I wait for nature to take it's course and do more damage to my scalp (and self-esteem), I've considered buzzing my head down to 1 or 2 guard length. If I do this, and take propecia as well as use rogaine, will there be results? Will the lack of lots of hair prevent the medicine from helping? This seemed like a stupid question to ask because hair starts at the skin, not above it... but, these forums have been incredibly helpful, and I couldn't find an answer to this question after searching for awhile.


ANY help would be appreciated, guys.




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This seems like a stupid question to be asking, so I appologize if it is (someone once told me there are no dumb questions... lets see if that stands up).


First, some info:

I'm 24, and in the past few years my hairline has been receading. I have a noticable bald spot in the back and the front line is whispy. I have solid hair coverage on top, however from front to back it's about the size of my hand (not so solid, I guess). I really noticed the recession seemed to kick up an extra notch last summer when I did a treatment of Accutane (for acne). If you've read about Accutane kicking your follicular butt, it seems like it's true.


Regardless, my question: While I wait for nature to take it's course and do more damage to my scalp (and self-esteem), I've considered buzzing my head down to 1 or 2 guard length. If I do this, and take propecia as well as use rogaine, will there be results? Will the lack of lots of hair prevent the medicine from helping? This seemed like a stupid question to ask because hair starts at the skin, not above it... but, these forums have been incredibly helpful, and I couldn't find an answer to this question after searching for awhile.


ANY help would be appreciated, guys.




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  • Senior Member

Not a stupid question at all.


"If I do this, and take propecia as well as use rogaine, will there be results? "


when you say this, please remember that the definition for results has a different meaning when talking about these medications.


the main purpose of propecia, is to PREVENT future hairloss.

and while rogain(minoxidil) is meant for hair growth, its best to just hope that you use it keep your hair and not hope for staggering results. i use minoxidil and i see results toward the crown, a little bit more thickening.


now on to your situation, you say you want to buzz it to a 1 or 2.


i see not problem with this, i aqtually think its a good in regards to applying medication and other reasons.


if you are to apply rogaine, the liquid is hard and messy if your hair is longer, and your hair soaks in the liquid when its suppose to be applied to the scalp.


Also an advantage of short hair, is that you are able to see your progress much easier,

with short hair u can take pictures every month and see how you react to the meds.


also one bit of information before i post, i hear that you have a better chance of reacting to the meds if you are younger, and since you are young, youll react quite finly



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Welcome to our community. Your questions are not stupid so don't worry. We all have to start somewhere when we are learning.


The short answer is this: Shaving your head has no correlation to the benefits of the medicine. As tisab said, finasteride primarily helps prevent future loss, though some do regrow hair while using it. Minoxodil may strengthen miniaturized hairs and they may grow more normally again.


The only advantage I can see with a shaved head might be that it would be easier to apply minoxodil.


I hope this helps.



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