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OK....I found this we site and everyone here has great information. I'm looking for a two part answer. One is regarding HT and the other is hair systems, so i'll start here. I have contemplated the HT system for years and countless research and consultations but you never know who is giving the truth.


for the past 12 years I have been shaving my head because of my thinning. How long can you grow your new growth. Mine was long and would like to do so again somewhat. I'm posting some pics. PLEASE help.


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OK....I found this we site and everyone here has great information. I'm looking for a two part answer. One is regarding HT and the other is hair systems, so i'll start here. I have contemplated the HT system for years and countless research and consultations but you never know who is giving the truth.


for the past 12 years I have been shaving my head because of my thinning. How long can you grow your new growth. Mine was long and would like to do so again somewhat. I'm posting some pics. PLEASE help.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Mike and Welcome!!!!


I will answer your question in 2 parts


Hairsystems--- While these have come a long way in the past years and most do not require any surgery, they can be very expensive to maintain and over the long haul, more expensive than 1-2 hair transplants. I currently have 2 friends who belong to Hair Club for Men and every 4-5 weeks they MUST get their system washed, re-dyed, and re-tightened. While this is OK for most people, the "hidden" costs occur when your system comes loose unexpectedly or looks bad and you have to go back BEFORE your scheduled session. For this there is an extra fee. Also, there is a fee for switching hairstyles because they have to order a new system for you.


Benefits-- No surgery, lower start-up fee's, you can change your mind and go back to being bald.

Negatives--- difficult to achieve a natural look. Even more difficult to maintain a natural look between tighten/wash sessions. Long term costs out-weigh hair transplantation. Hidden costs can raise cost as well.


Hair transplantation--- I would think you look like a good candidate, but I would need to see some additional photos of your donor region to offer a better opinion.

In seeing your top-shot, I would say that 5-6000 grafts would really change your overall look. If you look into a HT, I would recommend a 3500-4000 grafts session for #1 and then 1500-2500 for a follow up, if not more.

Again, this is predicated on your laxity and available donor supply and your wallet =)


Please continue to ask questions and if you can post some pics of your temple region and the back of your head, the members of this site can give you a better estimate.


Please consult with 4-5 Coalition Docs by sending in 4-5 high quality photos in order to get a nice sample opinion.

I would start with H&W, Shapiro, Cooley, Feller and any other Coalition Doc that catches your eye.


Compare and contrast the information against a hair system and then go from there.


I hope this helps!!!!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hello Mike- as a 12 year wearer of Hair Club for Men systems, I think I know exactly where your head is at (pun intended). This past year, my MONTHLY fee was over $350. System hair has a shelf life, the more you are in the sun, or wash your hair or have an active lifestyle, the faster the system hair gets thin, faded and tired and patchy. Because I do have a very active life, I had to get 4 systems a year ( Some people actually get 12 systems a year if you can believe that). Additionally, I would go in for removal, cleaning refitting and haircut every 3 to 3.5 weeks, this too costs more money . Why so often you ask---because my hair would look less than perfect, maybe even less than good if I went at the 4 week or certainly 5 week point. Somedays, while sitting in the office at HCM, I'd see guys come in for their visit and their hair would look horrible. Barely hanging on, thin and patchy, heavy oxidization, typically because they were trying to cut costs on an expensive product, sometimes because they were oblivious to how bad it looked. The net result was it screamed to everyone that you were wearing a toupee!!

The total amount of money I have spent on hair systems, to try to keep a natural look, is staggering- --

You may have "toupee radar" , I know I do. I can seemingly see fake hair from 20 feet away and always feared that people viewed me the same way. Almost counter intuitively, I got the system to improve my self esteem but I was so worried about how it looked 24/7, I lost self esteem.

About a year ago, I started to seriously consider alternatives which included HT or shaving my head. Unfortunately, my head has a horrible shape to be shaved ( I have a pin head!). I then got very lucky and found this site-----I did a huge amount of research, consulted with 3 Doctors,and have now completed my second HT.

I am happier now than I have been in years. Please do your homework, try to talk to people that have systems, or at least get your radar turned on and start viewing the people that have "systems".......then ask yourself is that the solution or is a permanent, natural HT the way to go ( or just go au natural as you are now).

Good luck with your decision, I know it is a traumatic time for you. Please view my photos or the many others that have taken the time to post on this forum.

If you have any specific questions about systems or HT's, please ask.

Welcome aboard. Salt-n-Peppa

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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Welcome to the forum Mike.

BSpot and Salt&Peppa have given you excellent advice.

- Get on Finasteride first, either Propecia or 1/4 Proscar.

- Keep reading and learning on this forum to make the best informed decision

- Post more pictures of your back and sides (I mean your hair of course icon_biggrin.gif ) so we can give you our opinion

- You can grow your new transplanted hair as long as you wish and they will not have the short lifespan of your native hair, you will always keep them.

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BSpot and Salt&Peppa,


I so glad that I found this site. You guys have really helped with the fustration of my decision making. I will take your advise and research more. The thought of a (wig) never sat right with me for years. I'll get more pics posted asap.


Again, thanks so much.

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  • Senior Member

Damn that's good advice!!


I want to shake someones hand.. That type of advice can only be found on here.. No where would you get that on the internet ..


Cheers to this site and the top notch people on here



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Agreed great responses ... S&P- it does not get more real then that, even I wondered about HCM in the past but one can never replace a look from within....Bspot I see the 6.5k grafts have not affected your ability to give great advice, spot on again.


Take it and run with it mikeshair that is some great info from two seasoned vets.

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Welcome to the forums. I can't answer your hair system questions quite like S&P did but I can tell you my experience with transplanted hair. Not only can I grow it long, I can actually grow it longer than it ever would in it's original location in the donor area. When I try to let the back grow long it gets rather disorderly after only a couple of inches. That same hair, now on top, grows several inches with a vengeance. It's odd really, but the truth just the same.


Your case is one that needs to be addressed as efficiently as possible. In other words, one session, absolutely no more than two, and you should be set. You don't want to come back to do this over and over because it will take years to get where you want to be. Not to mention, it will cost more in the long run.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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